Is anyone actually running this in full screen? Has there been any user fixes to the alt+tab = crash problem?
I still use the "FFXIV Windower" that Square C&D'ed at launch. I can share it, if you like.
Is anyone actually running this in full screen? Has there been any user fixes to the alt+tab = crash problem?
Lalas looking badass there <3Yay won Garuda, boy this fight isn't easy on us WHMs. @.@
So for Hamlet Defense, you have to be in the hamlet to know when the "Call to arms" happens? Didnt think it would be instanced after seeing the similar events in XI. Also are people doing pick up groups? Just wondering in case its a time when we dont have any other LS members on.
EDIT: What kind of rewards do you get for winning?
I haven't checked ye, but i doubt we are even at level 1 hamlet this time, the amount of materials you have to give in just to get to level 2 is absurd.
At least it will be easier to win with level 1. sucks when your pickup group kills Ifrit and one of the whms leave with 3 people dead....I am still rather pissed off, especially since it ate my lantern and gave me nothing ><
What's going on here? Meteor in the sky?
What's going on here? Meteor in the sky?
Merl is better![]()
Merlwyb is best leader. Fuck a Raubahn.
I haven't played much since the patch came out, mainly because Xenoblade is like the best game ever and partially because my classes of choice are once again getting fucked over in the Garuda fight in favor of derpy BLM spam and WAR tanks, even after SE took measures to try and stop those very things from happening.
what timezones are you guys the most active?
You should check the new video posted on dot site. If anything, it's all dependent on everyone's skills.
For those to lazy to check the website here it is.
They've reformed and improved all of the major systems since launch. Things like combat and level progression are an entirely different paradigm now. However, there's still niggling issues and remnants of the broken FFXIV, so I have a hard time just saying "Yeah, it's all good now, dive right in". For most people, I say research it and if you're that interested, give it a go, but if you have any doubt, wait for 2.0.Guys, big question here. How much have they really revamped the game from launch FFXIV? I'm really considering playing the game but I really want almost every aspect of launch FFXIV to be gone.
They released PDF files with dates around the time 2.0 was announced.So how far away is the 2.0 release? The videos posted on this page look pretty good actually, much better than what I can remember from playing during the beta.
Guys, big question here. How much have they really revamped the game from launch FFXIV? I'm really considering playing the game but I really want almost every aspect of launch FFXIV to be gone.
So basically what I'm trying to ask is, is this FFXI HD yet? I look at the screenshots and I'm amazed by how it looks... I'd love to play it.
Speaking of big changes to FFXIV, I plan on making a thread for that return event in May. I imagine I should list important changes in the thread... so I'm curious what you guys think are particularly worth mentioning. I already plan to list all the end-game fights and quests/raids and also Jobs.
I really hate the mentality of "this was the first way it was won, so it's the only way!" and the inevitable bitching that leads to.
That seems to happen with every new fight, and I'm glad these guys are showing the whiners up.
Does this kind of thing happen with every MMO, or just FF ones?
Maybe we should just drop the OT2 once that happens? I mean new banner, 2.0 trailer, Dalamud summary, jobs, and all that?
Every MMO i'm sure. You'd think it would be less so in FF, since every FF game...well maybe aside from XIII, you can beat anything with any job combo via the right plan. But yeah, every MMO...especially the "You dont have ____, so you cant join us" mentality.
EDIT: I just realized...this is the first Final Fantasy main series game since...IX that actually has a "go to sleep" theme. A pretty nice one that has a nostalgic feel to it at that.
Waiting until e3 means people with unused accounts will miss the free week or however long it was. Kind of defeats the purpose. Any E3 hype will probably get its own thread considering how news threads worked last time.
SE might give FFXIV a new name, like FFXIV 2.0. That basically means it would be a new entirely new OT wouldn't it? Maybe not. I guess expansions don't get new OT names? Hell, we should just call it |OT 2.0| lol
Daytime US time zones, but there's GMT folk too. Then there's me that's PST but I work 2nd shift . . . so it's sometimes more inline with the GMT XDorking 2nd shift.
Guys, big question here. How much have they really revamped the game from launch FFXIV? I'm really considering playing the game but I really want almost every aspect of launch FFXIV to be gone.
So basically what I'm trying to ask is, is this FFXI HD yet? I look at the screenshots and I'm amazed by how it looks... I'd love to play it.
the job quests can't be soloed, some require at least 4 ppl to even enter an instance, i --mean once the level cap is raised I'm pretty sure you can solo them easily.
I wouldnt really say thats a bad thing![]()
I don't think a team base quest is a bad thing, it's just that you can't enter the instance with just 1 person (maybe you can sneak around the dungeon). One of the AF quest involve you going into the darkhold just to click on a chest, and you need to assemble a full party just to do that.
Luckily though, everyone pretty much has to do that GC quest (into the dark) so there's still a chance to get pickup parties, but it's sorta road block for soloing people.
man i'm not looking forward to doing Aurum Vale to get my PLD AF, does it overlap with any GC or AF quests?
The AF in Aurum Vale is stupid easy to get.I don't think a team base quest is a bad thing, it's just that you can't enter the instance with just 1 person (maybe you can sneak around the dungeon). One of the AF quest involve you going into the darkhold just to click on a chest, and you need to assemble a full party just to do that.
Luckily though, everyone pretty much has to do that GC quest (into the dark) so there's still a chance to get pickup parties, but it's sorta road block for soloing people.
man i'm not looking forward to doing Aurum Vale to get my PLD AF, does it overlap with any GC or AF quests?
Speaking of AF, I need a BRD piece from CC...
Although I may just hold off until I have some other jobs that are AF-ready and do them all at once? But that seems pretty far off, right now.
I'm waiting for a moogle/Garuda/Ifrit weapon to drop (Got my first lvl 50 combat class done after the job quest patch) and whatever weapon I get first, that will be the class I take to level 50 next if its not Archer. I'm mainly focused on getting my crafting classes all to lvl 50 though as I want to be prepared for the eventual housing and social crafting content they are making for 2.0. And yeah... still need my last Bard AF piece in cutters so I can move on to the final quest, my social ls has enough people these days though so I can probably get something going fairly quickly. (My social LS has 10-15 active people almost every night and my end game ls usually has at least 25 people on it at night).
The new team of composers need to work on Final Fantasy XV. Garuda's theme is so good.
Also the more we kill the Primals, we're making the situation with Dalamud even worse. Talk about a catch 22...and Van Darnus has some sort of "Well adjusted Kefka" thing going for him. Think he's working behind Gaius' back/has ulterior motives.
When you see those videos on youtube, the title is stating what music was added for each patch. Whether this was music for a zone that had normal music before or just new music for a new instance-- it doesn't mean the music was changed for an entire zone or something.Are they changing the music with each patch or something? I've never played the game, but I need to know, as it seems weird. When I search youtube for the game's ost, I get a bunch of tracks with "patch 1.xx" in their titles. Can someone clarify this for me?
When you see those videos on youtube, the title is stating what music was added for each patch. Whether this was music for a zone that had normal music before or just new music for a new instance-- it doesn't mean the music was changed for an entire zone or something.
Oh? Didn't know that. For the most part the music remains unchanged update to update, however.Well... technically they did do that a while back for some zones. They added new overworld music in the core 3 regions so that some areas would have a different 'flavor' to them XD. Speaking of new music that brings up another enticing bullet point for 2.0. We should be getting all new music for some of the new zones that are getting split off from the old region themes, that or they go the FFXI route where a ton of zones have no music what so ever and only zones close to towns or cities get music >.>.
Garuda theme is new.