An interesting thread has popped up on the Japanese side basically begging Yoshida to put the release date back because (the individual and some other poor souls) believe there to be extreme problems with how the game works. His main point was that the conducting line (can't think of a better way to translate this word so early in the morning) that introduces players to game is developed in a way to accommodate seasoned MMO players only. The person made complaints that there's no tutorial (yet) on how to seek for a party, how to chat, how to use a Linkshell and so on.
I can't help but feel that this isn't made around "seasoned" players, and instead just "people who play games". I recall going into FFXI a decade ago knowing jack-shit about anything but you learn over time. Is there really such a need for this much hand-holding into the game? Why don't people press buttons until "it works" like we used to do? When is it "too much"?
Last night on Durandal a FC member said there was a new player (JP) shouting in extreme formal language asking how to play the game, like he had absolutely no idea what to do at all. This speaks volumes to me that this player is less a MMO novice and just a novice to gaming in general. He shouted "I'm a beginner, what do I do?" - I think that the introduction does a lot for new players as I tried with my partner, she read the quest dialogue, and immediately noticed the duty list on the side panel telling her where to go. She had only ever played FFXI prior, and there was none of this hand-holding, "here's your quest itinerary, ma'am" back then.
I honestly think that if you're not up to the good ol' fashioned "bang buttons until it works" approach to figuring stuff out you're not ready to play an MMO. I can't help but be biased in my view on this because using a game-pad, keyboard and so on are natural to me, and I imagine most if not all other people who will think about this will find the same, it's hard to think about going into a game with naught knowledge on basic functions, especially movement but I can certainly say that there are better ways to learn instead of jumping into a MMO head first.