Perhaps. I didn't think of ripping from those videos, because I wasn't clear how good the quality was.
You're free to anything in here.
Perhaps. I didn't think of ripping from those videos, because I wasn't clear how good the quality was.
"this week is the last weekend for phase 1"
So nothing new?
nope and a horrible stream
I only hope they don't put TOO much about other FFs.. risking to make realm reborn without own identity. :/
I doubt that would actually hurt ARR, I am kind of glad they are adding all this stuff, maybe it will seem like a Final Fantasy game something I thought FF11 never did, even though it had moogles and chocobos.
I don't recall other Final Fantasys copy-pasting everything from each other. Moogles and Chocobos and common enemy types is usually how it goes. It is unfortunate because XI and XIV have the best settings of the series (except maybe VIII, but whatever).
FFIX was full of references, tributes and allusions to the previous games, this isn't a first for the series.I don't recall other Final Fantasys copy-pasting everything from each other.
FFIX was full of references, tributes and allusions to the previous games, this isn't a first for the series.
Well I think the best place to have more elements from different FF games is something like a MMO. As long as these elements are designed to fit the ARR world I don't have a problem with having a Gold Saucer, Crystal Tower, etc...
Yeah, I agree with the whole post. I want them to come up with their unique story and lore, but at the same time, I really like the subtle and not-so-subtle references (for instance, Dalamud probably was as much a reference to FF4's red moon, home to Bahamut, as it was a reference to FF7). I liked how FF9 was a love letter to the old games while retaining its own identity and I hope this game follows suit.Mount Gulug comes to mind. Reference to the first Final Fantasy complete with music being just an updated instance and it was an integral zone to the world of FFIX toward the end. I think the main thing they need to be careful of is to not let the 'allusions' to past Final Fantasy's mess too directly with the overall lore of the world and the story. Couple bosses and side quests (hell music tracks) are fine (even zone ideas), but lifting wholesale plots and characters from past Final Fantasy's is something I want them to avoid unless they can do it in their own unique way (Dalamuud mirroring the meteor storyline of FFVII, but it had its own unique twists). I think bringing in limit break and the Gold Saucer isn't a bad idea since its almost guaranteed to have its own feel separate from FFVII.
But I worry just a 'tad' bit with the warriors of light plot they rummaged up a bit for nostalgia purposes. Its generic enough to become its own identity, but its also established enough to keep the world from coming up with its own unique problems.
It's very likely. They keep inviting people (they gave Beta invites to all the people attending their PAX East Panel) and they're supposedly still adding servers as they proceed through phases, even though they have deviated from their initial plan by opening more servers earlier than there going to be more beta invites going out for Phase2?
What I'm really looking forward to, as far as impressions go, is phase 3 because there won't be a NDA anymore, so there will be a lot more activity on other forums/blogs/websites. This has the potential to make or break the game.
What I'm really looking forward to, as far as impressions go, is phase 3 because there won't be a NDA anymore, so there will be a lot more activity on other forums/blogs/websites. This has the potential to make or break the game.
It was initially, but they changed the roadmap a few weeks after releasing it. The NDA part was specifically altered between the two versions.Actually, fairly sure the NDA is implemented till phase 4, at least according to the beta test road map. Phase 4 = Open beta, Phase 3 = Regional Server + 1.0 Port Testing and just happens to include a lot of new content and gameplay changes.
It was initially, but they changed the roadmap a few weeks after releasing it. The NDA part was specifically altered between the two versions.
Edit: it will be interesting to see if they decide to change it back to the way it was, will speak volumes about their self-confidence.
What we really need are the people who played FF XIV 1.0 but quit. Once they have access in Phase 3, we'll have a better idea of where the game really stands.
Yeah they did give art cards. My friend that went also got a code for the beta test. I just entered it to my account but am unable to download the beta.Anyone go to the PAX panel? What did they give out? Tried to get there but I was 5-10 min late, and it was completely full. I think the FFXIV twitter posted that there were "art cards," but I'm not sure what they were.
Cannot affect Reborn right now... sure if relaunch doesn't go as hoped we will have to wait and see what the new management has in mind.
Nothing can change now... project is far too close to its end.
with Yoichi Wada resigning, how do you think this will affect ARR?
with Yoichi Wada resigning, how do you think this will affect ARR?
The game will come out. How much "patience" will had the new CEO with it once launched we'll have to see.
I'm talking about number of subscribers and all.
Will miss Wada's appearances in the Live LettersHe seemed genuinely enthusiastic about ARR and I hope his successor will be similarly so.
"Please be assured that our development policy, development attitude and development structure wont be affected at all."
"Our policies havent changed at all, and were pushing forward to the launch of the new game backed by the support of the whole company.
Actually our sense of responsibility towards the rebirth of Final Fantasy XIV is strengthened. As producer and Director Im determined and prepared for it and Im working hard to deliver the best game I can.
Please dont worry."
Agree. The project is too much important to think about any sort of change.
Hah, yeah, first thing I thought of when I read about the resignation.Will miss Wada's appearances in the Live LettersHe seemed genuinely enthusiastic about ARR and I hope his successor will be similarly so.
with Yoichi Wada resigning, how do you think this will affect ARR?
preemptive resigning paints a scary picture for FFXIV 2.0
Are you assuming Wada made the choice to remake ARR on his own? wouldn't something like that have to go through the board of directors and the CFO in the first place.
Someone's resignation is nothing to be scared about.
not overall, no. i don't think it says anything positive about his faith in the success of FFXIV 2.0 though.