no invite yet 
any chance we'll see more invites go out during the week?
any chance we'll see more invites go out during the week?
So I recently got a new computer and I'm trying to re install the beta yet whenever I try to install/update using the launcher an error comes up saying
"A problem occurred while updating.
Please restart FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn (Beta Version)"
I've restarted it and even uninstalled and reinstalled it but it's not making a difference. Does anyone know how to fix it?
Windows® 7 Users
If an error requesting that you install Windows Vista Service Pack 2 occurs during installation, please follow these steps:
Right-click ffxivsetup.exe and open Properties.
In the Compatibility tab, click Change settings for all users.
Uncheck the box for "Run this program in compatibility mode for: and click Apply.
u using windows 7?
Anyone know how the updater works here? Is it possible for me to download from another computer than transfer the folder/files and on the computer where I want to play, it'll just verify?
Thank you for your interest in FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn! It is our pleasure to inform you that you have been selected for the role of Beta Tester. Be sure to read over this e-mail thoroughly and we look forward to your assistance during the testing process.
So if you are already in beta coz of legacy and they email you another invite, what's up with that?
So with the next Live Letter being on Thursday I hope we'll get more info on these:
- Materia - I wish they'd remove the RNG melding and just make materia rarer.
- Limsa Lominsa footage
- Primals - I think Ifrit/Garuda are confirmed to be in at launch but what about Good King Moggle Mog XII? I know they have already shown artwork of him.
- Roaming Primals - More details on how these will work and how summoning them works.
- First Arcanist footage
So with the next Live Letter being on Thursday I hope we'll get more info on these:
- Materia - I wish they'd remove the RNG melding and just make materia rarer.
- Materia - I wish they'd remove the RNG melding and just make materia rarer
Agreed, I don't care how they do it as long as they do.
I would be happy to pay an extortionate fee on melding tbh as long as it removed the randomness, ie a factor of 10 for every additonal materia or something. (pay the materia goblin to meld at 100% or get a player to meld for you with random chance ?).
Anyway, not expecting them to really change the overall system from 1.x due to concerns for broad economic balance, but since the topic was brought up, got any ideas?
Well Yoshi said the materia system has been revamped.
As what, 1.x or beta? Either way the answer is likely "yes" since late 1.x crafting was moving towards the system shown for ARR anyway.So hey guys, will the crafting system remain pretty much the same at launch?
Assuming in ARR you can still convert most gear into materia after being spirit bound like in 1.x, selling gear to an NPC will generally be pointless unless you're in a rush to clear inventory space.Any reason to keep gear rather than sell it? (de-synth, salvage mechanics?)
Mining and armorer, blacksmith, goldsmith, and alchemist.What are good crafting/gathering jobs to supplement a Gladiator main?
Botanist and weaver, carpenter, goldsmith, and alchemist.What are good crafting/gathering jobs to supplement a Conjurer main?
I think this is a neat idea. To make things more interesting, maybe you could use a certain catalyst acquired from dungeons or primals to subsidize the amount of gil needed. Maybe an alternative to the generic dark matter consolation prize?In the Land of RNG over in TERA, where your item stats can be re-rolled randomly, there is an option to basically pay out the nose to progressively remove randomness from your item's stats (Spellbinds)... it can be prohibitively expensive, but at least the option is there if you want to pay to get the most out of your gear (which isn't at all necessary to clear the game's content, but obviously never it hurts and lets you clear faster).
I think a similar system could be worked into XIV... maybe going off Jinko's idea, you pay the materia goblin to reinforce your melded gear to make it more resistant to breaking when attempting a double meld (I hate the idea of paying NPC to meld for you, takes meaning away from player crafters), the more you want him to reinforce it, the more it costs you, and it would be exponential not a linear increase, like maybe a 5% boost would only run you 50k but to cap at unbreakable (100%) would run you millions. Would be a great for pulling gil from circulation, too!
The thing is, it would really need to be really expensive--like to the point where you would still feel like the consideration between using that service or chancing a normal multi-meld had some weight--or it would kind of be pointless.
I have a feeling something like this will change. The original justification for the brutal punishment of a failed meld was because the benefit of the materia was so significant, but they've already said that the effect of materia is going to be less extreme, so it would make sense to make the fail state a bit more lax.Yea I would be ok with failure only destroying the materia and catalyst also.
Got my invite =). So Phase 2 begins on Friday, correct?
How do I find the forum to download the client?
Dear Square: I appreciate the invite, but your authentication process is still absolute garbage, your website is a confusing mess, the login process is a cludge, you logged me out after every freaking account change, and I want to kill your website designer.
Seriously what should have been a 'sign in to beta, download client' took me twenty minutes.
Not a good first impression :|
I think there's a feedback section, in bold, on the actual forums.
Dear Square: I appreciate the invite, but your authentication process is still absolute garbage, your website is a confusing mess, the login process is a cludge, you logged me out after every freaking account change, and I want to kill your website designer.
Seriously what should have been a 'sign in to beta, download client' took me twenty minutes.
Not a good first impression :|
Dear Square: I appreciate the invite, but your authentication process is still absolute garbage, your website is a confusing mess, the login process is a cludge, you logged me out after every freaking account change, and I want to kill your website designer.
Seriously what should have been a 'sign in to beta, download client' took me twenty minutes.
Not a good first impression :|
I think SE's website designers and forum admins made only one critical mistake regarding beta-related webpages: assuming people would read the words they put on them.
Phase 2 scope and update notes have been added to the beta forum. Looks like personal Chocobo's (non-combat ones like 1.0) and grand company (with seals and gear acquisition) will be available in phase 2 after all.
it's on the beta forums brah
after you finished with the square enix account, they asked you to make an account for the beta forums right
Hmm. I don't remember them asking me to make a separate beta forum account. I got to the login section of the forum but it would not let me log in I guess due to needing the extra account. I will check it when I get home.