what's that job below puglist?
it could be arcanist since it's weapon is a book, but why is it the only class included?
what's that job below puglist?
it could be arcanist since it's weapon is a book, but why is it the only class included?
I dunno, the gear looks awful artifact-y.I'm guessing it's Arcanist and it's advertised alongside the jobs because it's new.
I think it could pass for normal gear. Could also be class specific gear.I dunno, the gear looks awful artifact-y.
what's that job below puglist?
it could be arcanist since it's weapon is a book, but why is it the only class included?
can someone photoshop that horrible ffxlv X windows 8 thing away?
could've been an AWESOME wallpaper
not skilled enough to remove the microsoft logo in the top right corner though
I fixed up the image earlier for my own use. Changed the white to green because white background are uncomfortable on my eyes. Had to hand-draw in some of the details that the logos destroyed.
I fixed up the image earlier for my own use. Changed the white to green because white background are uncomfortable on my eyes. Had to hand-draw in some of the details that the logos destroyed.
would you mind doing this again but with white background? please?![]()
would you mind doing this again but with white background? please?![]()
I knew that Dragoon's pose reminded me of something...Here you go,
And a new one,
The weird thing would have been it didn't. SE is always referencing that pose with its dragoons...I knew that Dragoon's pose reminded me of something...
Even with... "dragoons", lol.
Dragoon out,
Do I have to buy the game again, I have already bought the old version?
Do I have to buy the game again, I have already bought the old version?
what's that job below puglist?
it could be arcanist since it's weapon is a book, but why is it the only class included?
Hm! Peculiar. Where are you guys finding this art anyway?
Seeing all these pictures makes me really sad because I know of my bad luck I won't get in any of the Betas
Will the public Beta be available for EVERYONE? even those who didn't apply for it? it will be for both the PC and the PS3 versions correct?
did you buy the game and register before servers went down ?
I played the first 2 months.
That Galka PLD look boss, I like![]()
agree with all of this. It's been bugging me quite a bit. I wish the animations were more "beastly" for the non "human" characters as well.Somebody was complaining how the FFXIV races don't differ as much as FFXI, or how they all look like variations of humans? I think this is a good example. They literally look like humans with cat ears and tail. I kinda miss the more bestial features in the races of FFXI.
Galka (big hulky beasts) > Roedlkvevje (big humans)
Mithra (cat creatures) > Miqote (humans with cat appendages)
Taru > Lalafell (more human and taller)
I think lalafell bug me the most. I don't find them cute at all... mostly creepy. And I mained a taru. I wish they took the chance to revamp the races a bit with ARR.
From the amazon page of the game: "a flexible 18 choice class system"
1,2: Archer, Bard
3,4: Lancer, Dragoon
5,6: Pugilist, Monk
7,8: Gladiator, Paladin
9,10: Marauder, Warrior
11,12: Thaumaturge, Black Mage
13,14: Conjurer, White Mage
15, 16: Arcanist, Summoner
17,18: ???, Scholar
If you discount jobs and add in disciples of the land and hand the total becomes 19. Could be nothing, could be something...
agree with all of this. It's been bugging me quite a bit. I wish the animations were more "beastly" for the non "human" characters as well.
17,18: ???, Scholar
"Gentleman" class?
Oh dear, no one tell Hildibrand.
Well, if you discount Arcanist (ie only list the 'old' classes), that makes 18. Amazon could simply work with an older description or SE's marketing department messed up.Cross posting this from BG forums, thought it was interesting.
Link to the amazon page: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B008SBZD9G/?tag=neogaf0e-20
Shouldn't Hydaelyn have some sort of ring since Dalamud exploded? Or did all the shards vaporize/ hit the planet?
Content finder, armoury chest... and again, too many lalafells D:
We’re proud to announce that FFXIV: A Realm Reborn will be at E3 2013 in Los Angeles on June 11-13! While things are a bit hectic as our E3 preparations are in full swing alongside our Beta Phase 3 planning, the development and operations teams have been working hard to prepare exciting content for E3 attendees. If you’re able to attend, you'll definitely want to stop by the FFXIV: A Realm Reborn area at the Square Enix booth! Just what will the attendees be playing at the show? While we don’t want to ruin the surprise, we can say we're planning to let them try out some exciting battle content!
Since E3 is an industry-only event, many people won't be able to participate -- but don't worry! We're also prepping a lot of new videos (including an awesome new trailer!), assets and even some... hm, how should we say... "live" streamed entertainment? We'll have lots of juicy announcements for those of you watching at home, so be sure to mark your calendars!