Yes, because FFXIV needs more DDs.
It could just be a different flavor of Tank. With hp-drains or something.
Yes, because FFXIV needs more DDs.
It could just be a different flavor of Tank. With hp-drains or something.
and the Scholar head piece in XI is called a mortar board.
Oh, and If I already have the dvd disc for PC, do I need to buy it again? All the new stuff is like free in an update?
They usually send pre-order codes through email.Went ahead and pulled the trigger on the Amazon CE. Dunno how the pre-order bonuses work through Amazon, but I can live without the hat and Cait Sith come worse case.
They usually send pre-order codes through email.
Is that when they charge the account?
So as an existing owner of the original physical CE, the only in-game items you miss out on are the mog hat and the Cait Sith doll minion? I'm already pre-ordering a copy of the new CE because it looks amazing but was just curious.
Is the pricing like WoW, where its a flat 60 bucks for a year?
Would love that.
Legacy $9.99 - 30 Days, 40 characters throughout X amount of worlds, 8 characters per server.
Entry $12.99 - 30 Days, 8 characters throughout 1 world a piece.
Standard $14.99 - 30 Days, 40 characters throughout X amount of worlds, 8 characters per server.
Note: Pricing for other features, including longer billing cycles and Retainer Characters, have not yet been decided.
Basically, if you pay for 180 days at once, you'll get it for the equivalent of $12.99/month
That's outdated information, solid.
New stuff is on the preorder page -
Basically, if you pay for 180 days at once, you'll get it for the equivalent of $12.99/month
I don't think I'd plan to have any more than one main character, but is this game going to be like XI where I'll probably want to have one or two mule characters for crafting and such?
Also, I'm trying to decide on my preorder of the CE, but I was wondering: if I were to buy the PS3 version, couldn't I just borrow a friend's PC disc to do the install there as well? Or do you need to tie separate keys to your account for the PC and PS3 versions?
"Mule" characters are actually handled in-game in FF14. You got retainers who hold your items and sell them. There is no gear swapping and your gear will be handled through a specific interface called Armoury Chest. There will also most likely be Free Company storage, so I doubt inventory management will be a huge issue like in FF11.I don't think I'd plan to have any more than one main character, but is this game going to be like XI where I'll probably want to have one or two mule characters for crafting and such?
Edit: beaten.Also, I'm trying to decide on my preorder of the CE, but I was wondering: if I were to buy the PS3 version, couldn't I just borrow a friend's PC disc to do the install there as well? Or do you need to tie separate keys to your account for the PC and PS3 versions?
"Mule" characters are actually handled in-game in FF14. You got retainers who hold your items and sell them. There is no gear swapping and your gear will be handled through a specific interface called Armoury Chest. There will also most likely be Free Company storage, so I doubt inventory management will be a huge issue like in FF11.
I'm pretty sure you'll need different keys.
Legacy is still 10 bucks though?
I don't think I'd plan to have any more than one main character, but is this game going to be like XI where I'll probably want to have one or two mule characters for crafting and such?
I assume you mean "advise against alts"
Am I all right to play with you guys once the PS3 version lands?
Gonna play a White Mage <3
Agreed alts are both pointless and time wasters in FFXIV.
If you bought FF XIV at all, you get to download ARR for free.
It's not an update, it's a whole new client. It is almost an entirely different game set in the same world as FF XIV 1.0
Did you download the A Realm Reborn benchmark here? -
There may be some additional optimizations for the client between now and release, but they haven't announced anything specific. (This is an entirely different game engine than FF XIV 1.0)
When you say you "tried playing a few months back" do you mean sometime before November of 2012? The beta for FFXIV: ARR has been going since February 25th, so if you haven't been invited to the beta, you haven't seen any of the new stuff yet.
Yea, I haven't played since like last year sometime. Like April. Nice to know I don't have to buy the game again. Still that CE is nice. Do you guys think a score of 4044 is good enough? It looked pretty perfect on my machine.
Agreed alts are both pointless and time wasters in FFXIV.
; ;
My alts were useful.
If you and Lily come back, we'll let you keep your alts.
Some people like to make an alt on another account and drag them everywhere with them. Having two characters simultaneously can be pretty useful.
I strongly advise against you having alts in XIV, especially if you want to run with our linkshell. Not trying to be a dick here, I just think it's better for everyone all around.
The ability to be any class/job really negates the need for multiple characters. Also, there are a lot of mission / story gating elements in the character progression that you'll need to accomplish, and you'll probably only want to do them once.
Biggest for me, though, is how alts affect the linkshell. Many of those mission / story things require help from others, usually your linkshell. It's hard enough getting everyone through the content once.
Things get really dicey when it comes to distributing gear. It makes it a lot harder to track, and figure out priorities, and people will invariably get butthurt if an "extra" piece of Darklight gear falls onto an alt, etc. So additional characters just make things worse for the team. Which is why we've pretty much set down a "no alts, period" policy when it comes to endgame stuff.
Also, at least in my experience, people that work on multiple characters just seem to burn out faster. Not only because they're doing the same content over and over, but also because usually the reasons they do it interfere with their ability to enjoy the game. Usually these people just do it for appearance or "character" reasons, and then get frustrated when their character that "was only supposed to be a warrior" has to level something else in order to be an effective member of the team.
They also seem to get frustrated when people won't help their alts through the missions, etc. again, too.
The need for mules remains to be seen. But The two retainers I got in 1.0 were more than enough, and enemies just exploded into showers of items in 1.0, an "issue" they seem to have addressed in 2.0.
Additionally, unlike XI, any gear you have equipped doesn't take up inventory space. And you can equip up to X total Gear Sets at a time for instant switching, meaning that your and your retainers' entire inventory will be available for things other than gear.
What kind of hardware do you have? That's not a bad score, but depending on what you have a video card upgrade might offer a big improvement.
So I can't play Final Fantasy XIV at all right now?
To reactivate my account I have to wait till August 27th? I have an old CE account from 2011 and was thinking about jumping back in now that all the Realm Reborn excitement is kicking in. My account is still there and FFXIV is registered.
Can I install FFXIV now and run updates periodically just to be ready for August 27th?
It's not an update. It's an entirely new client. No need to install what you have.
You should be invited to phase 3, as you own FF XIV already.
Should be starting in 1-2 weeks or so based on what we know.