Aeana D:
Eithne D:
Aeana D:
Hehe....hmmm. Lemme see if I can fine the original CSS file I used to restore the site to how it used to look and make that banner make sense lol
How rude !
lol sorry. Did you change it? I liked how the old background melded into the banner and made it appear asymmetrical and larger than it's supposed to be.
Nah its cool, I kind of broke it when i was messing around so just left it.
Nah its cool, I kind of broke it when i was messing around so just left it.
Choked a little. You must not have played any melee class then. Mob moves at all and you will not hit them, just watch your animations go off over and over as you try.
Great to hear this confirmed.We understand your comments and so we took them back and reconfirmed with the development team and are able to clarify that you cannot change gear while in battle.
Whenever you're on an enemy's hate list (e.g. a paladin that's tanking Ifrit), you won't be able to change your gear. Hopefully that clears everything up, and we apologize for the initial confusion caused.
Btw, I am writing all the LS names suggested so far down. Even the awesome Dinosaur Adventures.
Nah its cool, I kind of broke it when i was messing around so just left it.
Hm, well actually upon checking, I'm no longer able to edit the site. Did someone delete me from the admin list? lol
Anyone use an HDMI cable from their PC for comfy couch XIV? I'm thinking about doing that for PC gaming in general when my main TV is free.
For some reason when I'm playing an MMO I like to have all the compacted information closer together and directly in front of me. I'll put it on the TV sometimes, but not often.Anyone use an HDMI cable from their PC for comfy couch XIV? I'm thinking about doing that for PC gaming in general when my main TV is free.
Anyone use an HDMI cable from their PC for comfy couch XIV? I'm thinking about doing that for PC gaming in general when my main TV is free.
For some reason when I'm playing an MMO I like to have all the compacted information closer together and directly in front of me. I'll put it on the TV sometimes, but not often.
Anyone use an HDMI cable from their PC for comfy couch XIV? I'm thinking about doing that for PC gaming in general when my main TV is free.
hahahahaha you're just posting that gif in every damn thread, aren't you?
I'll be going from 1440 x 900 to 1920x1080, so hopefully I wont see too big of a performance drop (in most games overall). I'm fine a little worse than before, but nothing drastic.
Hrm folks want a separate free company?
What exactly is an FC in ARR? A collection of linkshells?
Hrm folks want a separate free company?
I actually liked "Gathered Against Fate" from Jrpgfanatic. Seems to fit neogaf and the game pretty well. win-win
I don't see why we would need a separate FC then if LS are gonna be sorta like channels.
I actually liked "Gathered Against Fate" from Jrpgfanatic. Seems to fit neogaf and the game pretty well. win-win
I don't see why we would need a separate FC then if LS are gonna be sorta like channels.
Someone here ordered from amazon eu has received the pre-order code yet?
FC is a proper modern MMO "guild". They can have housing a place to store items for the use of the FC, etc...
LS will be reduced as some kind of "private" chat channel.
Reduced? Wasn't that exactly what it was for XIV 1.0?
What kind of PC specs you rolling with?
Personally, I liked NEorzea.
Dat portmanteau
Phenom II X4 955 @ 3.20 GHz
4GB ram
Radeon HD 6870 1GB
Most recent stuff runs pretty smooth.
EDIT: Gathered Against Fate works for me.
Well, Free Companies are going to be exclusive (only one membership per character), no?
It makes sense for there to be a general NeoGAF Linkshell for chatting, so those that want to join a particular FC (Like Red Dot) won't have to abandon all the NeoGAF players that decide to join a different FC.
Particularly if I'm not mis-remembering the fact that FCs are only going to have something like 128 spots.
Great Amicable Friends
Phenom II X4 955 @ 3.20 GHz
4GB ram
Radeon HD 6870 1GB
Most recent stuff runs pretty smooth.
EDIT: Gathered Against Fate works for me.