I'm gonna RP in the LS just for the hell of it.
100g /flirt /dance?
/me is embarrassed
I'm gonna RP in the LS just for the hell of it.
Haha, well, shoot, maybe I'll go for something easier. I could be a Hellsguard and have a name with two English words like Thunder Berry or Flippant Wonder.For the record. Names like yours drive me absolutely nuts . Impossible to pronounce and type out!
I'm gonna RP in the LS just for the hell of it.
Sorry for the delay in clarifying this, and with today's announcement seeming to cause more confusion.
Here is how non-disclosure agreement will work in Beta Test phase 3:
Information will be free to post. Everything is open and you can post freely about any aspect of the beta test and your thoughts on it.
In regards to images and video in Beta Test phase 3:
You can post images of phase 3 (no images from Alpha, phase 1 or phase 2)
You cannot post audio or video.
We will be making a more detailed announcement before the start of Beta phase 3, but I wanted to share this general overview now.
I'm gonna RP in the LS just for the hell of it.
According to FFXIV pads, Sargatanas was the most populated server, I guess?
They also did a Census thing that shows that Elezen females are the least popular.
So can Legacy players transfer to a new server or not?
I've heard that Sargatanas has been selected as "the official RP server" which... kind of makes me want to run far, far away from it.
In the event that your character data has been transferred to an undesired region, we ask that you submit a World transfer application. Applications will be accepted during phase 3, and transfers will occur during phase 4.
Sorry for the delay in clarifying this, and with today's announcement seeming to cause more confusion.
Here is how non-disclosure agreement will work in Beta Test phase 3:
Information will be free to post. Everything is open and you can post freely about any aspect of the beta test and your thoughts on it.
In regards to images and video in Beta Test phase 3:
You can post images of phase 3 (no images from Alpha, phase 1 or phase 2)
You cannot post audio or video.
We will be making a more detailed announcement before the start of Beta phase 3, but I wanted to share this general overview now.
June 06, 2013
Hello all!
Ferenhalwes here.
FINAL FANTASY XIV sound director and resident knee-sock inspector, Masayoshi "Knee" Soken came to my desk this morning and asked me if he could throw something up on the blog. I was ready for another round of tail shots, but something had changed. Here's what he had to say:
Sorry for the recent lack of updates, everybody. It's been a busy, busy month for me and my team, what, with phase 3 of the beta test right around the corner, and then the final release right around the corner after that. It's not like I didn't already have enough work, but no...the big P has to stop by my studio and say, "I want to do something special for E3. MAKE ME SOMETHING EPIC!"
Only "epic," you say? That'll be a cinch! I have something right here in the top drawer of my des─ GAHHHHGRGRH!
But the order had been given. There was no turning back. Anything less than mind-blowing would be deemed a failure. A blemish on my soul. A thorn in my pride. This was E3 we were talking about here. This was FINAL FANTASY XIV we were talking about here!
And so my team and I kissed our wives and girlfriends farewell, and locked ourselves in the studio for six days and six nights with nothing but bags of shrimp chips and tall lattes. We worked our fingers till they grew raw, stared at our screens till our eyes glazed over, blared music until our ears bled. And on the seventh day...it was complete. And it was good.
But "good" wasn't good enough. It needed to be epic.
And so for the final mix, we went to Hollywood and bent the knee to Soundelux's Scott Gershin, veteran sound design expert for countless multi-million dollar motion pictures (and our very own New Beginning trailer). And he smiled and nodded (and sent this picture).
The trailer was now epic.
I must have watched it a thousand times that week...and I still get goosebumps with each new viewing.
Hopefully all of you will feel the same.
Talk to you all again soon!
He's right, you know. It is epic.
Next week, guys!
Dev replied on regional data centres
it pretty much confirmed that there are two regional data centers, JP and EU + NA
sidenote: SE opened a new data center at montreal
Any idea about the location of the EU+NA data centers? This seems like it could be a bad idea.
Is there UI scaling for TV play?
highly likely it'll be somewhere in montreal, it doesn't necessary mean it'll suck though we will know once we actually play come phase 3
Montreal should do nicely
I was expecting New York but its roughly the same distance.
It'll be Dallas.
What makes you say that?
Given that SE already has a brand new datacenter in montreal..
Am I missing something? I don't see anything about server names/locations via that link. o_0
Seems like NA got the shafted on server names on the most part, I like the JP and EU selections much more. I'm glad we got the Ultros server though. If I decide to start from scratch, itll almost assuredly be there.
Quick question for long-time FFXIV players:
Did the Onion Helm come as as bonus for pre-ordering the original or simply if you bought the original CE in 2010?
I used a buddy pass from someone's CE, but I don't think I ever got an Onion helm. I've been told that I should have as the buddy pass is no different than having the CE, minus the physical items of course.
I did however get the Asuran Armguards for having FFXIII.
Is there still any way to get the Garlond goggles and Onion helm for ARR?
Quick question for long-time FFXIV players:
Did the Onion Helm come as as bonus for pre-ordering the original or simply if you bought the original CE in 2010?
I used a buddy pass from someone's CE, but I don't think I ever got an Onion helm. I've been told that I should have as the buddy pass is no different than having the CE, minus the physical items of course.
I did however get the Asuran Armguards for having FFXIII.
Is there still any way to get the Garlond goggles and Onion helm for ARR?
Thanks for the info guys. Did the Garlond Goggles just come in the regular vanilla FFXIV box?
I'm thinking of tracking down sealed copies of both the CE and vanilla original release so that I can get the items. I especially want that Onion Helm.
I invite you to join "follow in-world naming conventions" master race.
Now that the Onion helm was mentioned... I wonder if the new Onion Equipment is just a remodelling of the already exisiting one to make it unique, or it's an all new independent set. The helm is the same, but all the other pieces are completely new (as the old ones were just purple-colored versions of already existing equipment.
Yeah, the Garlond Goggles came from the vanilla one.
Honestly, both items are pretty useless. Onion helm is goofy fun, but not good for much else.
^Where'd you take that pic from?
Well, it looks new indeed, but maybe it's a remodelling of the existing one, replacing the old Onion Equipment (or maybe a high level Onion Equipment?). As the helm is the only same piece as before, maybe it will still be unobtanaible ingame.Is this confirmed that there will be new Onion equipment in ARR? If so, I won't have to go buy the CE because I'm ok not having that exact color. I just want an Onion Helm of some sort.
I will be moving to a jp server too with Jijidasu.
I will be moving to a jp server too with Jijidasu.
Can I join too?
I'm pretty torn at the moment as to move to a JP server or stay with sargatanas GAF LS.
I've been wondering if cross server dungeon raids work between JP servers and EU/NA servers playerbase
Guess I will move from Sargatanas to be on one of the Japanese servers, since I probably wouldn't be able to play with most people form here/my friends because of the time difference.![]()
so, it's going to be durandal?
Sign me up for a Japanese server, kinda disappointed Sargantas will be moved to the Montreal location.
I am pinging 44ms on their east coast server, I am very happy
Lately games (specifically LoL) only have west coast servers, and I was kind of scared this game would do the same.
What east coast server?