Is it Manaward or Wall that protects you from Landslide
Wall. Ward is for plumes and Tumult.Is it Manaward or Wall that protects you from Landslide
Is it Manaward or Wall that protects you from Landslide
I just finished the second dungeon a little while ago, it was a lot of fun. I managed to get up to Sastasha during the beta but I think the majority of people were complete MMO newbies like me so the group I was in really struggled. Then our healer dropped out and we had no hope. But I had a much better party today and we breezed through. Tam-Tara went even more smoothly, although the tank was a bit greedy with the loot rolls. Still I had a lot of fun, I got two commendations at the end and I got a Foestriker Skirt which is way better than what my lancer had before, so I'm really happy.
I joined the beta before I realised that all of GAF is on Ultros. I ended up on Zodiark but I might consider transferring to Ultros at some point, if only because I imagine you lot would be more welcoming to new players. I have a keyboard on the way too so I don't have to spend 5 minutes typing simple messages. Anyway, thanks to everyone answering questions in here and the old beta thread, you all made my life easier without realising it!
How do I deal with spammers? This message keeps popping up in my dialogue box.
I just finished the second dungeon a little while ago, it was a lot of fun. I managed to get up to Sastasha during the beta but I think the majority of people were complete MMO newbies like me so the group I was in really struggled. Then our healer dropped out and we had no hope. But I had a much better party today and we breezed through. Tam-Tara went even more smoothly, although the tank was a bit greedy with the loot rolls. Still I had a lot of fun, I got two commendations at the end and I got a Foestriker Skirt which is way better than what my lancer had before, so I'm really happy.
I joined the beta before I realised that all of GAF is on Ultros. I ended up on Zodiark but I might consider transferring to Ultros at some point, if only because I imagine you lot would be more welcoming to new players. I have a keyboard on the way too so I don't have to spend 5 minutes typing simple messages. Anyway, thanks to everyone answering questions in here and the old beta thread, you all made my life easier without realising it!
How do I learn teleport?
i think im going to jump to Ultros too. i spent half an hour on Ragnarok asking politely for help with this egg event. so far this has been a 1 player event for me and i want to find some folks to hang with and make the game more fun.
It's moving out of the way. Never rely on a skill to save you from those knockbacks.
If I have already bought the ps3 version on my ps3 and have it installed (and been playing it), can someone else buy the game with a different PSN ID on my ps3 and attach their purchased license to their separate SE and PSN account? How does that work when the game has already been downloaded to the system and is locked to me? Does it need to download something?
Just chiming in on the ps4 version. The interface is much better than what I remember the ps3 being. the graphics are great. The trackpad mouse cursor is nice touch. For those wondering, you get a free month when you upgrade your ps3 copy. I didn't have to re sub.
Hardly anyone wears the pants, which is too bad because I think they look nice on females.
Not so much on guys though...
Congrats, now try next coil.I just killed Twintania for the first time with a random party finder :O
I just joined hoping to get more experience. Never expected to kill it...
I have so many questions about that screenshot that I'm not sure I want answers for.Weird you mention sailor pants, I just ran into this masterpiece.
Are the servers down? I bought the PS4 Version today, but i cant even try to logg in, they show me a message that the server would be down, or is this just for people who didnt get early access?
Great, thanks! I'll keep going as I am then.I suggest getting a wireless keyboard.
The story missions (the "flaming" ones) will soon lead you too your first party mission. It's a lv 15 mission. Focus on doing story missions and leave "normal" quests for your other classes.
Are you guys using Jst or your own local time?
I am fairly confident the specifics of the theory are not accurate. The fact that so many people are getting different "it works!" results despite using different versions of it (server/jst/local) combined with it not working for others at all seems to point to RNG be RNG. However I do think it's possible that the RNG in this case is based on a seed that is assigned/changed every hour, which is why a lot of people are getting them near the first half of the hour. Of course even that could be me just reading too much into it. Apophenia is a hell of a drug.
They're fine for me but I got early access.Are the servers down? I bought the PS4 Version today, but i cant even try to logg in, they show me a message that the server would be down, or is this just for people who didnt get early access?
I was using my own Local Time, which happens to also be the same as the server time for Hyperion.
it's safe to say the jp time atma theory is bullshit
god atma is so tiring
it's safe to say the jp time atma theory is bullshit
god atma is so tiring
it's safe to say the jp time atma theory is bullshit
god atma is so tiring
From the Gaf run.
You'll need to buy the game again. But on the bright side, you'll still get the free month out of it, so if you get it for cheap enough you'll be basically just resubbing.I've had a look online but can't find a definite answer to my query. I have FF XIV: ARR on PC. In order to play on PS4 do I need to buy the game again just to effectively get access to the PS4 client and log in with my original account?
If not, I may end up buying a PS3 copy, register it on Mog Station and then upgrade as it's less than half the cost of the Ps4 retail copy.
This game is crack. Did the second dungeon last night... I love my arcanist, such a versatile class.. and I can't believe how good this game looks on ps4
I don't think so.I have the game on PC and I own a PS4, but not a PS3. Is there any way I can buy the PS3 version so I can get it cheaper and convert it to a PS4 version without owning a PS3?
I don't think so.