So what's the final verdict on how the PS4 version runs?
Stunning looking and freaking smooth.
No issues here.
So what's the final verdict on how the PS4 version runs?
So to make things clear, I bought the FFXIV collection's edition when it was on sale on PSN a couple months ago but I didn't touch it after because I wanted to save the 30-day trial for the PS4 version. Do I have to download the game on PS3 first, log in, and then transfer over to PS4? There's no way to skip the PS3 step? I gave my PS3 away to my cousin and I really don't want her to waste her time downloading the game and logging in just for my sake.![]()
Maybe he was on auto-follow?Just finished the Tam Tamara dungeon quest. Went really well. Never had a healer literally stand right next to me during the whole quest though. Figured he'd put himself in unneeded danger at that point. Still, he did a good job and we all sailed through it.
Got it. Thanks.I just did this today. You need to install it on your PS3 and activate the game on your account. As soon as you do that you can transfer to PS4 via the PC, but you need to download the game to your PS3.
I just did this today. You need to install it on your PS3 and activate the game on your account. As soon as you do that you can transfer to PS4 via the PC, but you need to download the game to your PS3.
Aside - any recommendations for a starter class? I wouldn't mind trying the healer but how are they for solo play?
Maybe he was on auto-follow?![]()
Yo dude. Add me.
In game: Naoto Shirogane
PSN: Asane
I have my own FC, but it's been really nice playing with some gaffers in game.
That atma theory must have merit. I spent two days trying to farm and nothing. I follow the theory and within 30 minutes got my first. The hour turned, and I went to the next area and got the next on the first fate.
Very interesting. Going to try that soon. I put it on the shelf and started working on my crafting jobs after atma #5. lol
That atma theory must have merit. I spent two days trying to farm and nothing. I follow the theory and within 30 minutes got my first. The hour turned, and I went to the next area and got the next on the first fate.
Bought the PC version on a whim last night. Rolled a Mage, played for an hour. Nice and colorful, but so far seems pretty standard as far as MMOs go.
What is it that makes this game 'special', other than the Final Fantasy branding?
Use the seals to buy venture tokens and send your retainers out! Quick ventures can get you all kinds of neat stuff, including a Leviathan mirror if you're super lucky.Yeah it was so discouraging never getting a single atma after several hours. So much time wasted doing fates. On the plus side, I have lots of flame seals I have no use for, haha.
Got one once, can't get any anymore. Maybe the jpn time I'm following is wrong.. Is it 3:36 there?
Use the seals to buy venture tokens and send your retainers out! Quick ventures can get you all kinds of neat stuff, including a Leviathan mirror if you're super lucky.
The story, the setting, and the general production values put into the game, really. They didn't just make a pretty world and call it a day. There's a full fledged story that is continuously expanded upon every patch. Every class, every job, has a unique storyline. Dungeons aren't just there for the sake of being there, they all have a history. Cities aren't just there to be a racial city. Every major story boss has a unique theme and location. The villains aren't just throwaway fodder who you ultimately kill. And so fourth.
Put simply, that Final Fantasy branding? Isn't just a branding. They gave it the same attention and care that any other game in the series would have.
So, I'm dowloading the PS4 Beta right now and I want to know a couple of things:
- When does the PS4 beta ends?
- How much does the yearly subscription cost?
- Is one subscription per console or user? Me and another person use the PS4 in my house, so I don't know exactly how this works.
Thanks in advance.
how's <insert class> for soloing
the beta is over, we are in early access right now, game launches monday.
What does that even mean? I can't play this?![]()
Please explain this sending retainers out on an adventure deal? Been away for a while.Use the seals to buy venture tokens and send your retainers out! Quick ventures can get you all kinds of neat stuff, including a Leviathan mirror if you're super lucky.
What does that even mean? I can't play this?![]()
Please explain this sending retainers out on an adventure deal? Been away for a while.
What does that even mean? I can't play this?![]()
For all you newcomers, the true FFXIV starts at Haukke Manor. Anything before that is childs play.
For all you newcomers, the true FFXIV starts at Haukke Manor. Anything before that is childs play.
OK so I love the controls of the PS4 version, I think they work really well. The only thing I haven't quite got down is the map - it seems to be really clumsy compared to on PC, which makes sense to an extent, but I assume I must be doing something wrong as at the moment it's basically unusable. I always used to be able to pull up the map on the left and see where I was vs where my quest market was, but I can't actually work out how to get that up on the PS4 version. I just had to hand in a quest in Ul Duh and I only knew where to go because I recognised the little bit of the map I could see.
Also, playing on a Vita is pretty hard...
I'm not sure exactly what you mean your problem is with the map. You can press square to open the map, and move around on it with the right stick. You can zoom in and out by holding L1 and moving the right stick. You can open up your quest journal, select a quest and view it on the map as well.OK so I love the controls of the PS4 version, I think they work really well. The only thing I haven't quite got down is the map - it seems to be really clumsy compared to on PC, which makes sense to an extent, but I assume I must be doing something wrong as at the moment it's basically unusable. I always used to be able to pull up the map on the left and see where I was vs where my quest market was, but I can't actually work out how to get that up on the PS4 version. I just had to hand in a quest in Ul Duh and I only knew where to go because I recognised the little bit of the map I could see.
Also, playing on a Vita is pretty hard...
Well, the game has been out since August!why all the good names gone? -_-
OK so I love the controls of the PS4 version, I think they work really well. The only thing I haven't quite got down is the map - it seems to be really clumsy compared to on PC, which makes sense to an extent, but I assume I must be doing something wrong as at the moment it's basically unusable. I always used to be able to pull up the map on the left and see where I was vs where my quest market was, but I can't actually work out how to get that up on the PS4 version. I just had to hand in a quest in Ul Duh and I only knew where to go because I recognised the little bit of the map I could see.
Also, playing on a Vita is pretty hard...
You have to pre-order/buy the game to play at this point.
Also, to answer your other questions: subscription is $12.99/mo for one character per server, $14.99/mo for multiple characters per server. Two different people can each have their own characters on the $14.99 plan.
You can have two different subscription accounts on the same ps4 but you'd have to use different psn accounts, buy two copies of the game, and pay two subs.
Mind elaborating a bit on the Vita being hard? Wife is thinking about getting this and one of the big draws is that she could mess around with it on the Vita after our son goes to bed.
Everything is child's play until Titan hard mode, and then not again until T5. I haven't done anything but Hildebrand and the three new dungeons since 2.2 came out since I'm quitting but as far as vanilla goes, nothing is difficult until Titan HM.
I'd agree with this. Not so much because Haukke Manor is particularly hard (it's not) but because it's the first dungeon that really makes you know your role, with bosses that give the DPS something to do besides wail away on the enemy. It's definitely my favorite lowbie dungeon! Always glad when it pops in my Low Duty Roulette.![]()
The Vita binds a number of control options to the back touchpad, which makes it a bit difficult to control for long sessions. It is by no means impossible to play on the Vita (I healed the Lost City of Amdapor on it as a White Mage) but don't expect to do some of the hardest content.
It's probably adequate for your Wife I'd imagine. Especially if she's not doing Titan Extreme.
This is what I meant. If you dont know how to play your role by Brayflox's Longstop, you'll run into some barriers.
Don't forget that you need to tie your Square account with the PSN account, so if you share it your friends will need to be logged into your PSN account to play, and you won't be able to play anything else online on your PS4 while they are at it.Ouch. Kinda expensive but if you can share characters on the $14.99 plan, then maybe I can convince one of my friends to jump into this and pay 50/50 for it.
Create an account on Guildwork, then click on Recruitment and fill out your application. Make sure you use your character name and NeoGAF name.I'm a new player, was waiting for PS4 version to start. Looking to join the GAF Free Company. In on Ultros and my player name is Kingslayer Zewone. What should I do to join?
So what's the final verdict on how the PS4 version runs?
That makes more sense. I thought you meant as a difficulty curve for the story.
Runs well, seems like maximum settings. Beautiful.
There are a few spots that really hit the framerate, especially Hawthorne Hut.
Looking in the general direction of the hut/aetheryte there really puts the hurting on the framerate.
Is that a tough spot for the pc as well?
Yeah, any spot where giant amounts of people gather is always taxing. Revenant's Toll is another one.