You'll need to play both for the cross class skills anyway, so pick one randomly and then try the other one later.Alright, decision time Thaumature or Arcanist? I like the Thau for the bursty magic dmg and would turn to Black mage in the end and but I hear Arcanist is more DoT related and they get a pet.
You'll need to play both for the cross class skills anyway, so pick one randomly and then try the other one later.
That said, my main job is Black Mage and we're awesome. Bonus points if you're a Lala.
Any tips on leveling the secondary? I made the mistake of doing all the quests I could find when I played this at release and had nothing to do but story quests and grinding for my secondary the first time.
This relic reborn quest is unnecessarily complex. Just bought the wrong bloody item from the market.
Any tips on leveling the secondary? I made the mistake of doing all the quests I could find when I played this at release and had nothing to do but story quests and grinding for my secondary the first time.
Sell it back and then buy the real item, and be more careful next time.
1- Equip your preorder hat that gives 20% exp from levels 1-10
2 - Hunting log
3 - Fates
4 - Dungeons
Will this beautiful red and white White Mage robe end up getting replaced?
I designed my character with red hair because I knew it would look good.
lucky for you there's a thing called glamours
FATE parties
This relic reborn quest is unnecessarily complex. Just bought the wrong bloody item from the market.
I think I've heard of this. Is this like on WoW where you can keep the stats/effects of a piece of gear but make it look like another piece of gear for aesthetic purposes?
Please, the new stuff to upgrade the relic will make your brain bleed.
Okay, I'm Level 50, got all my basic WHM gear and trying to get my relic. I need to get my item level up to 52 (I'm currently item level 47) for A Relic Reborn: The Chimera. What's the best way to do that: Amdapor Keep?
I believe Wanderer's Palace is the easier dungeon IIRC but either dungeon should have drops for you. Be prepared if you do WP with randoms though because that is one of the main speed run dungeons so you may get snide comments if you aren't keeping up (and you won't be able to at ilvl 47)
Okay thanks. I was getting snide comments earlier for watching cutscenes in the final story dungeon.
"Why would you play an MMO for the story? lol"
Okay thanks. I was getting snide comments earlier for watching cutscenes in the final story dungeon.
"Why would you play an MMO for the story? lol"
Are you guys using Jst or your own local time?
Okay thanks. I was getting snide comments earlier for watching cutscenes in the final story dungeon.
"Why would you play an MMO for the story? lol"
Noob question! Just hit my second 50, but I started it right after my first 50, so I haven't done any end-game content yet. For the relic weapon quest, is there any easy way to obtain the necessary weapon+materia meld combination without levelling up a crafting class? Or is that a pretty necessary thing to obtain your relic?
Can you redo quest, because I'm on my second class and the quest are to high for me to do them! I'm stuck on lvl 12
Noob question! Just hit my second 50, but I started it right after my first 50, so I haven't done any end-game content yet. For the relic weapon quest, is there any easy way to obtain the necessary weapon+materia meld combination without levelling up a crafting class? Or is that a pretty necessary thing to obtain your relic?
Noob question! Just hit my second 50, but I started it right after my first 50, so I haven't done any end-game content yet. For the relic weapon quest, is there any easy way to obtain the necessary weapon+materia meld combination without levelling up a crafting class? Or is that a pretty necessary thing to obtain your relic?
Ugh, hate it when that happens. Especially in Final Fantasy of all things, the game sets itself apart from other MMOs by providing a story over other things.
The damn battle time limits arent anywhere near as strict as XI, and cutscenes arent anywhere near as whats the big deal?
People wanna go as fast as possible. GOTTA MAXIMIZE THAT MYTHOLOGY GAIN UPTIME!!!!![]()
I leveled up four levels today (20->24) and got my mount! Yay Chocobo!
Are you going to bother and level it?
I got to level 2 with mine and gave up. So sloooooooooooow.
Are you going to bother and level it?
I got to level 2 with mine and gave up. So sloooooooooooow.
You aren't meant to actively level it up. It's more about remembering to have it out if you are doing something else.
You can level chocobos..? Did not know this.
I think I'll make a second character and join you all on Ultros.... assuming I can get in.
I think I'll make a second character and join you all on Ultros.... assuming I can get in.
might i recommend
clouddee striffe
hope you weren't planning to duty find anything!
You should be able to
I know I'm late to the main story but didn't expect this. Last night I was queuing (as a DPS) for Levi HM for ONE AND A HALF hour and still no party..... this is ridiculous.