Do I get my passport at lvl 18? I can't remember for sure.
Do I get my passport at lvl 18? I can't remember for sure.
Lvl 19 gld and I cant seem to find anything to do at all besides guildheists and sastashsa. Am I to keep doing sastasha until I cant do them no more or what? I'm also in gridania and there are a few quest for lower levels I wont bother doing until I change classes or something.
Where do I go gaf?
Oh, and how in the hell do you get your HP up, mines at like 3??.
story quests until lv50
Thanks, now I need to.find those.
Did you try checking Recommendations in the Duty menu?
Yes, all thats there is sastasha and the party training thing. Should I just do those til they disappear?
Trophies were just activated I guess, cuz one finally popped.
You should go back to Limsa and then try the recommendations.
Is there a way to change your role for Guildhests? I'm currently leveling my Conjurer but I kind of suck at being a Healer :/
Is there a way to change your role for Guildhests? I'm currently leveling my Conjurer but I kind of suck at being a Healer :/
No. You'd have to take up a different class/job.
ACN is the one class that branches into two different roles (goes from DPS to healer or DPS). All the other classes retain their original roles in their jobs, so a CNJ will continue to be a healer as WHM.
Yeah my main class is ACN but I'm trying to level CNJ so I can become SMN.
I guess I'll keep at itcheers!
To become a SMN, you have to level ARC to 15.
You should go back to Limsa and then try the recommendations.
Where did it tell you to go after you did Sastasha?They're all lvl 1 recs, do them anyway? I cant seem to find any story missions at all in limsa.
I am a bit new to this MMO stuff so i am sorry if this sounds stupid.... but can we create a new character and start from scratch on a different server?
Very cool. Thanks for the info.Retainers can be assigned their own level and class after completing a level 15 quest in one of the three major cities. They'll gain experience, have their own equipment set, and can bring back valuable items. The "Quick Exploration" option has been known to return some crazy stuff back, including endgame equipment and rare expensive items.
I don't remember selecting a particular sub when getting the game. I decided to get it on PS3 to do the PS3 -> PS4 upgrade program. If the cheapest sub is the default one, then i might be out of luck.Yeah of course, unless you're on the cheaper sub that limits you to x number of characters or whatever I don't see why you can't.
I don't remember selecting a particular sub when getting the game. I decided to get it on PS3 to do the PS3 -> PS4 upgrade program. If the cheapest sub is the default one, then i might be out of luck.
They're all lvl 1 recs, do them anyway? I cant seem to find any story missions at all in limsa.
Is there a way to change your role for Guildhests? I'm currently leveling my Conjurer but I kind of suck at being a Healer :/
Where did it tell you to go after you did Sastasha?
Your next dungeon should be Tam Tara, which is in the Black Shroud. Are you making sure you're doing the quest that have the ! point surrounded by the fancy circle? Once you've gotten airship access, the main quests in your starting city-state end up drying up and then you start continent hopping. I... forgot where you need to go after you're done in Limsa, but I am pretty sure it involves heading to Ul'Dah and Gridania.
Trying looking at the adventurer's guild in Gridania.
When and how do i get a chocobo mount?
You need to do the main quest chain until you enter a grand company and then buy it with company seals.
Absolutely. It's pretty much a must have for all classes who can utilize it.It's definitely worth it for me as a WHM to get my THM up to level 27 for Swiftcast, right?
That would allow me to do one instant Raise in battle, correct?
If so I'll go level up my THM right now.
Absolutely. It's pretty much a must have for all classes who can utilize it.
I was just reading that if you have a summoner in battle, it's the summoner's job to raise as it uses up too much mana for WHM to do it.
No, I'd say if you have an SMN, it's their job to raise the healer should they die in battle. WHMs shouldn't have too many MP issues unless it's in a longer fight where you will almost defo have a bard who can use ballad.
Once they have SoS, using it on CD should mean no mp issues for the majority of game content unless the WHM is being widely inefficient with their heals. (Overhealing, using higher mp heals when they don't/shouldn't need to, etc)
The order is this:I was just reading that if you have a summoner in battle, it's the summoner's job to raise as it uses up too much mana for WHM to do it. I have so far my WHM at LV 30 and ACN at LV 22. Trying to go for Eye for an Eye from the ACN class.. I'll still be leveling up a THM though to get swiftcast. It doesn't only have to be used for raise. Can be used for other stuff too after a raise has been performed.
Mind all the way. Don't bother with anything else. Even with full points in mind, damage to allies need a ton of power.Since we're on the topic... As a WHM, what should I spend my attribute points on? Mind is a given, but I've also been hearing Vit and Piety is good to put in as well. Especially Vit for end game stuff.
Since we're on the topic... As a WHM, what should I spend my attribute points on? Mind is a given, but I've also been hearing Vit and Piety is good to put in as well. Especially Vit for end game stuff.