I don't know why, but I laugh every time I look at this.
Go to: System --> HUD Layout
oh GAF is on Ultros? I should have read this topic before I purchased the game haha
moved it down but as far as i can see the only way i can access that bar is with the ps4 touchpad, is there a better way to deal with the pet bar?
I did my first dungeon last night! I was nervous because watching the videos makes it look so overwhelming, but I picked up on my role quickly and had a great time. I did the duty roulette right after and got the same dungeon; my second pass was even better because the tank was much better at his job than my first pass. I got two commendations which made me feel special inside.
Is it possible to instead of using the duty finder, send out a general invite to the FC for my next dungeon so I'm playing with GAF? If so, how? No one in the dungeon said a word the whole time when playing with strangers.
Levi bow acquired, all I need is the WHM and SMN book and I can never bother with it again.
Why not make a new character? I got up to lvl 9 but started over on Ultros
that mirror though
Howdy fellows.
Decided to take the plunge and purchased the PS4 version after hearing generally positive responses on the game so far. Last MMO I really got into was WoW around Cataclysm so nice to see some ideas were lifted into this one.
Looking forward to exploring the world to see what there is and how it looks on the system. Hearing that old familiar theme at the beginning did bring a smile to my face and surprised when I saw the Magitek mounts in screenshots.
I managed to get on Ultros so hopefully I can join you fellows in adventuring once I send the requests.
As far as learning the ropes go I have a maurader, pugilist, and archer since I figured DPS would make that easier. Just not sure which one will end up being my main yet although the pugilist and eventually the monk does sound fun. Playing on the DS4 controller so i'm a bit intimidated to create a tank character at first.
Suspect an archer though would make learning bosses easier as I go through since I would not be worried about being beaten to death as much. lol
I'm currently idling in the Character Creation, waiting for Ultros to open up. I hope it won't take all night to get on there.. Ill just check every once in a while.
For those who want to know when Ultros or whatever server is open for character creation:
Check this page for updates --> http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/80cd4583bf743600105b947d6906d0909189e479
During periods of high congestion, we may institute a temporary restriction on the creation of new characters.
This information will be updated at the following intervals:
4:00 a.m./ 8:00 a.m./ 1:00 p.m./ 6:00 p.m./ 11:00 p.m. (PDT)
From the OP:
You need to have created a character and logged into the PS3 version at least once. Then you can transfer for free via Square-Enix's account service, Mogstation.
Full details here: http://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/ps4/upgrade/
Archer/Bard is probably one of the easiest roles since you can move and shoot at the same time. The only real catch is you end up being a support role end game which is DPS + buffs with your songs and whatnot.
A friendly reminder to all new players. If you're new to a particular type of group content, then speak up! Nobody minds helping someone who is new, but everyone minds it if you wipe our Garuda HM party twice over because you're too stupid, scared, or selfish to let us know ahead of time you're new to tanking.![]()
Healing EX Levi is pretty easy...I was an idiot and got like...14 stacks but once Tiv explained the mechanic again, I was able to avoid that.
God, this atma shit reminds me of trying to become a Jedi in Star Wars Galaxies.
I run levi ex pugs all the time if people haven't noticed (lol) and there is a healer that joins up regularly that apparently just says fuck it to the mechanic and gets up to 16 stacks regularly during the fight and then just lets the stacks drop off once they max out. At first, I thought s/he was a moron but I've now seen them solo heal a little less than half the fight so props I guess.
It's doable while gaining the stacks, but if you're a WHM and you're working with a SCH, you might as well just toss a regen on the off-tank and trust the SCH to heal the off-tank with their fairy most of the time, and focus on other things. I know in party finder and duty finder, getting two healers to work together can feel like a pipe dream, though.
Even though I whole-heartedly agree with people speaking up, it is sadly not true that "nobody minds helping someone who is new," because a lot of people will leave a group the moment they find out someone hasn't done it before.
I'm mainly referring to stuff that you can find in the Duty Roulette, as it's not like people can abandon those without a penalty. Although it's true you do get a bunch of jerkasses at endgame who are like that.
How do I join GAFs free company?
On ultros.. kepp seeing people with «Gaf»
I don't want to be left ot T_T
I don't believe there's a penalty if you've queued together as a group.
Should I buy this game? Is there a trial period? Is there sub for this game? What's the GAF community like on Balmung? Why can't I create a character on Ultros! How do I join the GAF guild? What's tanking? How do I move this or that or resize this or that? When is the first dungeon? I'm going to play Gladiator and subjob White Mage. How do I maximize my SMN DPS I'm so bad at this job, this game and life in general. Here's some screenshots of my lala. Titan EX wahhh wahhh.
Why do people keep saying this? I just abandoned one the other day while all of us were still in there (yeah, I'm a dick, there was a reason I left) because people kept swearing up and down that there is still a penalty in place. So after my loading screen finished, I que'd right back up with no issue at all.