Anyone else having random 90k's? Feels like the good ole days..
Disable the touchpad from working as a mouse under system configuration.Is there anyway I can disable the touch pad on the ps4 cause it's kinda getting in the way
details! love that mmo drama
Not much to it. FC leader tried to steal our tank for his group, our leader found out, him and his best friend IRL left our FC and the tank took up the offer and went to our main static. Now we're down 2 healers and a tank, all of which were founding members and the leaders.
Its also the third static I've had fall apart and I really don't want to put the effort in to finding another. I'm gonna hold off a week to see what happens but I'm probably going to quit the game. I'm tired of dealing with overly emotional idiots.
In other news, ShinRa exploded haha. All the good players left and started a new FC because Krietor is a complete dickhead. Got what he deserves from what I've been told.
Short in stature, big in problems.
This is the first queue I've seen since the early days![]()
I feel your pain.
My group got T8 down on Thursday and on Sunday 3 of them decided they were done with the game -_-
What happened?
Not much to it. FC leader tried to steal our tank for his group, our leader found out, him and his best friend IRL left our FC and the tank took up the offer and went to our main static. Now we're down 2 healers and a tank, all of which were founding members and the leaders.
Its also the third static I've had fall apart and I really don't want to put the effort in to finding another. I'm gonna hold off a week to see what happens but I'm probably going to quit the game. I'm tired of dealing with overly emotional idiots.
In other news, ShinRa exploded haha. All the good players left and started a new FC because Krietor is a complete dickhead. Got what he deserves from what I've been told.
Anyone else on PS4 just get disconnected? I logged back in and now I have no UI...
Anyone else on PS4 just get disconnected? I logged back in and now I have no UI...
90k'd is a term for being disconnected.90k'd?
Error 90000
90k'd is a term for being disconnected.
It's the number of an error code, most prominently experienced during the launch of A Realm Reborn.
Do you have to use a one time password each and every time you log in? It is a pain. Why can't it be like Valve's system when you authenticate a machine via 2 step? That way, I don't always need to use a one time password. And I have to reenter my password, too? It won't remember it? Weak :/
And I dunno about the story. So far it was an endless barrage of stupid, plain fetch quests. Atm lvl 12 and so far nothing of interest has happened yet. mhh....
Do you have to use a one time password each and every time you log in? It is a pain. Why can't it be like Valve's system when you authenticate a machine via 2 step? That way, I don't always need to use a one time password. And I have to reenter my password, too? It won't remember it? Weak :/
Sorry to hear that, sounds messed up. Come to GAF on Ultros! I imagine that we're going to be forming a few more statics as PS4 players hit the endgame here pretty soon.
I feel your pain.
My group got T8 down on Thursday and on Sunday 3 of them decided they were done with the game -_-
Hey this thing gives you an extra free return location! Worth it.
This is gonna sound elitist as fuck but whatever. If I quit the game, I'm quitting because I won't be raiding second coil and have a severe lack of content to participate in that I haven't done a million times. I don't want to pay $25 to transfer and play through all of that content again. I don't want to grind Twin for hours and hours with new people, I don't want to watch people get booted off the platform in Titan EW or not have enough dps for the nails in Ifrit EW. I've done that for hours. I don't have anything against new players and wish all of the PS4 people the best of luck, but I've already put thousands of hours into this game and have exhausted non-raid content. I have friends on the server and can do all of this causally with them, I don't need to transfer for it.
The problem is that finding any open spot in a static that's seriously attempting Turns 6-9 is almost impossible at this point, especially as a player that mains as a DPS class, hence my position.
Lame. Need a BRD or DRG? That is something I'd actually;y transfer for.
Not elitist, I now understand your predicament. I guess I really didn't realize how much time an effort people pour into the endgame. Good luck!This is gonna sound elitist as fuck but whatever. If I quit the game, I'm quitting because I won't be raiding second coil and have a severe lack of content to participate in that I haven't done a million times. I don't want to pay $25 to transfer and play through all of that content again. I don't want to grind Twin for hours and hours with new people, I don't want to watch people get booted off the platform in Titan EX or not have enough dps for the nails in Ifrit EX. I've done that for hours. I don't have anything against new players and wish all of the PS4 people the best of luck, but I've already put thousands of hours into this game and have exhausted non-raid content. I have friends on the server and can do all of this causally with them, I don't need to transfer for it.
This baby right here:
...when mine arrives, I shall take real photos. It's quite stylish-looking.
On my smartphone look like a pidgeon shit on your brand new console...![]()
Hey this thing gives you an extra free return location! Worth it.
Oh yeah. I figured everyone knew because this was advertised in the launcher.In case people don't know the free ios or android app gives the same thing.
On my smartphone look like a pidgeon has shit on your brand new console...![]()
I downloaded the app but couldn't find anything regarding free teleport. >_>In case people don't know the free ios or android app gives the same thing.
I downloaded the app but couldn't find anything regarding free teleport. >_>
How? :3
GAF FC is not the place for existing hardcore players to join in my opinion, unless you have some set friends already. GAF is amazing until about EX Primals / Turn 5 onward, then there's a large gap. All the old hardcore players have existing statics and don't interact outside their static much on the harder content. There's some roaming players so you can sometimes get groups together, but ideally need a static. Took me a while to create a static and we're still just getting off the ground. Just my take, others experience can be different.
Finally our static beat T5 lol Time to move on
This is what have been known for a while. GAF FC is massive but it is fragmented into small groups and people mostly play their end game with their groups and it is really difficult for newcomers to break into. Of course you will get help here and there but nobody will come to help you run something requiring heavy coordination like T5. Take our coil group for example, we always down a healer or two but we rarely got help from our own FC. We always relied on PUG healers, and lucky for us we've never really run into a complete asshole. I'm not whining or anything. This is very common for any mmo but it's something that any new member should keep in mind.
I dunno. I transferred from Sargatanas around a month ago and since being here (starting with some jobs at 50) have made some friends in the FC, been able to get FC groups for runs together pretty quickly and even cleared the EX primals with full FC groups (Titan was mostly a blur so I've forgotten if it was the same group that then did Ifrit EX or if that was even done on the same day).
It'll obviously be harder to get into a static for new Turns and such because they are already established by now but for other content that stuff isn't really needed (due to there not being any lock outs).
Finally our static beat T5 lol Time to move on![]()