I know she's decked with STR accessories but man, that's still legit DPS for someone MT'ing.
Good to see an FFXI player and the term DD again. Yes, I agree, it is annoying that DPS in this do not keep an eye on their own enmity. In FFXI they would hold off on a powerful attack if they knew the tank didn't have enough enmity yet, but in this they just keep on going.
My main problem with tanking in this so far is that one DPS always seems to try and solo their own mob in a dungeon and I have to change which mob I'm focusing on.
To be fair enmity in this game is a joke
Umm yeah, he likes to rub it in as well if others are not as good. He was nerd raging at some DPS in the Levi group..I hate wannabe elitists..and with gear like that it's not a big surprise..
Also not being able to dodge dives and being dead then blaming the other dps for his death..yeah..no..
Also wud? He was still ShinRa yesterday when I was online iirc. ShinRa has now like 5 people left..Krietor's military regime didn't pay off it seems.
well, inner beast ignores the damage penalty from defiance and that can easily crit for over 1k, and MT should be smacking the boss as much as anyone else in the group but idunno. i don't think it's too hard to believe that a war tank can do pretty good dps when sacrificing pretty much all vit points for str.
Eh I guess you're right, was just super surprising to see on the meter as I've never really seen it before.
Next time I post something maybe you won't argue it *shakes fist*
just finished the quest that unlocked the ability to have my chocobo fight alongside me and I've already forgotten who I can buy gysahl greens from. Who can I buy the greens from and where I can find that person?
just finished the quest that unlocked the ability to have my chocobo fight alongside me and I've already forgotten who I can buy gysahl greens from. Who can I buy the greens from and where I can find that person?
Producer Letter LVI
It seems the new Materia system is in the 2.25.![]()
know some of our players have been looking forward to the continuation of the Zodiac Weapons quests that I mentioned in the recent letter LIVE, but the release of these new quests has been postponed. Our reasoning for this decision is, in brief:
- Many players still have yet to obtain an Animus weapon.
- We would like to incorporate feedback regarding the difficulty of the Zodiac Weapon quests.
- We are working to increase the number of locations where materials for the next upgrade can be obtained.
Many players still have yet to obtain an Animus weapon.
Good to see an FFXI player and the term DD again. Yes, I agree, it is annoying that DPS in this do not keep an eye on their own enmity. In FFXI they would hold off on a powerful attack if they knew the tank didn't have enough enmity yet, but in this they just keep on going.
My main problem with tanking in this so far is that one DPS always seems to try and solo their own mob in a dungeon and I have to change which mob I'm focusing on.
Producer Letter LVI
It seems the new Materia system is in the 2.25.![]()
Oh man I was in one of the dungeons earlier and I had this mage on my team who was fucking everything up. I was marking the enemies, but he'd fight the one I didn't mark or the one I marked with a 2 or 3. The other mage in our party would put one of the adds to sleep, which was awesome, but then this mage would use an AOE and wake it up immediately.
At one point, he just started running ahead and pulling mobs with a magic attack before I could even get to them. I don't know what he was thinking. I told my brother, the healer, to just let the guy pull one and die but he wouldn't haha. I totally understand that there are going to be new people who are trying to grasp the mechanics but something was weird about this guy.
Producer Letter LVI
It seems the new Materia system is in the 2.25.![]()
Nerf incoming
The RNGesus atma drop rates, the 1500 myth per book, the dramatically nerfed FATE spawn rates on the ones for the books were all ridiculous. They wanted to slow player progression but they must not have anticipated just how players would respond to that much grind they were adding all at once. Most players basically were like nope and went off to farm Levi EX instead for weapons or keep themselves busy raiding in the new Coil.
Nerf incoming
The RNGesus atma drop rates, the 1500 myth per book, the dramatically nerfed FATE spawn rates on the ones for the books were all ridiculous. They wanted to slow player progression but they must not have anticipated just how players would respond to that much grind they were adding all at once. Most players basically were like nope and went off to farm Levi EX instead for weapons or keep themselves busy raiding in the new Coil.
The worst part about the 1500 myth grind is that the NPC is obviously scamming you when she sets up the price, and there's no way to call her out on her shit. Argh.
cabt see anything missing or out of place with my character, so why did my password not work?
This was me, I did the Atma drops, but with all the complaining in the FC chat of the Fates required for the books I decided to leave it at Atma until they fix the spawn rates of the Fates, they did this with the Beast Tribe Fates... increased spawn rate, made them solo-able. I'm glad I didn't rush Animus.
The Materia system does need a little refining... but if they don't include ilv 90 Crafted accessories in 2.25, it will still be under-used.
Chalk it up to one of lifes little mysteries.
Seriously though, if you're worried, setup one of the one time password things on your phone if its compatible. 2-step authentication is a good thing to have.
Oh man, it's DRG who gets the silly snake PVP armour. I guess it's time to go MNK, forever.
How do we know this?
I've reached the end of my letter, but allow me to close with a message of congratulations. Exceeding our expectations by leaps and bounds, we were astounded to find the final turn of the Second Coil of Bahamut has been cleared by an intrepid group of players hailing from the Order of the Blue Garter! Congratulations─your skill and commitment is an inspiration to adventurers everywhere. We look forward to seeing more players rise to the challenge of the Second Coil and triumph against the greatest dangers in the realm.
famitsu things we can't post here
so just take our word for it
Yes please.
More gearing options are always appreciated.
90k has become rather regular for me post-last week's maintenance. It's actually quite stable for long stretches of time (the most unstable points are post-major patch), so I imagine they're receiving data and working on a fix that will come with either maintenance or minor patch. I generally don't worry about it too much because playing on PS3, I know it's much easier for them to deal with bug fixes on console hardware since there's significantly less varied specs compared to PC. The same holds for PS4.I upgraded from PS3 to PS4 version last week, and I'm getting disconnected pretty regularly now. I hadn't played in months so maybe this is just a reality of Ultros at this point, but it seems like it got way, way worse. Some of the disconnects can't be solved while I'm in game, and force me to restart my PS4.
Does anyone know what might be causing this? I've barely been playing my PS4, so I'm not sure if other games are giving me disconnects but FF14 for PS3 very rarely did. Is the wifi on my PS4 borked, or is this normal for the game? Obviously even casual raiding is impossible when most DCs end in me getting booted from the Q.
The reward tables for each leve is fixed, but the reward chosen is random, like a treasure chest. Sometimes you get no reward at all, but it might come with bolstered exp/gil.I'm reaching my cap of leve allowances and thinking about spending some in CRP leves, but I'm wondering if there's any decent gear given on high level battlecraft leves, and if it's random or fixed.
I have both at around level 35. I found GLD more fun initially (axe swinging is SO slow), but as of right now I wouldn't swap for anything - all 16 buttons on my main bar are taken and used pretty much constantly.For my second class I'm thinking of going for a tank (first is a healer), so which is the best tank class overall? I believe both warrior and paladin have their benefits, is one more fun to play than the other?
Also, I'm about to hit lv 30 with my conjurer, is there any good reason NOT to go WHM? Is it just a no-brainer?
I didn't know this, but it explains why I'm hitting brick walls in the story quests. Oh well, I only have to queue for a dungeon or two to supplement it, I really want my Chocobo levelled.Just remember that you take an XP penalty for having your chocobo out as it takes some to level itself up. Didn't notice until it was too late and realised I had to grind harder to get through the story missions.
You can skip almost all of them. You can also change the spoken language to Japanese if you want, and keep the subtitles English.I love this game, but the cut scenes are so frickin tedious and the voice acting is embarrassing....
You can skip almost all of them. You can also change the spoken language to Japanese if you want, and keep the subtitles English.