I don't know if this is common knowledge or not, but if you press 'Scroll Lock' on your keyboard, even on the PS4 version (and presumably PS3), the entire HUD disappears so you can take some sexy screenshots.
I don't know if this is common knowledge or not, but if you press 'Scroll Lock' on your keyboard, even on the PS4 version (and presumably PS3), the entire HUD disappears so you can take some sexy screenshots.
lol, miniskirt of healing
Something wrong, or just hooked already?
The only thing you could do wrong is become a lallafelljoke
I don't get why Bards get a recolored caster dress.Yeah bard allagan chest is pretty ugly too. Soldiery one is nice though.
Don't be dissing the thongs of power.I need to level up just so I can use some better looking gear. The best gear I have at the moment is ridiculous.
I don't get why Bards get a recolored caster dress.
At least give them the same armor as the other physical DPS like in the first coil.
If this is your first MMO, then yes it's a lot to take in.I have an active "quest", but I have no idea where I´m supposed to be going because there is no indicator on the map?
Surprised about the text size. The default UI size on the PS4 now is 140% which has been more than fine for me (in fact I made it smaller). I play around 10ft away from a 50" screen.Tutorial screens pop up every 2 minutes with text so small I almost can´t read it.
Hang in there!I want to get in, but the game is really making it hard for me.
I can't help you here, as I'm fairly au fait with how MMOs work from other games.Youtube videos for starters?
Wow. As I level, I actually vendor the really shitty looking gear even if it's an upgrade.I need to level up just so I can use some better looking gear. The best gear I have at the moment is ridiculous.
It's the quality of the item, in game terms.Pankratous Question #495 (I'm really sorry)
In my armour pictures / icons / tiles some of them have a green aura or purple aura etc. What be this?
Pankratous Question #495 (I'm really sorry)
In my armour pictures / icons / tiles some of them have a green aura or purple aura etc. What be this?
In my armour pictures / icons / tiles some of them have a green aura or purple aura etc. What be this?
If this is your first MMO, then yes it's a lot to take in.
If there's no indicator on your map it's likely because it's in a different zone. If you highlight the quest in the journal (start > duty > journal, or you can highlight it on the duty list on the main screen) there's a map button that will show you where it is. But yes, the mapping is not great in this game, and probably the hardest thing to grasp early on.
Surprised about the text size. The default UI size on the PS4 now is 140% which has been more than fine for me (in fact I made it smaller). I play around 10ft away from a 50" screen.
You can increase the size in the system/character configuration menu (not sure which).
If the active help screens are annoying you, you can dismiss them completely (they're available from the start menu). That said, personally I'd try and read them. MMOs by design are huge and complex and you'll need some of the information contained therein.
Hang in there!
I can't help you here, as I'm fairly au fait with how MMOs work from other games.
Wow. As I level, I actually vendor the really shitty looking gear even if it's an upgrade.
Wow. As I level, I actually vendor the really shitty looking gear even if it's an upgrade.
It's the quality of the item, in game terms.
Item "Rarity"
White < Pink < Green < Blue < Purple
Thanks again for the multiple responses guys. Think I'll favorite that page for reference.
You can roll as much as you can, there's no item lockout anymore.finally got into a crystal tower group today
pretty cool raid pity it only gives out 100 myth and gear you can only roll on once a week? (not sure about this a black mage said during the run you can only win one item a week)
probably why it takes so long to get into a group
Thanks so much!
Yes, my first MMO.
Will try everything you said later today.
You can roll as much as you can, there's no item lockout anymore.
Thanks so much!
Yes, my first MMO.
Will try everything you said later today.
I'm telling ya, the real Warriors of Light are the retainers.
Dumb question, but how do you mark monsters for party to focus on?
Leves are by far the best. Ridiculous amounts of EXP (sometimes 3 synthesis per level) and good cash.question for crafting. which is the most efficient?
solely levequests
grinding using quick synthesis
grinding using manual synthesis with increased quality
You can drag the signs to your hotbar like any command.Dumb question, but how do you mark monsters for party to focus on?
Wait, you're almost lv50 ARC and didn't unlock Bard? You're supposed to do it at lv30.So I'm getting close to finishing up the story and hitting 50 on my Archer. Other than that excellent post on what to do earlier, is it worth going for the Bard or spending time with some crafting instead?
Wait, you're almost lv50 ARC and didn't unlock Bard? You're supposed to do it at lv30.
I have no idea how to raise the level cap on retainers. I filled their slots with level 8 shit but they're still stuck at level 10My retainer just brought back the ilvl70 Wolfram Headpiece (PvP) for Tanks through Quick Exploration...
I think my retainer is trying to tell me something....
My other retainer is capped @ level 35 >_<, need to level up BRD to 50 ASAP, so I can get that retainer to 50 (@40.5 BRD)
Should've just made 1 WAR and 1 PLD, no clue why I chose ARC =/
(Don't even have an extra set for BRD gear to put on retainer)
At least my MRD Retainer will be full i90 (if allowed to slot in Coil Gear)
I have no idea how to raise the level cap on retainers. I filled their slots with level 8 shit but they're still stuck at level 10
Thankfully that doesn't hinder their abilities to steal furniture and clear HM dungeons for me.
Your retainer's level is capped to your level, so you shouldn't choose a job you don't use.Regarding retainers: Is there any reason not to have your retainer be the same job your main is?
I just set mine up to show the same crossbar regardless of which order I held down L and R.
I was a bit concerned about getting the order wrong during more intense moments.
OoooohYour retainer's level is capped to your level, so you shouldn't choose a job you don't use.
Ooh, this looks useful./mk attack
Someone posted a handy macro for a tank on Reddit:
/mk attack1 <t>
/ac "Target Forward"
/wait 0.5
/mk attack2 <t>
/ac "Target Forward"
/wait 0.5
/mk attack3 <t>
/target <attack1>
That would mark the first one he wanted, then the next couple within the mob automatically, then start attacking target 1.
question for crafting. which is the most efficient?
solely levequests
grinding using quick synthesis
grinding using manual synthesis with increased quality
I was doing some grinding on CRP last night and realized that when I got the quality up into 100 or so it was more than doubling my experience per item. but then again that was also 4 extra steps. by my math
each item was giving me ~520xp
with quick and say 40 items I was failing 10%. so it was 40 steps to craft 18,720 or 468 exp per step.
with manual synthesis it was two steps. 80 steps at 20,800 is 260 exp per step.
high quality manual was usually around 1200exp. so 48,000 exp at 240 steps is 200 exp per step.
well I guess there's my answer for grinding. Even losing 25% of your items makes it like 390 exp per step in this case.
so levequests right now are around 3.5K per turn in.. plus you get all of the steps from the crafting. So basically as I see it..
levequests/turn ins if you have them
otherwise quick synthesis?
The same info should be on the Lodestone, under "item database" or something like that.Drat...that Libra Eorzea app won't work on my phone. Anywhere else to view this information?
Make sure if you are doing Leves, it's the 3x turn-in and you get a massive bonus for HQ turn-ins. Carpenter is incredibly easy... if I remember correctly there is one for 5x Walnut Lumber, 5x Mahogany Lumber & 5x Rosewood Lumber ( 15 of each with the 3x turn-in )
The 3x turn-in Leve is represented by a Card with an Old Wonan with a girl in the background.
any idea around what level those are with BTN to easily log?
Your retainer's level is capped to your level, so you shouldn't choose a job you don't use.
Don't do triple turn-ins unless you're out of leves.Make sure if you are doing Leves, it's the 3x turn-in and you get a massive bonus for HQ turn-ins. Carpenter is incredibly easy... if I remember correctly there is one for 5x Walnut Lumber, 5x Mahogany Lumber & 5x Rosewood Lumber ( 15 of each with the 3x turn-in )
The 3x turn-in Leve is represented by a Card with an Old Wonan with a girl in the background.
Higher level = better items and bigger quantities.Does it affect the loot it finds in anyway?
Also, why the need for multiple retainers?
Thanks for the help!
Higher level = better items and bigger quantities.
Multiple retainers = moreventures and bigger inventory space.slaves to send to
Make sure if you are doing Leves, it's the 3x turn-in and you get a massive bonus for HQ turn-ins. Carpenter is incredibly easy... if I remember correctly there is one for 5x Walnut Lumber, 5x Mahogany Lumber & 5x Rosewood Lumber ( 15 of each with the 3x turn-in )
The 3x turn-in Leve is represented by a Card with an Old Wonan with a girl in the background.
Don't do triple turn-ins unless you're out of leves.
Courier leves (the ones you get in the city and deliver in a camp) give more EXP per craft and are much faster.
Triple Turn-ins give more EXP per leve, but you need to craft 9 to 15 times (or more) instead of 1-3. This is only useful if you're out of leves.
How do I get gathering and tradecraft leves for my level? I'm a lvl 38 WAR, but my main crafting classes are at about 26. I have CUL at 16 and the others much lower. My miner is around 23 as well. So I'm getting battlecraft leves even at the lvl 25 places, but no tradecraft or gathering leves at that level. So how do I unlock them? And do I have to go to each location to get the proper leves everytime? That last part is why I have 100 of those things to take them and waste a bunch each day.
TradeCrafts Leves will be at a comparable level to that Craft level. So with Culinarian at 16 you'll have access to the lv 15 Leves. Then at lv 20 you'll gain access to the lv 20 Leves.
No, the amount of time you spend crafting 3x the stuff is more consuming than teleports. If you cheap out and set your free teleport and return to the leve pickup in the city and the delivery destination, leveling is much faster and less grueling. The return cooldown time can be spent crafting the next item assuming it hasn't been made already. HQ-ing a 40 durability is harder than an 80 durability, so overall the chances of getting more exp is higher from a courier leve than from triple turn in.This is 3x the Teleporting and less efficient, usually the 3x Leves require minimal materials... in this case just logs. If you really want to power-level a Craft and quickly you do the 3x Turn-in Leves.
Yes I got that, but do I have to actually show up at the location that gives lvl 15 leves to get them? That seems like a pain, since I'd have to go to other locations to get the leves for my more advanced classes.
Right now I'm doing the supply and provision quests for the grand company everyday. It's easy enough, you're already in town so you can buy everything you need to make it or downright buy the item (usually a win on food) and get the free exp. I've gotten most of my classes to lvl 10 just with that, without actually crafting much of anything. I'll keep going till I get them to 15.