English stream from the community team here in ~15 mins: http://www.twitch.tv/finalfantasyxiv
(the lodestone said 8 gmt but is wrong)
Been waiting to see this. Curious who the community team is for ARR.
English stream from the community team here in ~15 mins: http://www.twitch.tv/finalfantasyxiv
(the lodestone said 8 gmt but is wrong)
They said they'd show some new stuff, I hope they actually do.English stream from the community team here in ~15 mins: http://www.twitch.tv/finalfantasyxiv
(the lodestone said 8 gmt but is wrong)
Well, you need to complete that quest that allows you to dye your clothes. Your character will look more uniform, than a colorful clown. It makes a big difference in the look of your character.
That quest is a lvl 20 side quest in uldah, in western thanalan.
Here's my character
I like the storm look, with the dark skin and bright white hair.
All pvp actions unlocked from start in 2.3 with debut of Frontlines. If I did pvp I might actually care about that, but guess it's good?
When I picture Mu Pod on the battlefield I get the image of him with his pigtails shouting, "You're on your own!" and then Dynasty Warriors-ing the enemy while leaving us in the dust.I might look into some PvP when Frontlines debuts. Of course we'll be expecting Felix, Rai, Mupod, and Pel to carry us to victory with their OP gear.
I want to play this game so badly but I'm doing the Bar and I don't have tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime.
Showing FATE progression on the map seems like one of those obvious things, or maybe it's just me
Showing FATE progression on the map seems like one of those obvious things, or maybe it's just me
So does having a way to actually compare two pieces of gear. But apparently it wasn't.
Yeah, having these 4 parties go around doing fates together going to a fate and having it end because some latecomers were doing it alone is really fun.dont you want the excitement of trying to make it to a fate on the other side of the planet/coerthas before it's complete
dont you want the excitement of trying to make it to a fate on the other side of the planet/coerthas before it's complete
All pvp actions unlocked from start in 2.3 with debut of Frontlines. If I did pvp I might actually care about that, but guess it's good?
I might look into some PvP when Frontlines debuts. Of course we'll be expecting Felix, Rai, Mupod, and Pel to carry us to victory with their OP gear.
This game have real money transactions? Or "just" the game price and the subscription fee?
And it does worth all that price?
Im thinking about buying the PS4 version.
Also... When you buy the game do you recieve a period of subscrption with it?
Also my group downed turn 7 last night
Congrats guys!Oh man I can imagine myself grinding my soul out of frontline. Nonstop PvP ahoy for me.
Also my group downed turn 7 last night
Where can I see/read this?
It was from the NA Community Stream from earlier today.Where is this coming from? Japanese forums?
There is no microtransaction in this game, all you pay is the game and then the fee, other than that there is nothing.
The game comes with a 30 day free trial.
I started having less fun with turn 6 when people stopped wiping to bouquet.Congrats guys!
Turn 7 was such a nice breath of fresh air compared to the "un-fun" Turn 6. I still hate that fight, and think I always will. It's just not enjoyable. :/
I'm having a great time with Turn 8, as well. It's a strict DPS race, but there's a lot of coordination/planning involved [when to press certain towers]. It's a lot of fun.
Just as an aside, am I right
Agreed.I started having less fun with turn 6 when people stopped wiping to bouquet.
PvP is separate from PvE.Is there a point to PvP? Like, are you missing out on amazing gear that would help end game or anything?
Is there a point to PvP? Like, are you missing out on amazing gear that would help end game or anything?
so i have two noob questions for y'all:
how does need vs greed work? what beats what, exactly?
how do bonus points work? i get points when i level up my ACN and my THM, and i always dump points into MND (going SCH) but will the points i put into MND for my THM carry over in any way?