If you contact me in game I can hook you up with someone and his FC. (Aki Rouscelia).
Thanks I'll take you up on it later if you don't mind.
If you contact me in game I can hook you up with someone and his FC. (Aki Rouscelia).
Hey, I just hit level 50 and finished the main story. Are there any good guides out there on where to go from here? Not really sure what to do next..
Hey, I just hit level 50 and finished the main story. Are there any good guides out there on where to go from here? Not really sure what to do next..
What server?
I would like to know why the leader of Limsa Lominsa has a sawed off shotgun and we don't.
This is my fear too. There's so much end-game... where to start?
Fake edit: Also again a shout out to anyone here who plays on Phoenix. I know most of GAF is on Ultros, but I was naive to select a European server at the beginning I guess![]()
I had the 2.1 version of this bookmarked, nice to see they keep it updated because who knows then I'll be hitting 50?
Hey guys, just picked this up for ps4, its my first real mmo, I'm liking it so far, but I'm having trouble reading the font for the main mapon my modest sized tv. The other fonts are fine but I can't read the map unless I drop the resolution. Is there anyway to increase the map font size any more then the large setting in the map font setting, or maybe change the font colour so its easier to read?
System -> Character Configuration -> UI Settings -> Map Font Size
EDIT: Just realized you already knew about that option. Use L1 + right stick to zoom in and out.
got all the DRG gear I can so far
Picked the PS3 version up for 19 bucks which seems like a steal. What's the situation with the GAF guild at the moment?
I've never had Odin spawn on top of me before. I'm sure that was a hoot.
Ever since they fixed Odin so that he doesn't disappear and you can actually target him in a crowd, I don't think that Ultros has ever failed to kill him every time he pops.
What is the story with high level players doing really low level FATEs?
I see a FATE a bit away on the map, head towards it, and by the time I get there a load of lv 50s have it finished. This is in a level 5-10 zone.
They are grinding FATEs to get a rare drop (atma) to upgrade their relic weapons.
you and every other dragoon
we need to fight more mobs like this
we need to fight more mobs like this
Part of our irregular series of Things I Found In My PS4 Screenshots Folder.
I'm thinking of switching to Ultros for the Gaf FC, how much does it cost as of now and how do i do this?
(been on Ultros with my PC char back on release and i wanted to go EU this time around on PS4 but finding good groups sucks)
The FATE system is actually really sweet, it's what is making me really connect with this game. I feel like at least while things are new, it just lends an element of unpredictability to my travels - like, what town is going to get raided while I'm sitting there?
Did you defeat Titan in the story? Do your next Summoner quest in Gridania.hey does anyone know how I can get the titan-egi? I'm up to lvl 39 on my main quest an Summon II still just summons the topaz carbuncle. What am I doing wrong?
Well, do you plan on becoming a crafter? That would answer your question.About the craft items I get when killing monsters, should I just sell them or they will have some good utility for me later?
Also I am a level 11 Marauder, may I keep levelling Vit and Str only?
And there's best way to make money while low level, then doing quests?
This is why I love GAF. Thank you.
Did you defeat Titan in the story? Do your next Summoner quest in Gridania.
because it gets you to reddit?
Best description of the FATE system yet pre-50.
The FATE system is awesome...until they started to put quest/storyline/progression items behind them. Then they literally become the worst thing ever. Luckily, that doesn't happen until post 50 (well, 44 if you do Beastman Dailies...)
Well, do you plan on becoming a crafter? That would answer your question.
You should only put points in VIT, not STR.
You do not need any more money than what the game gives you in low levels, so you should not worry about that. By the time you hit 50, you'll have enough money to buy lv49 accessories and the relic quest weapon. If you have only battle classes, the best way to get money is simply to search the market board for stuff you can get, take a look at their prices and farm.