It's a slightly newly running joke in here.![]()
Wait, what? Who is still stunning the Chimera? Is this still a thing? :/
It took me a couple of days off and on during the last beta to get in, but I eventually got it.
Hahaha, my mention of that is probably way out of date. I just got back into the game after a two month break. Back when I was fighting Chimera and Ifrit HM, the stun strategy was still in vogue. I would think that there still might be one or two fights in the game that depend of timely stuns, or at least there will be again in the future.
I seriously think we should consider changing our name to that.TEAM 1% LIVES.
Went into turn 1 tonight for the first time since the echo went in. Good lord. Damage/healing is so much higher.
Also, if any healers want Moogle Ex ribbons, apparently we're the wagon you should attach to, because it's all we ever get.
i use fracture as a warrior. it's good when you need low enmity damage. it also ticks when you have to move away from the target/target moves away from you. i throw it out when i can spare the TP and it doesn't interfere with combos. it's a good skill if you want to play your warrior 100%, because 3 rotations aren't enough and we need more options. it's also more fun. it's useful, but it could use a little buff to pressure more people to use it.
Fracture is a 300 potency hit that you can throw out once every 13 GCDs (12 GCDs for the DoT duration w/o breaking combos and 1 GCD for itself). Considering the average potency/GCD from special attacks of most of those attack strings is ~200, assuming you're not messing with Maim/SE debuff uptime, you're getting an extra 100 potency every 13 GCDs, which is 7.69 potency/GCD. Assuming a baseline potency/GCD of ~370 (SP>SE>BB, which is the median), that's a 2.08% increase in DPS (it's actually lower than this because using it would interfere with Maim and SE debuff).
The problem with Fracture, however, is that it is expensive. The WAR combos all consume 63.33 TP/GCD ((70 + 60 + 60) / 3). As such, throwing in Fracture every 13 GCDs equates to a cost of 64.61 TP/GCD ((63.33 * 12 + 80) / 13), which is a 2.02% increase in TP cost.
As such, in any TP constrained scenario (any prolonged fight without regular periods of doing nothing, e.g. Titan HM and EX, coil), Fracture doesn't really do anything and, in fact, will end up reducing your damage by stopping you from reapplying Maim/SE when you're TP starved. If TP isn't a consideration at all, it's a tiny DPS increase that you probably wouldn't notice.
i use fracture as a warrior. it's good when you need low enmity damage. it also ticks when you have to move away from the target/target moves away from you. i throw it out when i can spare the TP and it doesn't interfere with combos. it's a good skill if you want to play your warrior 100%, because 3 rotations aren't enough and we need more options. it's also more fun. it's useful, but it could use a little buff to pressure more people to use it.
ah i know of this guy. he's good with math. however, this doesn't address anything i've said.
It addresses precisely what you said so well that it almost seems prescient.
then you simply don't understand my post. fracture is useful if you know when to use it. it's not a 3 combo attack. it's a low enmity dot. use that to your advantage.
With Chimera, if you pull it outside and up the hill the Dragon Voice doesn't hit anyone, so you can ignore it and just silence rams. Ifrit has higher stun resist now so you only stun certain ones, to not overdo it.
when do you need a low emnity dot as a war tank?
when you don't need an enmity boost, just damage. simple, eh? for more see my original post.
when you don't need an enmity boost, just damage. simple, eh? for more see my original post.
why not just go through your storm's eye and storm's path rotations for damage instead?
your original post basically says "i use fracture when the downsides of fracture won't apply to the specific situation, therefore fracture is good ."
It has been mathematically shown to you that Fracture is at best TP-neutral and in long fights TP-negative, and at most it represents a 2% DPS increase and that's only if you ignore the fact that it will interrupt your keeping up of Storm's Eye or Storm's Path if you are following their timers and reapplying when they fall off.
Question: Do you or do you not understand math?
If you don't, then you can do as you please. I cannot help you any further.
If you do, then why are you still here arguing about this?
you'll do those rotations anyway. sometimes you just cant get a 3 combo off and want to use a dot instead. like i said before. not every fight is static, you won't be glued to a mob and it's better to let a dot tic before phases change etc.
you can't spam every skill out, and that's a good thing. not every skill has to be godly to be considered useful.
no need to act all pissy now. many fights refresh your TP on a regular basis. if you're too lazy to make use of all your skills that's your decision.
I was wondering if someone could confirm something for me. I currently play on PC but have been thinking about getting it for PS4 also just for kicks and so I can use remote play on my Vita to farm mining while in bed or watching TV.
Now I could just buy the PS4 version for $40, but I believe I could also buy the PS3 version for $25 and get upgraded for free? Is that accurate? If so, it would mean I'd need to download it for PS3, log in once to activate it, and then proceed to download the PS4 version. Is that correct? Not sure if I can be bothered waiting for another whole download just so I can activate it when I could just pay another $15.
Now I could just buy the PS4 version for $40, but I believe I could also buy the PS3 version for $25 and get upgraded for free? Is that accurate? If so, it would mean I'd need to download it for PS3, log in once to activate it, and then proceed to download the PS4 version. Is that correct? Not sure if I can be bothered waiting for another whole download just so I can activate it when I could just pay another $15.
That is correct. Find a cheap disc version if you can't be bothered waiting for the download. I don't even need to think you have to patch it, just login and redeem the codes from the box.
Then download the PS4 version and you're away.
Yes to all of that. You can also get a nice GAFfer to help. Just change your passwords and then back once they're done. That's exactly what I did, although I only paid $10 for my PS3 copy.
That is correct. Find a cheap disc version if you can't be bothered waiting for the download. I don't even need to think you have to patch it, just login and redeem the codes from the box.
Then download the PS4 version and you're away.
when you're tagging mobs on the way to say, right before the first plank with the wandering coeurl, you want to use your shield lob on everything before you get there so something like a simple eye for an eye won't rip a mob off you because it's technically unengaged with you and has no hate on you. i see a lot of tanks just shield lob one or two on the way and when the healer does as little as /comfort to the tank it'll rip off a bunch of enemies.
once you get to the spot where you'll be sitting around tanking everything, you literally just spam flash with a defensive CD up, and swap to riot blade combo when at 0 mana.
But login doesn´t imply creating your character in a server right?. Because i would like to install the PS3 version in my sister´s PS3 and don´t spend time configuring anything ( in fact as i read to create your character in servers like Moogle you have to try several times ).
Nah, you get a splash screen like on the PC. Login to that, redeem your codes on SQEnix/PSN if applicable and then do the upgrade on your PC through Mog Station.
Just broke 2000 achievements, graverobber-dono would be proud. Guess the time has come to sacrifice an aldgoat to the rng gods and switch GC.
I only have around 1700, I don't feel like that's a lot.
This hurts just to look at.
Got into Ultros. Can I get a guild invite, same name as my GAF name.
Actually, the worst thing (according to the guy who put up the item with the wrong price) is that the person who bought it instantly relisted it for 100k below current price ...