Was thinking of picking up the game on PC and playing it casually. Would I be getting my monies worth when I would only be dedicating a couple of hours or more a week? Or is this game that requires more of a vanilla WoW dedication?
I have literally been trying to get this running on my PS4 for the last 4 hours. Downloaded my free PS4 version , bought 30 days, and the game won't let me log in, I change password it lets me log in but wants me to transfer my character from PS3-PS4 I didn't upload my character so I call they tellll me they can do it on their end, so he says he does it And that I just need to restart the app. Ever since then I've been on the phone with them 7 times because I can log into the website but it won't let me log onto the game. They're telling me my PS4 won't let me write the password right so I need to buy a USB keyboard to get it to work, etc , ETC. And now I'm just out off $15
I have literally been trying to get this running on my PS4 for the last 4 hours. Downloaded my free PS4 version , bought 30 days, and the game won't let me log in, I change password it lets me log in but wants me to transfer my character from PS3-PS4 I didn't upload my character so I call they tellll me they can do it on their end, so he says he does it And that I just need to restart the app. Ever since then I've been on the phone with them 7 times because I can log into the website but it won't let me log onto the game. They're telling me my PS4 won't let me write the password right so I need to buy a USB keyboard to get it to work, etc , ETC. And now I'm just out off $15
A couple pages back I posted about upgrading from the PS3 version to PS4. I went ahead and bought and downloaded the PS3 version last night, downloaded it and this morning logged in to register myself, then upgraded to PS4 through Mog Station. When it spat out a code to enter in to the PSN store for the PS4 version, apparently the code has already been used. What? So I went looking for support contacts and I find this message that their email support has been down since the 24th and it could be a while until it's back up. Ugh, frustration.
EDIT: And I just spied this gem on their FAQ about registering codes
*Square Enix Co., Ltd. and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. are not responsible for lost, stolen, or used promotion codes.
Sweet. This should be fun.
A couple pages back I posted about upgrading from the PS3 version to PS4. I went ahead and bought and downloaded the PS3 version last night, downloaded it and this morning logged in to register myself, then upgraded to PS4 through Mog Station. When it spat out a code to enter in to the PSN store for the PS4 version, apparently the code has already been used. What? So I went looking for support contacts and I find this message that their email support has been down since the 24th and it could be a while until it's back up. Ugh, frustration.
EDIT: And I just spied this gem on their FAQ about registering codes
*Square Enix Co., Ltd. and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. are not responsible for lost, stolen, or used promotion codes.
Sweet. This should be fun.
A couple pages back I posted about upgrading from the PS3 version to PS4. I went ahead and bought and downloaded the PS3 version last night, downloaded it and this morning logged in to register myself, then upgraded to PS4 through Mog Station. When it spat out a code to enter in to the PSN store for the PS4 version, apparently the code has already been used. What? So I went looking for support contacts and I find this message that their email support has been down since the 24th and it could be a while until it's back up. Ugh, frustration.
EDIT: And I just spied this gem on their FAQ about registering codes
*Square Enix Co., Ltd. and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. are not responsible for lost, stolen, or used promotion codes.
Sweet. This should be fun.
I got LNC to 34 for Blood for Blood and now I have this strange urge to level it to 50 lol
There I amnames Sebastian Strider and Im on ragnarok. My question is anyone got any good UI examples, I wanna change cause I dont think i'm getting the best out of default one.
Probably would have been a better idea to just buy the PS4 version if that is what you intended on playing. Maybe Square has things in-place to screw those who buy the PS3 version just to upgrade and save a few bucks.
nice alliteration there
my least favorite part of the game are the Game of Thrones or Final Fantasty character name -_-
lots of people have done this already... and why would square offer a deal and then put things "in place to screw them over"?
nice alliteration there
my least favorite part of the game are the Game of Thrones or Final Fantasty character name -_-
Just registered my code, now downloading updates. Probably will take me a bit to sort thru all the items that were on my retainer but it cant be worse than sorting thru your inventory in 1.0. I hope there wasn't some rule like you lost all the money on your retainer or something since thats where I kept it all. I think I had 40ish million when I stopped playing.
My plan is to level arcanist to relearn the game, am I going to have to do every quest over again? I know I had the main story done and all the job quests but weren't all of these replaced?
Did you download the client or play open beta 2 before registering the code? Downloading the client is the same thing as registering the code so you'll get an error cause the system thinks you're trying to claim something you already own. Just log in/redownload the client if you don't have it anymore.A couple pages back I posted about upgrading from the PS3 version to PS4. I went ahead and bought and downloaded the PS3 version last night, downloaded it and this morning logged in to register myself, then upgraded to PS4 through Mog Station. When it spat out a code to enter in to the PSN store for the PS4 version, apparently the code has already been used. What? So I went looking for support contacts and I find this message that their email support has been down since the 24th and it could be a while until it's back up. Ugh, frustration.
EDIT: And I just spied this gem on their FAQ about registering codes
*Square Enix Co., Ltd. and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. are not responsible for lost, stolen, or used promotion codes.
Sweet. This should be fun.
I reallllyyy want to hear more about the new classes coming. I hope both aren't DPS oriented.
I felt that way too and ended up doing that. DRG is pretty fun.
You can probably bet on at least one being support (we only have 1 support class in the game currently)
nice alliteration there
my least favorite part of the game are the Game of Thrones or Final Fantasty character name -_-
I'm just giving you shit for being such a cheap ass.
Try logging in again and leave the "One Time Password" field blank.
Only fill out your username and password.
What's wrong with names like Sonya Khaleesi or Cloudee Striife?
What's wrong with that?
It's easier than just random garbage since the game forces you to have a first and last name.
Ultros is full so my friend couldn't make a character on it to play with me.
Also looks like I'll have to pay to switch to their server.
This is my first MMO and that kinda blows.
Dont worry. Tell him to create a char at other server just while he cant join Ultros and learn the game basics, and then he can eventually try entering Ultros at any time. I believe everyday, at some moment it becomes avaiable.
My 1st attempt I had to create a char at Malboro. Some hours later I tried again and could enter Ultros.
Is there a way to save your character setup info after you've completed it and you're live on a server?
Is there a way to save your character setup info after you've completed it and you're live on a server?
You can save your character appearence. Just after finishing creating one it will aske if he wanna save it. Then, later, when he tries to join Ultros he can just load that appearence there.
What if they didn't say yes? Can it be done after?
Playing a MMO on a controller is going to take some getting used to. Oh boy.
I used to think this too after playing only on PC for 1.0 and ARR until the PS3 version was released. But surprisingly, it's actually really easy to get accustomed too. I'm able to do pretty much everything I can on KBM and find it easier to dodge with sticks too. Also no wrist pain.
What's wrong with names like Sonya Khaleesi or Cloudee Striife?
I used to think this too after playing only on PC for 1.0 and ARR until the PS3 version was released. But surprisingly, it's actually really easy to get accustomed too. I'm able to do pretty much everything I can on KBM and find it easier to dodge with sticks too. Also no wrist pain.
I wouldn't say we have any. If you're talking about bard, they still put out super high DPS.
I don't think there's any room in the game's paradigm for actual support classes, either.
Yeah I'm sure I'll get used to it but I spent most of my time in the first two hours failing at the controls. Saw a lot of GAF tags running around though.
First time player looking for some guidance here. I have no idea what to do to get started in this game. I am an archer, and I did some little missions and got my guy to level 5, and now the head archer person wants me to shoot targets around town, and I have no idea how to shoot them, and beyond that, I just feel like I have no idea what I should be doing.
First time player looking for some guidance here. I have no idea what to do to get started in this game. I am an archer, and I did some little missions and got my guy to level 5, and now the head archer person wants me to shoot targets around town, and I have no idea how to shoot them, and beyond that, I just feel like I have no idea what I should be doing.
First time player looking for some guidance here. I have no idea what to do to get started in this game. I am an archer, and I did some little missions and got my guy to level 5, and now the head archer person wants me to shoot targets around town, and I have no idea how to shoot them, and beyond that, I just feel like I have no idea what I should be doing.
I wouldn't say we have any. If you're talking about bard, they still put out super high DPS.
I don't think there's any room in the game's paradigm for actual support classes, either.