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Final Fantasy XIV |OT4| Welcome, PS4 users!

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Did Brayflox in DR last night. Wiped several times on the first boss - healer couldn't understand why I "went down so fast" so I spent some time checking I hadn't done anything stupid (naked, no Defiance etc.) and all seemed fine. Did it again... no heals. Lord only knows who he was healing, but it wasn't me! He quit (blaming me) and after a few minutes we got another healer and all was good.

Thanks, I just bought that wireless keyboard so I should be ok on that front.
I've been reading up on dungeons on the IGN guide before I run them since I wiped on Ifrit for not realising the nail was a thing.

I always feel a huge pressure in co-op games not to screw everyone over so I'll be doing my research and be up front with questions.

I've gotten a couple of commendations so far though which felt pretty good.
I can't recommend the MTQcapture guides enough for your first run at things.

Lol Panasonic has to make some of the worst TVs when it comes to image retention. I can never play this game on it anymore so I only play in remote play on the vita or plug my monitor. My friend also has a Panasonic and the same problem. If you play a game on panasonics the damn image retention doesn't leave until weeks or months. My friend that has a Samsung never has image retention problems. Stressful tv, can't even enjoy a lot of games on it.
Wow. I'd understood the Panasonic plasmas were the best currently available. :(

I have a Kuro and I never see a speck of image retention. I think I'm just going to keep this thing forever.

It's the official ps4 sony app that works as a remote keyboard, not libre eorzea ;)
Is this available on iPad? I could only find an iPhone version, which is silly.

Yeah, believe One Time Password may be my bet them. Ill download it to my phone!
There's literally no reason for not doing this if you have a phone that's capable. It's more secure, you don't get locked out when you change IP and you get a free teleport in game which is a godsend.

Think I'm going to take Fracture off of my main bar completely. I need to free up space anyway as I'd like to have every normal rotation ability on my first 16 (not sure I'll get this, but might be able to make it work with some macros) so losing this makes sense.


This hurts just to look at.


What hurts more is the person who spent 1.6 million just a few days ago...


If I've got some things to sell on the marketboard, where's the best place to look to see what price I could be looking at? Is it best to look at the item history like up above, or is there a database I could consult like there is in TF2?


So I finally got around to the end of the Hildibrand questline and have to beat

I've been sitting in queue as healer for more than 3 hours with people that keep on leaving, I can't seem to be able to get this done. Getting rather frustrating.

Edit: Finally got it, it was fun but can't wait for the next difficulty.


as my archer, I got three damage over time skills.

Venomous bite

so the potency is 100 per second for 15 seconds when I stack them, and on top of the damage im already doing from my instant damage attacks, enemies go down pretty damn quick.
If you're an archer, you definitely shouldn't be using Fracture. Archers already generate ridiculous enmity as is.

Moreover, if you've passed lvl 30 (I suspect you have) you should be bard, and your additional skills should not even have Fracture.
I have been doing a fair bit of Leviathan EX lately and I thought I'd share what I've learned from playing as WAR and BLM. I am sure that all of this information is available elsewhere but better expressed, but maybe this will help at least one or two people. Before you tear me apart, this is anecdotal and I am a casual bad player.

First, here's a simple diagram of where dives come from, since most of the diagrams I've seen massively overcomplicate it.

The first slam that properly starts off the fight always comes from the left as far as I can tell.

If you're getting lazy because it's one in the morning and you've been doing the fight all night: you can sometimes remind yourself on which side the head/tail was by looking at the BRD/SMN ground AOEs if they're up. (BRD = tail, SMN = head)
Also I noticed Kagari likes to walk up to the side that the slam is coming from, so if you're in a party with Kagari, you can also watch for that if you're lazy. :V

There are a couple of exceptions to his dive/dive/slam pattern:
- One dive across the length of the boat when the elemental converter is operable.
- One dive and a slam during the second set of gyre spumes. If you see me standing around like a dork for this one, it's because it's the one that I always forget.

WAR observations:
The head seems to only do magic damage - I've never seen it trigger Eye for an Eye and Foresight doesn't seem to help either. I use Vengeance if I want a defensive cool down, for example if spumes are blowing up like crazy, and save Inner Beast for the cleave.
This is much shorter than the BLM observations because there really isn't much to WAR tanking this with the usual WAR/PLD farming setup that you shouldn't be doing already for other boss fights (e.g. Inner Beasting the big hits, etc. etc.).
If the caster add is taking too long to die and I'm getting antsy, I sometimes throw tomahawks at it or run in and Fracture it, don't tell anyone. I try not to get too involved with the caster because I'm a baddie who can't time the cleave from the head and I don't want to kill everyone. I got the last hit on a caster that was about to get an AOE off with a tomahawk once, it was so awesome.

BLM observations:
- Aetherial Manipulation is really good in this fight.
You can use Aetherial Manipulation to cancel out the slide after a slam. The timing can be a little bit tricky. It seems to work most reliably if you time it so that you're already travelling during the point that the slide starts, but if you're late, it sometimes works if you do it right on the slam. I target either the main tank or off tank, as it's easier to predict where they'll be. (MT usually positions to slide onto the head, OT usually positions to slide onto the tail.) After using AM, I can get a Fire 3 off on the head in the time that I would have spend sliding around. I tried using AM a couple of times when I wasn't paying attention and found myself on the same side of the boat as the slam. Got hit anyway.
- Quelling Strikes/Raging Strikes
I use QS for the pairs of adds and RS for the caster add. Stealing aggro is highly likely when I'm using RS so I try to stand next to the add to keep it from going everywhere. It will be stunned most of the time anyway. Hopefully tanks and healers don't hate this.
- Manaward
Use this to not get killed by Gyre Spumes.
- Limit Break
You will hit all four spumes with LB3 if you target the centre of the widget on the middle of the boat. Don't wait for LB3 if you're on LB2 and the spumes start taking damage, because you will probably kill your party by blowing them all up at once. I did this once, it was pretty awesome.


Unconfirmed Member
Should I dump all my attribute points into vitality until I'm properly geared? I'm a 50 WHM and I'm sick of getting one shotted so I feel like the extra HP would make a big difference. One of the levelling guides said to just drop everything in VIT until you're properly geared but I'm worried it'll make me a poor healer. Any advice?
Should I dump all my attribute points into vitality until I'm properly geared? I'm a 50 WHM and I'm sick of getting one shotted so I feel like the extra HP would make a big difference. One of the levelling guides said to just drop everything in VIT until you're properly geared but I'm worried it'll make me a poor healer. Any advice?

Seems like a waste to me, what are you getting killed by?


Should I dump all my attribute points into vitality until I'm properly geared? I'm a 50 WHM and I'm sick of getting one shotted so I feel like the extra HP would make a big difference. One of the levelling guides said to just drop everything in VIT until you're properly geared but I'm worried it'll make me a poor healer. Any advice?

There's no reason not to dump all your points into Mind, what are you getting killed by?


Definitively feeling a new part of the game opened with the 50 level dungeons and trials. While all the low level fights have specific strategies and patters to watch out for, I now find myself zooming out all the way to keep track of all the AOE and what the 7 other guys are up to. As a BRD should I have all dex, or put some into pie for songs?


Unconfirmed Member
Seems like a waste to me, what are you getting killed by?

There's no reason not to dump all your points into Mind, what are you getting killed by?

Well if I get stuck in an AOE or something I'm generally one shotted when I feel other classes make it through. I just feel like I can't take even one hit during bosses so if I make even a single mistake it's over. It's pretty frustrating for learning encounters, especially when so many people are so quick to judge people who are still learning as well. I guess I'll just dump everything into mind though and work through it. Thanks for the advice.


Well if I get stuck in an AOE or something I'm generally one shotted when I feel other classes make it through. I just feel like I can't take even one hit during bosses so if I make even a single mistake it's over, it's pretty frustrating for learning encounters, especially when so many people are so quick to judge people who are still learning as well. I guess I'll just dump everything into mind though and work through it. Thanks for the advice.
If you take a big hit that you shouldn't be taking, I doubt the VIT will help. You're going to gimp your healing output as well, which will affect everyone in the group.

Best to learn the fight, and not get hit. People make mistakes, you shouldn't get too much flack if you make the odd one (PUGs notwithstanding).


Well if I get stuck in an AOE or something I'm generally one shotted when I feel other classes make it through. I just feel like I can't take even one hit during bosses so if I make even a single mistake it's over. It's pretty frustrating for learning encounters, especially when so many people are so quick to judge people who are still learning as well. I guess I'll just dump everything into mind though and work through it. Thanks for the advice.

Generally its recommended to dump your stat points into your main stat. Mind for SCH/WHM, INT for BLM/SMN etc...

You can dump some points into VIT to help out but you're better off just putting it all into mind and learning the fights so you don't need that extra VIT.

Edit: beaten but good advice anyways

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
I'm thinking of getting into CUL as food seems pretty useful and the crafting is fun - any tips on other jobs that feed into this one? or tips to level this up to a good place?

Also, are non combat jobs pretty much essential because you need them for materia?
What hurts more is the person who spent 1.6 million just a few days ago...

Actually, it's possible that the 1.6 mil piece of gear was pre-melded with materia which warranted that price. I know some people that have spent millions of gil trying to pentameld their gear.


Actually, it's possible that the 1.6 mil piece of gear was pre-melded with materia which warranted that price. I know some people that have spent millions of gil trying to pentameld their gear.

Yeah, that's true, forgot all about selling pre-melded gear. Now that many players have passed the Atma grind, the cost of ilv 70 mats like Coke & Potash have gone up in price. It was a nice run Spiritbonding the ilv 70 gear to Convert.


I'm thinking of getting into CUL as food seems pretty useful and the crafting is fun - any tips on other jobs that feed into this one? or tips to level this up to a good place?

Also, are non combat jobs pretty much essential because you need them for materia?
Botanist and fishing for gathering, and a truck load of inv space. Don't forget tough that crafting is greatly helped by using the cross class skills, so you may want to level a few other crafting classes as well. Weaver, leather and carpenter seem to be considering good for their lv15 skill. The best ways to level up are doing provision turn ins and repeatable tradeleves for the class, triple HQ turn in.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Botanist and fishing for gathering, and a truck load of inv space. Don't forget tough that crafting is greatly helped by using the cross class skills, so you may want to level a few other crafting classes as well. Weaver, leather and carpenter seem to be considering good for their lv15 skill. The best ways to level up are doing provision turn ins and repeatable tradeleves for the class, triple HQ turn in.

Awesome, thanks! After I unlock SCH I think I'll get weaver, leather and carpenter up to 15 and then try my hand at botany, fishing and culinarian. Should offer a nice change of pace while I work SCH towards endgame.
Well if I get stuck in an AOE or something I'm generally one shotted when I feel other classes make it through. I just feel like I can't take even one hit during bosses so if I make even a single mistake it's over. It's pretty frustrating for learning encounters, especially when so many people are so quick to judge people who are still learning as well. I guess I'll just dump everything into mind though and work through it. Thanks for the advice.

Use Stoneskin on yourself and at least the tank to increase your survival chances. Try to keep maximum distance between you and the enemies such that you can heal the tank and you won't have to run around their AoE's. Same with bosses (at least until the situation arises where you need to be closer to the party).

After a while, you should start learning what you can and can't do. I did level my white mage to 50 but I currently can't heal any dungeon past Wanderers and be confident that I'm doing it right :p


I'm thinking of getting into CUL as food seems pretty useful and the crafting is fun - any tips on other jobs that feed into this one? or tips to level this up to a good place?

Also, are non combat jobs pretty much essential because you need them for materia?

Do them if you enjoy them but the non-combat jobs aren't essential at all. The highest level gear doesn't even have materia slots and if you do need to meld something you can usually find someone who's willing to do it for you.


There's literally no reason for not doing this if you have a phone that's capable. It's more secure, you don't get locked out when you change IP and you get a free teleport in game which is a godsend.

I did it! :)
But didnt know about that extra teleport! Thats awesome! O/
Do them if you enjoy them but the non-combat jobs aren't essential at all. The highest level gear doesn't even have materia slots and if you do need to meld something you can usually find someone who's willing to do it for you.

Being able to make your own food is pretty useful, but leveling multiple crafts for the cross class skills is a pain.
Being able to make your own food is pretty useful, but leveling multiple crafts for the cross class skills is a pain.

It's not too bad...if you have the leves and the money, getting all of them to level 15, CUL to 37 and CRP to 50 can go by really quickly.

But by golly...you need like twice the inventory space at times to cook. It's so crazy


Any DPS (BLM/DRG/MNK/SMN) looking for a static Coil/EX Primal group? No prior experience required, just be willing to do your research on fights and be good at your job.

Raid days are Sunday & Monday (9PM to 12AM EDT)

PM me here or post in the Months Behind thread on the Guildwork site.


Make sure you record the emergency software token removal password. If your phone ever dies / gets lost, it will make it a lot easier to recover your account.
Do this, especially if you're an Android user, because for some reason, that app chronically resets for people. If you don't have the emergency password, you have to go through support which is awful.
FFXIV ARR subscription payment methods... what's the best way to pay for this? I'm assuming you can pay directly through Mogstation. Or is it better to look for deals (if there are any) on game time cards? It's $13 a month right?


FFXIV ARR subscription payment methods... what's the best way to pay for this? I'm assuming you can pay directly through Mogstation. Or is it better to look for deals (if there are any) on game time cards? It's $13 a month right?

I'm just doing timecards, myself. I picked up the 60-day cards for $29.99 each.
If I've got some things to sell on the marketboard, where's the best place to look to see what price I could be looking at? Is it best to look at the item history like up above, or is there a database I could consult like there is in TF2?

If you are in the Market Board, and you switch over to your inventory, you can click/select the little notebook icon and it will show you the current prices for that item on the MB and will also show you the sales history of that item.


Are all of the markets connected? I just noticed that it says my one retainer is selling goods on the market in Ul'dah. Does this mean that people browsing the markets in Limsa and Gridania can't see my items?


FFXIV ARR subscription payment methods... what's the best way to pay for this? I'm assuming you can pay directly through Mogstation. Or is it better to look for deals (if there are any) on game time cards? It's $13 a month right?

I dont know if it is the best deal, but I believe I will just buy the 6 months package directly with an international credit card.

However Id like to know if I choose this method if they will charge autommatically every 6 months!?

If you are in the Market Board, and you switch over to your inventory, you can click/select the little notebook icon and it will show you the current prices for that item on the MB and will also show you the sales history of that item.

Thats good!! Nice thing to maintain the marketing price right!


I dont know if it is the best deal, but I believe I will just buy the 6 months package directly with an international credit card.

However Id like to know if I choose this method if they will charge autommatically every 6 months!?
By default they'll auto-renew. Just go in after subscribing and cancel the recurring payment. You should get a reminder when it's about to expire and you can decide what to do from there.


Are all of the markets connected? I just noticed that it says my one retainer is selling goods on the market in Ul'dah. Does this mean that people browsing the markets in Limsa and Gridania can't see my items?
People in Limsa and Gridania can see the item, but they'll have to pay a small tax if they buy it. People browsing and buying in Ul'dah can buy without that tax.
Are all of the markets connected? I just noticed that it says my one retainer is selling goods on the market in Ul'dah. Does this mean that people browsing the markets in Limsa and Gridania can't see my items?

It's all one big market. So yes, they are all connected.


I tried installing the Libra App but all the time I open it, it crashes. Im using on Nexus 5, may its because Im using Art rather than Dalvik?
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