Any less annoying way to trade money on ps4? i was pressing the button but gil was going up really slow.
Hold R1 to increase fast, L1 decrease.Any less annoying way to trade money on ps4? i was pressing the button but gil was going up really slow.
Turn 6 is my least favorite.Turn 6 looks very unfun. It will be nice to not face Twin but Rafflesia seems tedious.
probably Pacific, wasn't sure myself though so I called at about 11:15 Central.Nice, good to hear. Is it the number at this page? It says it's open Sundays but when I call, it says it's M-F. Also, the website doesn't list the timezone for the support
Jesus christ, the community on ps4 is so awful compared to pc
in 2-3 weeks i saw, i think, a couple of person speaking in general chat, dungeon runs all awfully quiet, no one in the 4 FC i tried ever spoke a single work
I get it that you might not have a usb keyboard and typing on the pad can be damn tedious but it's damn sad for an mmo
Gonna finish the free month then switch to Ultros when i buy a new subsription :/
There is no seperate community for PS4 and PC, everyone plays together. You probably just chose a crap server.
No i mean, the new servers who were added for the Ps4 launch, i thought it would be nice to start fresh on a new server
I know that Ps4 and PC are merged but on these servers i'm pretty sure that 90% of players are on Ps4
Maybe its just because everyone is in a free company chat, but I don't see that many people speaking in general chat in Ultros.
Just won T5 with Kruz and co, first win and i won the spear, so happeh
When you say general chat, do you just mean people yelling things?
I don't know if I'd want that. Seems annoying.
Get into a good FC like GAF and there's plenty of helpful people to chat with.
I want that spear... Congrats!
So finally caved and bought the game. Finished creating my character, go to choose gilgamesh (my friends are playing on that server) and apparently its full? On the website it says it's open for character creation. Ugh, how long do I usually have to wait for the server to open?
Turn 6 looks very unfun. It will be nice to not face Twin but Rafflesia seems tedious.
So, I'm looking for none NA time zone static in Ultros. ilv 89 WHM, let me know if there is an opening.
It took me less than 10 minutes of retrying for Ultros to open up.
I'd say stay on the character creation screen and it keep at it.
Well, I've hit a brick wall.
Titan EX is pretty much impossible without a group, Atmas aren't dropping, can't clear Ultima.
I'm a sad cat.
Anyone know what gear lv I should be before doing the artifact weapon quest?
I remember somebody warning me back before I stopped playing.
I haven't tried the Crystal Tower, but since the Coil Turns drop ilvl90 gear, is there any reason to go there, other than just to check it out?
I haven't tried the Crystal Tower, but since the Coil Turns drop ilvl90 gear, is there any reason to go there, other than just to check it out?
I haven't tried the Crystal Tower, but since the Coil Turns drop ilvl90 gear, is there any reason to go there, other than just to check it out?
ThanksYou can start it when you hit level 50 and finish the main storyline, you won't hit a brick wall where you need gear until Titan and he is at the end of the questline.
As a part of a group learning the fight this week, I can tell you this is true. RNG for days.
As a part of a group learning the fight this week, I can tell you this is true. RNG for days.
While at first it seems like the fight its RNG Central, a lot of its elements can be controlled to limit the RNG factors, its just understanding the abilities and your group getting into a mindset of the location of each element.
For us we used the strife to the side strat for the spores, that way you don't have to rely on RNG for the briars and can set a location for people with spores, so the rest of the group can avoid that spot and not get devoured.
Now with echo in coil? Nah, not really. You should still go beat it once through because when they release the second part in 2.3, you probably won't be able to do it unless you've completed the first part.
Yeah, I'll check it out eventually. Do you have to roll against 23 other people for gear?Just go check it out once or twice
If you get pieces for your class/job and are better than what you have why not?
Coil and Myth will be your i90 pre 2.2
You can even accumulate Soldiery and catch up to players that did have a head start
I really, really like the Warrior of Light gear...too bad I'm a DRG.Vanity? Some of the gear is kinda nice looking. Other than that and just to complete it, though, not really.
Thank you all for the advice yesterday, and to the GAF members who helped me with the materia and melding for my relic weapon questline. Another question: when the expansion releases, will a single purchase of it grant access to both PC and PS4 versions of the game, or will we have to buy each separately? Because if that's what I have to do, that's what I'm going to do.
Yeah, I'll check it out eventually. Do you have to roll
How do I know what quests are important to the main storyline? Also when do I get access to dungeons? I am at level 16
Yeah, honestly, there isn't that much RNG in turn 6. The boss's attacks are all on a very strict set rotation governed by the phase. The location of the bulbs is random. Spore goes on a random person, and either you can use the strafe strat that we use, or you can have your tank rotate the boss and orient themselves in a certain way with respect to new briars so people always know which briar is newest so they don't run into an old briar or something.
I feel youWell, I've hit a brick wall.
Titan EX is pretty much impossible without a group, Atmas aren't dropping, can't clear Ultima.
I'm a sad cat.
These quests are main story quests.
You get access to your first dungeon during the level 15 part of the main story quest.
So finally caved and bought the game. Finished creating my character, go to choose gilgamesh (my friends are playing on that server) and apparently its full? On the website it says it's open for character creation. Ugh, how long do I usually have to wait for the server to open?
Can I start a character on another server and than transfer over to a different one for free? I'm getting kind of tired of waiting on the server to open up -_-.
Thanks, what is the main story quest that gives me access to the dungeon? I just finishedhelping Papashan fight some guy that had the crown.
After doing the quest line, I now demand an entire expansion dedicated to Hildibrand.
Wait.. wait... wait... wait... wait... wait.... what is this madness of having a tank do something other than standing in front of the boss, hit it a couple of times, afk for 10 minutes and then collect the coil loot that rightfully belongs to him for being a tank!?