I think it's made worse by the fact that there's both ability bloat and one or two cases where such abilities do drop out of your rotation. :\
What this game sorely needs is some vocals from the characters. The battles are just so eerily quiet. We need some battle cries and shrieks. I really don't know why the characters don't make any sound. It really sucks. Come to think of it the battles seems to be missing battle sounds in general, even weapons sounds etc.
Is there a list of quests that offer unique rewards (anything not related to weapons/armor, think emotes, materia, etc.)?
Ability bloat? Jobs in this game have like six abilities.
So how do people level now? I played at launch and it was mostly just FATE grinding and it was kind of boring. I've been thinking about trying it out now, have things changed much in that regard?
So how do people level now?
So how do people level now? I played at launch and it was mostly just FATE grinding and it was kind of boring. I've been thinking about trying it out now, have things changed much in that regard?
FATE grinding still works (and at the best of times is still ideal XP), but virtually every other means of gaining XP has been buffed. Dungeons and Duty Roulettes are a popular source, especially for tanks and healers, and levequests are good all around now. You also have the Hunting Log and the Challenge Log providing good XP.
Cool, thank you. I went ahead and resubbed. Is the GAF guild still on Sargatanas?
I'm also thinking about picking up a copy for a friend, it looks like it's $20 at GMG, is that about the best deal going right now?
Ability bloat is kind of tame in this, but after an expansion and with controllers it could become a thing. It's something I hope they keep in mind when they start rolling out new ideas, at least.
Moreso than bloat there is an issue with how much dead weight there is, especially when quality of life and utility spread is still really wonky. The amount of useless AoE spells is certainly ripe for a pass along with plenty of others.
There is a GAF guild there, yes. However the most prominent and active GAF guild is on Ultros.
Okay, I see I have a character on Sarg. and Ultros, so I'm not sure which I was playing on primarily at launch. I think I got to level 35 or so on my Paladin, but I'm not sure.
There is a GAF guild there, yes. However the most prominent and active GAF guild is on Ultros.
Ugh, yeah. Those really infuriate me. I'm still not sure when/if to use Tri-Disaster on my Summoner. Luckily it's not my main, so I don't need to exactly figure it out right away.
Ok, so I have never been much of an MMO player.
Im going on vacation in June and though about FFXIV for PS4 (mostly cause I dont do well with keyboards). Had a few questions and hoped you guys could help me:
1) Does this play well with controller?
2) I loved old FF and didnt even play XIII. Is the gameplay/lore/presentation more like XIII or previous FF games?
3) Is this game noob-friendly?
4) I dont have real interest in PvP. Is there enough PvE content? Even end game?
Thanks in advance for all the help![]()
Ok, so I have never been much of an MMO player.
Im going on vacation in June and though about FFXIV for PS4 (mostly cause I dont do well with keyboards). Had a few questions and hoped you guys could help me:
1) Does this play well with controller?
2) I loved old FF and didnt even play XIII. Is the gameplay/lore/presentation more like XIII or previous FF games?
3) Is this game noob-friendly?
4) I dont have real interest in PvP. Is there enough PvE content? Even end game?
Thanks in advance for all the help![]()
The bard aoes could definitely use some more thought to them. At the moment the t1/2 ones are only really used if you get a proc on t3, they add nothing other than a little extra flash. It was one thing when rain actually did something worthwhile so that you could use it as more than just a proc, but now they may as well just scrap the t1/2 aoes and nerf the tp cost of t3 to make up for the lack of free procs.
Ring of Thorns seems fine to me. It has its uses for when Doom Spike isn't as worthwhile.
1. Very well - takes a bit to get it perfected but once you get your hotbar set up and used to the target cycling its great.
2. Hard to compare really but i'd say more like the previous games
3. Yes
4. Yes
1) Yeah, it works well with controller. Some minor things like communicating or targeting may take some getting use to.
2) It reminds me of old FF's with the whole "fantasy exploring" vibe it gives off, especially when you're riding on a Chocobo through a new area in awe. Presentations value is great, the game is nice to look at. The story is still garbage though, that hasn't changed.
3) It's noob friendly early on, but I found as you get higher level it assumes you know what you're doing or know people who do at that point.
4) Plenty of PvE content. I'm not sure of end game, haven't got there yet.
Where'd you buy it from?
That's why the ability bloat stands out so much. Paladin defensive CDs have been mentioned before, and then there are things like the Arcanist's Ruin/Ruin II and Conjurer's Stone/Stone II. I'm still not sure why those two specific examples aren't handled by traits instead.
I don't think it's bloat though. Stone has Heavy status effect. Ruin and Ruin II are also distinguished by Ruin II's Blind effect and it is instant as opposed to the 2 sec cast time of Ruin I. While I use Stone a lot less at 50 WHM, I still use Ruin II as 50 SCH/SMN if the situation is right.That's why the ability bloat stands out so much. Paladin defensive CDs have been mentioned before, and then there are things like the Arcanist's Ruin/Ruin II and Conjurer's Stone/Stone II. I'm still not sure why those two specific examples aren't handled by traits instead.
2) I loved old FF and didnt even play XIII. Is the gameplay/lore/presentation more like XIII or previous FF games?
That's why the ability bloat stands out so much. Paladin defensive CDs have been mentioned before, and then there are things like the Arcanist's Ruin/Ruin II and Conjurer's Stone/Stone II. I'm still not sure why those two specific examples aren't handled by traits instead.
FATE grinding still works (and at the best of times is still ideal XP), but virtually every other means of gaining XP has been buffed. Dungeons and Duty Roulettes are a popular source, especially for tanks and healers, and levequests are good all around now. You also have the Hunting Log and the Challenge Log providing good XP.
i only use cure II because it's higher number than cure I :>
- brayflox whm
Today was a good day!
You should be careful about that screeenshot. Spoilerish.
I have like.. all of that stuff. You may have muted it in options.
Maybe they'll add a tank job for LNC and you can use it then.
I dunno how you can say this with so many BRDs everywhere.
You should play a Bard
just hit level 30 and wanted to chime in - this is the most classic Final Fantasy game since IX. feels like you're finally a character in a huge FF world when you're riding a chocobo and traversing the world listening to the music and taking in the sights.
i didnt know bookey oyama logged in
thanks for the spoilers sigh
Everybody who beats turn 5 posts a shot at that area.You should be careful about that screeenshot. Spoilerish.
Everybody who beats turn 5 posts a shot at that area.
Besides, if you didn't know Bahamut was going to be imprisoned in a dungeon called "The Binding Coil of Bahamut," I'm not sure what to say.
That he's imprisoned like that? Yeah.
That he's imprisoned like that? Yeah.
bind [bahynd]
verb (used with object), bound, bind·ing.
1. to fasten or secure with a band or bond.
2. to encircle with a band or ligature: She bound her hair with a ribbon.
3. to swathe or bandage (often followed by up): to bind up one's wounds.
4. to fasten around; fix in place by girding: They bound his hands behind him.
5. to tie up (anything, as sheaves of grain).
How do you fight that!?
Bahamutt will be a 24 man raid, with 7 forms and 4 phases for each form.
with a cutscene and some dialogue boxes
Also, how the hell is the eventual Bahamut fight going to work? We have to face him at some point right? But he is fucking massive. Like, don't you fight Twintania on his palm or arm or something? You at least run about on his hand at some point. A whole group of 8 can fit in the palm of his hand! How do you fight that!?