I have pretty much given up fighting in the game because of all the atma/myth/book grinding until they release a job I think is worth that time to spend on it. So now I'm all about levelling my crafting jobs.
There's games within games in this game.I have pretty much given up fighting in the game because of all the atma/myth/book grinding until they release a job I think is worth that time to spend on it. So now I'm all about levelling my crafting jobs.
Can someone remind me how you quickly switch enemies on PS4?
Loving this game. Currently a level 33 SMN. The other night I stumbled across a level 50 fate when I was level 31. I didn't realize it was such a high level fate. I shot at something, and instantly died lol. Luckily someone revived me and I ran the hell away.
Also, this it was the first time I've seen the frame rate crawl on PS4:
If the enemy's name is Odin and you aren't level 50, you should probably run away...Loving this game. Currently a level 33 SMN. The other night I stumbled across a level 50 fate when I was level 31. I didn't realize it was such a high level fate. I shot at something, and instantly died lol. Luckily someone revived me and I ran the hell away.
Also, this it was the first time I've seen the frame rate crawl on PS4:
Haha, welcome to Odin!Loving this game. Currently a level 33 SMN. The other night I stumbled across a level 50 fate when I was level 31. I didn't realize it was such a high level fate. I shot at something, and instantly died lol. Luckily someone revived me and I ran the hell away.
Also, this it was the first time I've seen the frame rate crawl on PS4:
Lol, running blind into Odin.
Any use in running CT? Buying some myth and sol gear for T2 seems a lot better.
Loving this game. Currently a level 33 SMN. The other night I stumbled across a level 50 fate when I was level 31. I didn't realize it was such a high level fate. I shot at something, and instantly died lol. Luckily someone revived me and I ran the hell away.
Also, this it was the first time I've seen the frame rate crawl on PS4:
Odin kills even most high end PCs, let alone PS4 systems.
Hunting logs, battle leves, guildhests, and a few FATEs should get you to 15 in no time.
This map tells you what level leves are where.
I don't care about spoilers, but I had no idea Bahamut had been imprisoned.
I thought it was his lair and each turn was fighting closer to where he was sleeping.
If you leave the PS4 idling there is an EPIC cut scene that plays where you see Bahamut being imprisoned in a space prison. This cut scene is different from the opening movie and well worth seeing.
If you leave the PS4 idling there is an EPIC cut scene that plays where you see Bahamut being imprisoned in a space prison. This cut scene is different from the opening movie and well worth seeing.
Say what? Like idling on the title screen? Pretty sure I've only seen the opening movie again and again.
What? Really?
Is it online anywhere? That's crazy.
If you leave the PS4 idling there is an EPIC cut scene that plays where you see Bahamut being imprisoned in a space prison. This cut scene is different from the opening movie and well worth seeing.
Fate grinding at aleport in la noscea is your best option at that level range
Today I learned that Cheshire Kat on Ultros server has bloody 779 million gil.
Out of curiosity, do you guys keep most of your money on your character or on your retainers?
Today I learned that Cheshire Kat on Ultros server has bloody 779 million gil.
Out of curiosity, do you guys keep most of your money on your character or on your retainers?
I actually recorded this and will upload it to YouTube tonight (dislike the FB upload). The framerate ACTUALLY doesn't crawl. The PS4 handles it just fine. What crawls is the network latency. You can see this because when I upload, my character casts her spells in 30+ fps (I am a horrible judge, but definitely full framerate). But there's a point when you see Odin move where HE is moving at like 10fps, even though the game itself is moving at 30+ fps. The other aspect to give the illusion of bad framerate is audio/visual cues from other player spells being cast. But much like how I just mentioned for Odin, again my client is definitely running at 30+ fps but it's the update from the network as well as PS4's audio simply not being able to handle that many simultaneous streams.Also, this it was the first time I've seen the frame rate crawl on PS4:
I'm nearing level 50, what do you guys do with your old gear? Do you give them to your grand company for seals?
and all that gil is nearly useless
So I (Arya Hodor) finally beat Garuda EX last night. Used the party finder and beat it with them on second try. After 3 failed groups I was pretty excited. Everyone else in the group seemed relatively experience and I was definitely the newbie (and the only WHM with a SCH). But I was pretty happy, I kept everyone alive, pulled off some great saves and never died.
All that to say if anyone needs help with HM or EX primals. I'm happy to help. I know how hard it can be to get a party together for some of those, but I love them.
How do people get so much gil? I've never broken 100k, I usually am sitting at around 80k. Good lord.
Craft overpriced pieces of equipment and sell them to new playersHow do people get so much gil? I've never broken 100k, I usually am sitting at around 80k. Good lord.
I'm nearing level 50, what do you guys do with your old gear? Do you give them to your grand company for seals?
I'm nearing level 50, what do you guys do with your old gear? Do you give them to your grand company for seals?
At this point? I just discard them or keep stuff that I might want to use for vanity lolI'm nearing level 50, what do you guys do with your old gear? Do you give them to your grand company for seals?
What? I was burned out after our failed try yesterday, gonna have to try again today.
Been readying up on T2, constant high voltages scare as a BRD, but allagan rot terrifies me. Is enrage THE goto strategy right now on df groups?
At this point? I just discard them or keep stuff that I might want to use for vanity lol
It's actually the ending of 1.0.those characters that get teleported away at the end is supposed to be the Legacy players from 1.0.
I recorded the last hour and a half before the servers went down here.
I've seen this. Where does it show Bahamut being imprisoned? He breaks the spell that the mage dude tries to put him in, and then bahamut casts megaflare, even breaks mage dude's staff. After that, the mage guy sends the warriors of light or whatever to the future. I guess I'm missing something. How is bahamut imprisoned?
He's imprisoned inside the moon. You see it break free when the moon approaches the gound
Today I learned that Cheshire Kat on Ultros server has bloody 779 million gil.
Out of curiosity, do you guys keep most of your money on your character or on your retainers?
Today I learned that Cheshire Kat on Ultros server has bloody 779 million gil.
Out of curiosity, do you guys keep most of your money on your character or on your retainers?
I actually recorded this and will upload it to YouTube tonight (dislike the FB upload). The framerate ACTUALLY doesn't crawl. The PS4 handles it just fine. What crawls is the network latency. You can see this because when I upload, my character casts her spells in 30+ fps (I am a horrible judge, but definitely full framerate). But there's a point when you see Odin move where HE is moving at like 10fps, even though the game itself is moving at 30+ fps. The other aspect to give the illusion of bad framerate is audio/visual cues from other player spells being cast. But much like how I just mentioned for Odin, again my client is definitely running at 30+ fps but it's the update from the network as well as PS4's audio simply not being able to handle that many simultaneous streams.
Anyway, I'll upload and link it... basically from my view, PS4 handled the fight beautifully even with 100+(?) players there. Where things stuttered and lagged was from the network updates. It made the fight chaotic and hectic.. but not at all unplayable. You'll see in the video when his ground target goes off, I love out of it perfectly 30+ fps... and everyone else kind of moves out at a lower "update rate" (I don't want to say frame rate because it's not as evidenced by my character's movement)
Today I learned that Cheshire Kat on Ultros server has bloody 779 million gil.
Out of curiosity, do you guys keep most of your money on your character or on your retainers?
I know that he was in Dalamud, but I thought people were saying Bahamut was imprisoned a second time.
I'm totally confused now.