OMFG FINALLY THE METEOR POLO WANT. D: The symbolism of a 1.x survivor!
nah man, the symbolism of a 1.0 user is the cheap sub.
OMFG FINALLY THE METEOR POLO WANT. D: The symbolism of a 1.x survivor!
Considering this for PS4. Is the gafguild strong?
When allies unexpectedly become enemies
Also, those strange occasions when Qhon gets thanked
We tend to bleed active players when the content dries up [some aren't logged on as much as they usually are], but that probably goes for the large majority of guilds out there. 2.2 should fix this, since we're getting a great deal more to do weekly, with some of the things [such as Coil Turns 1-5] having their restrictions removed.Considering this for PS4. Is the gafguild strong?
Game's gonna be shut down tomorrow.Planning to run ct till my eyes bleed tonight and all day tomorrow. Need to cap philo
Considering this for PS4. Is the gafguild strong?
Yes. Make a Lalafell though.
Yes. Make a Lalafell though.
We tend to bleed active players when the content dries up [some aren't logged on as much as they usually are], but that probably goes for the large majority of guilds out there. 2.2 should fix this, since we're getting a great deal more to do weekly, with some of the things [such as Coil Turns 1-5] having their restrictions removed.
What you will find in GAF, however, are a large number of friendly players who are often willing to help and/or simply chat about things. We would definitely welcome you, should you decide to join us on Ultros.
Hey, I finally mustered up the courage to start playing ARR. I started a few day ago and reached 29 Archer yesterday. I think I could have started using my 1.0 character, but I couldn't see the option... No matter though, I enjoyed starting from scratch. Once again, my character is Misaki Rena, so if anyone is on the moogle server, feel free to add me.
I'm actually considering changing server at some point because the server population is split between English and French. I'd have preferred a more English focussed server like Odin.
Oh and if any of the original Stars of Destiny lot are still around, tell me the servers etc...
Never forget!
Seeing people posting their Allagan stuff when I can't even beat Titan HM with my SCH makes me depressed.
WTB BLMs that can dodge plumes and healers that know final phase rotations
Nope, Cactuar. RIPAre you on Ultros?
Thanks.Congrats to Makoto who ran away with all the loot this time lol.
Nope, Cactuar. RIP
I agree.Server transfers are a thing.
Not an option, I'm afraid :< Poophead IRL friends would only agree to transfer to Gilgamesh since it's crowded. I'll just have to hope I can get it with the new Echo buff.
Either that or just skip my SCH relic altogether and do it as BRD first.
Not an option, I'm afraid :< Poophead IRL friends would only agree to transfer to Gilgamesh since it's crowded. I'll just have to hope I can get it with the new Echo buff.
Either that or just skip my SCH relic altogether and do it as BRD first.
OMG Rena! <3
I'm still subbed, but I haven't even played anything. Just visited all the separate servers where people went to, and chatted and stuff.
Most of the OG crew you remember went to Excalibur.
Yea just saw that ....Game's gonna be shut down tomorrow.
The FFXI crew?
Yes. Make a Lalafell though.
Don't do this.
Don't listen to this person.
Real life friends just slow you down, look where I would be if I waited for tomat. I'd be stuck at the character creation screen still.
Lalafell or die. Seriously Sorian is just bitter about that one incident that involved a Lala, a tire swing, and a llama. Nothing to be ashamed about Sorian, it happens to the best of us.
Not taking you to Wendy's anymore.
Flying Toaster I forgot to tell you but uh.... I may have fantasia'd to a not Lalafell.
Re: Odin Armor for Vanity
"We spoke to the development team about this, but they currently do not have any plans to modify this armor to fit the Glamours system."
Baaaah, humbug. :|
It is not cheating if it is only fantasizing. But you cross that line and I will track your ass down in the real world knock you out and when you wake up you will have a huge Lalafell tattoo on your back with old english script that says "GAF Lalas 4 Life".
I drank the potion. It changed me into something horrible.
Wow Tomat... I am hurt, I thought we were LFFL (Lala Friends for Life) My entire world has just been flipped upside down. I don't know what to do anymore.
Quick someone post a picture of GraveRobberX's beard. I need something comforting in my life.
Dat saltinessfuck them.
Dat saltiness
It is kinda a dick thing to do.
yeah kinda. that armor only exists for the purpose of vanity and hey, we can't get it to work with the vanity system so haha
yeah kinda. that armor only exists for the purpose of vanity and hey, we can't get it to work with the vanity system so haha
Well, you can glamour the hat and the sword I guess.It feels like their developers found the problem "too hard to fix" so they gave up.
It's sad to see Odin become so trivialized that he has no reason to really be in the game.
Lalafell or die. Seriously Sorian is just bitter about that one incident that involved a Lala, a tire swing, and a llama. Nothing to be ashamed about Sorian, it happens to the best of us.
I'm still just upset that the cops had to get involved with that whole lala in the hottub incident.
Finally got my password reset and can play again!
How long did that take?
Considering this for PS4. Is the gafguild strong?
OMFG FINALLY THE METEOR POLO WANT. D: The symbolism of a 1.x survivor!