GAF PvP Saturday Night Fights
Date: Saturday, May 31st
Time: 3 PM Pacific/6 PM Eastern
Who: You,
What: Your face, getting wrecked
Where: Ultros
Why: Reasons
General Information:
So this will be my first attempt at organizing anything larger than a group of 8 people showing up at the same time every week to wipe in Coil. It's going to be bad. I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. The world might end in a zombie apocalypse. Deal with it.
The goal of GAF PvP Nights is to get a bunch of Gaffers who would otherwise not PvP to be able to do so in a fun environment where everyone is rank nothing except our several PvP veterans and all gear is the same to remove the crazy effect of gear weighting in this game's PvP. We can form up into groups, wreck each others' faces, talk some trash, and generally have a good time. There's a side benefit of having instant queues and a steady stream of PVP XP and Wolf Marks for all participants, which will certainly help everyone get some kind of baseline gearing for the upcoming Frontlines.
Rules of the Zerg:
Gear: In order to enforce some kind of gear normalization, everyone who participates must be wearing Full AF1, the set which you got for leveling your job to 50. Your weapon must be PvE i90 or i95, this means you will be allowed to have Primal EX (Primal Focus), Levi EX, Allagan, or Relic Zenith or non-upgraded Relic Atma. i100+ weapons are no bueno, so stop trying to show off and put your Liberator away. At this time I have no idea how quick matches will be with this gear loadout, gear requirements are therefore subject to change in the future events. No PvP-specific gear will be allowed, period.
Skills: Unfortunately at this moment you have to rank up to buy PvP-specific skills. That will change in patch 2.28 when all skills will be unlocked by default. For this reason our PvP veterans, and by that I mean Mupod, Felix, Raijinken, and Pellegri, will be distributed among the various teams in as even a manner as possible. There will be no restrictions on using PvP-specific skills, so if you have them, use them until the other team has died.
Teams: PvP is currently a 4v4 Arena affair in the Wolves' Den. We will divide the players who arrive into teams of 4, queue the 4v4 50 cap tier in The Foreign (German, French, or Japanese), and proceed to beat the living hell out of each other. Depending on which teams are winning regularly, I hope to rebalance the teams regularly so everyone gets a chance to taste the orgasmic pleasure of gloriously bursting victory in your mouth. There is a chance that we will queue into a fight with wintraders in this tier, if that happens just wreck them quickly since they'll probably be naked wearing no gear and get the hell out of there so we can try to queue up again. Unfortunately if a number of players not equal to a multiple of 4 shows up, we will have to do rotation of players in and out so everyone gets a chance to play. I'll probably be bad at this, so please only show up in a multiple of 4 so as to make my life easier. Teehee.
Organization: There will be a calendar entry on Guildwork and a signup sheet so you can sign up. Feel free to sign up, or don't and just show up when you want. The general targeted start time will be as seen above, but you can drop in and out whenever you are free or not free. We'll just rotate people in and out of teams as needed, for as long as we have at least 8 people which is the minimum necessary for 4v4.
Signup Sheet:!events/5387ee6b002aa87f93dcd008
The first GAF PvP Night will be this Saturday, 3 PM Pacific/6 PM Eastern. Be there or no smashed faces for you.