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Final Fantasy XIV |OT4| Welcome, PS4 users!

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Pretty addicted to this now, just got my chocobo ^_^

I was pretty nervous about screwing up on the Ifrit battle, as I've been shouted at for being a bad tank a few times already and I gather it's the first 'real' boss fight, but I did OK I think - kept Ifrit's attention away from the casters and managed to hold out, in spite of our healer getting KO'd by the targeted AoE attack, and died just as Ifrit did, which was lucky.

Tanking in this game, throughout the story is pretty easy, don't be discouraged and you'll pick it up in no time.


So what's the point of the buffs then? I don't mean to come off as antagonistic, but I haven't really heard clamorings for WAR buffs since their rework aside from you.

A buff to foresight would be nice, but I wouldn't call it a big priority. It's still useful as a damage smoother.

Holmgang though, drives me nutty, and I'm not the only WAR to think so. It's all but useless on fights where you have to dodge a lot, since it leaves you immobile, often wears off in the middle of an AoE, and since the latency delay often seems to lock you into place before putting the knockback prevention buff into place.

Being able to move with Holmgang active is the main thing I'd like to see. After that, I'd like the duration increased ever so slightly so it's easier to use. Because of server latency it often doesn't seem to go into effect for a second or two, but with only a six second duration you're kinda forced to cut it as close as possible to get any good out of it.

Anything after that would be pure icing on the cake.


A buff to foresight would be nice, but I wouldn't call it a big priority. It's still useful as a damage smoother.

Holmgang though, drives me nutty, and I'm not the only WAR to think so. It's all but useless on fights where you have to dodge a lot, since it leaves you immobile, often wears off in the middle of an AoE, and since the latency delay often seems to lock you into place before putting the knockback prevention buff into place.

Being able to move with Holmgang active is the main thing I'd like to see. After that, I'd like the duration increased ever so slightly so it's easier to use. Because of server latency it often doesn't seem to go into effect for a second or two, but with only a six second duration you're kinda forced to cut it as close as possible to get any good out of it.

Anything after that would be pure icing on the cake.

Well sure, everyone would like a Holmgang rework. But I wasn't addressing that point of yours. Whatever. /shrug


how do i cross-class with you



Well sure, everyone would like a Holmgang rework. But I wasn't addressing that point of yours. Whatever. /shrug

Well that was the main thing I wanted to see. Mentioning Foresight was practically an afterthought.

But, yeah, whatever. Wasn't looking for an argument.




Well that was the main thing I wanted to see. Mentioning Foresight was practically an afterthought.

But, yeah, whatever. Wasn't looking for an argument.

If possible I'd appreciate small buffs to other WAR CD's as well. We have fewer of them, so it'd be nice if they actually did some more substantial damage mitigation

That sounded like you wanted a buff to more than just Foresight and Holmgang.

I'm not sure why you're afraid of arguments; they make the world go 'round.


That sounded like you wanted a buff to more than just Foresight and Holmgang.

I'm not sure why you're afraid of arguments; they make the world go 'round.

Didn't really have anything in mind beyond Holmgang and Foresight. I dunno, might be nice to swap out a couple cross class abilities, but it'd be very easy to make WAR OP once you started doing that.

I'm just not terribly fond of arguments, dunno way, maybe it's a cultural thing. *shrug*

Edit: Okay might be nice to remove that hidden limiter on Bloodbath. I forget how the math works on that, but self healing seems to max out at around a hundred or so no matter how hard your damage crits. That's situationally fine for now, but, five or six patches down the line I could see it being entirely obsolete.

You know, when Tanks have something like 20K health, and even random mobs auto-attacks are dealing 1K damage and all. Plenty of time to address that though.


Revealing-my-noobishnes time: what is a "burst phase", and what does SR stand for?
Sorry for the delay in-response. It's been a busy day for me.

Burst-phase is a moment in a fight where you want to get something down as quickly as possible, such as Dreadnaught's in Turn 4/8 as well as Golem's in T9. It's where you essentially try to do as much damage as possible in the shortest amount of time you can, so both Raging and Quelling Strikes are great for this, especially when coupled with other CD's, such as Swiftcast/Flare/Convert.

SR means "speed-run", and it's where you a group tries to clear a particular dungeon [namely, Brayflox HM at the moment] as quickly as they can. This involves pulling multiple trash mobs and AOE'ing them down as much as you can.
That's what it is. You can assign the looks of another piece of armor to another piece of armor so you gain the stats of one piece, but the appearance of something else.

Once you hit level 50 with at least one class, you can acquire the right to use an item called a Glamor Prism. This will chance the appearance of a piece of equipment in your inventory with that of another equipment piece, while retaining all stats and functionality. Different equipment requires a different type of glamor prism, and the items must be of the same type. So you can't glamor, for example, a White Mage only helm to a Paladin helm.

Only the Glamor Prism is consumed, you keep all equipment pieces, and prisms can easily be obtained from a crafter or the marketboard.

Thanks :D


Looks like Glazenut are slowly tanking on my server. I'll wait until I find a 300k to make the minion so I can feel like a special snowflake again.

Also, not much to do in game. Slowly gathering Myth for the next book, but other than that meh, usual pre-new patch dead game. Probably should have waited for 2.8 to renew.
Its all your fault for your original comment about coil being too easy. Look what you did to this thread for the past few days.

I'm bored and frustrated with no second coil to run, I will cause chaos here instead!

I really hate how the stupid atma and animus grind has turned everyone into mindless zombies and their only instinct is to hurry hurry hurry! Had a BRD in Darkhold tell me to hurry up because I move slow as a tank (Not the first time I've heard this). I promptly told him I tank at my own pace and that was the end of that. Felt sorry for dragging my healer friend through that.


Looks like Glazenut are slowly tanking on my server. I'll wait until I find a 300k to make the minion so I can feel like a special snowflake again.

Also, not much to do in game. Slowly gathering Myth for the next book, but other than that meh, usual pre-new patch dead game. Probably should have waited for 2.8 to renew.

Binge for two months, quit for a year, come back to enough content to call it Final Fantasy XVI. This is the docbon way.

also come play wildstar with me robokitty and androidcandy


i see lots of people failing there. the impatient types won't get their quick progress, that's for sure.

We're patient and are making genuine progress, so my post should be taken with a touch of levity. We went from barely making it to the 2nd add pop in the first add phase to the beginning of the final add phase and the first petrifaction today. The fight is just so irritating to me, more than any other in the game. So many little slip ups can wipe the whole raid at any time.

GAF PvP Saturday Night Fights

Date: Saturday, May 31st
Time: 3 PM Pacific/6 PM Eastern
Who: You, baka
What: Your face, getting wrecked
Where: Ultros
Why: Reasons

General Information:

So this will be my first attempt at organizing anything larger than a group of 8 people showing up at the same time every week to wipe in Coil. It's going to be bad. I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. The world might end in a zombie apocalypse. Deal with it.

The goal of GAF PvP Nights is to get a bunch of Gaffers who would otherwise not PvP to be able to do so in a fun environment where everyone is rank nothing except our several PvP veterans and all gear is the same to remove the crazy effect of gear weighting in this game's PvP. We can form up into groups, wreck each others' faces, talk some trash, and generally have a good time. There's a side benefit of having instant queues and a steady stream of PVP XP and Wolf Marks for all participants, which will certainly help everyone get some kind of baseline gearing for the upcoming Frontlines.

Rules of the Zerg:

Gear: In order to enforce some kind of gear normalization, everyone who participates must be wearing Full AF1, the set which you got for leveling your job to 50. Your weapon must be PvE i90 or i95, this means you will be allowed to have Primal EX (Primal Focus), Levi EX, Allagan, or Relic Zenith or non-upgraded Relic Atma. i100+ weapons are no bueno, so stop trying to show off and put your Liberator away. At this time I have no idea how quick matches will be with this gear loadout, gear requirements are therefore subject to change in the future events. No PvP-specific gear will be allowed, period.

Skills: Unfortunately at this moment you have to rank up to buy PvP-specific skills. That will change in patch 2.28 when all skills will be unlocked by default. For this reason our PvP veterans, and by that I mean Mupod, Felix, Raijinken, and Pellegri, will be distributed among the various teams in as even a manner as possible. There will be no restrictions on using PvP-specific skills, so if you have them, use them until the other team has died.

Teams: PvP is currently a 4v4 Arena affair in the Wolves' Den. We will divide the players who arrive into teams of 4, queue the 4v4 50 cap tier in The Foreign (German, French, or Japanese), and proceed to beat the living hell out of each other. Depending on which teams are winning regularly, I hope to rebalance the teams regularly so everyone gets a chance to taste the orgasmic pleasure of gloriously bursting victory in your mouth. There is a chance that we will queue into a fight with wintraders in this tier, if that happens just wreck them quickly since they'll probably be naked wearing no gear and get the hell out of there so we can try to queue up again. Unfortunately if a number of players not equal to a multiple of 4 shows up, we will have to do rotation of players in and out so everyone gets a chance to play. I'll probably be bad at this, so please only show up in a multiple of 4 so as to make my life easier. Teehee.

Organization: There will be a calendar entry on Guildwork and a signup sheet so you can sign up. Feel free to sign up, or don't and just show up when you want. The general targeted start time will be as seen above, but you can drop in and out whenever you are free or not free. We'll just rotate people in and out of teams as needed, for as long as we have at least 8 people which is the minimum necessary for 4v4.

Signup Sheet:

TL;DR: The first GAF PvP Night will be this Saturday, 3 PM Pacific/6 PM Eastern. Be there or no smashed faces for you.


I dont see the event in the schedule?

At any rate...i'm probably not going to be home until after 8pm CST (late work day >_<). More stuff like this needs to be organized though! I guess I can try to take charge of scheduling primal/whatever catch up days...unless someone beats me to it.


just something of note - you probably won't need to worry about matches lasting too long if you're doing 95 weapons vs AF. Morale seems more effective as a defensive stat than offensive.

if anything, like in level 30-40 matches, healers without at least attunement and sacred prism are gonna get blown up instantly. So if only one high rank healer is participating things are gonna get silly.

Damn. Just got the game and apparently Ultros is full. I really wanted to join on a GAF server.

if you can try again in an hour or two. It opens up at off-peak hours.
just something of note - you probably won't need to worry about matches lasting too long if you're doing 95 weapons vs AF. Morale seems more effective as a defensive stat than offensive.

if anything, like in level 30-40 matches, healers without at least attunement and sacred prism are gonna get blown up instantly. So if only one high rank healer is participating things are gonna get silly.

Hmm, I haven't really tested it myself, but should we change the gear requirements to increase defense or lower weapon requirement?
Hmm, I haven't really tested it myself, but should we change the gear requirements to increase defense or lower weapon requirement?

The only defense in the 50 bracket is what you get from morale, defense from actual gear does not matter(it's debatable on if it even works in the 30/40 brackets either). An ilvl 90/95 wep may be a bit too much with the af armor as people will still get absolutely destroyed because of weapon dmg. Would honestly think if someone has an ilvl 90+ pve wep then they probably have atleast ilvl 70+ armor which would give more survivability because of the extra vit.

Only thing I could really suggest is either raise gear ilvl to be closer to the ilvl 90/95 weps, or lower wep ilvl to be closer to gear so things are a bit more even. This is only for if you want things to be more equal, if not then I'd say cap weps at 90/95 and then allow people to use their highest ilvl gear that isn't high allagan(unless it's an alt, anyone with a 90/95 wep should honeslty have decent gear to begin with).
Thanks for the advice about marking and hot bars guys and gals!

Anyone playing on a Laptop?

Thinking about getting a gaming dedicated laptop seeing how this game is giving my current baby the heat stroke (even with her cooler on) and I'm running at lowest settings ... and still getting less than 20fps. :/

Don't want to burn her out on this game seeing as she runs Maya and all my other programs just fine and that's why I got it (I know, Laptop = always gonna be a worse bet than a built desktop. But I need something I can move with which is why I got this laptop in the first place)


Sounds like a bot unfortunately.

There are definitely alot more bot tanks out there.
Reading this makes me never want to roll a non tank job. :(

Featherfoot, or Convelescence? I've been using the former to boost the underwhelming damage mitigation of Foresight, but using two CD's just for, "meh, satisfactory," damage mitigation, seems kinda wasteful.
If it factors into your consideration, I read that Convalescence affects VERY few of the WAR self heals. Given that evasion is a chance at damage reduction I would think Convalescence is preferable in a group environment.
All 12 ATMA pieces collected...well that didn't take long (started Sunday afternoon). Thank goodness. Am stuck with an extra ATMA piece for just doing a FATE out of the blue; have no idea whether to keep it on the off chance that I go with the insane idea of doing this again or just discard it. As for the books, I'll focus on get higher ilvl gear first

Did Turn 2 for the first time....pretty boring. Did Turn 3 for the first time....I thought it was kinda cool to jump around from spot to spot. Close to getting access to Turn 4


All 12 ATMA pieces collected...well that didn't take long (started Sunday afternoon). Thank goodness. Am stuck with an extra ATMA piece for just doing a FATE out of the blue; have no idea whether to keep it on the off chance that I go with the insane idea of doing this again or just discard it. As for the books, I'll focus on get higher ilvl gear first

Did Turn 2 for the first time....pretty boring. Did Turn 3 for the first time....I thought it was kinda cool to jump around from spot to spot. Close to getting access to Turn 4

the only noteworthy thing about this post is that 7 other people ran T3 with you
So I have been reading the FFXIV Guild's guides, mainly about materia melding but are there any other sites with crafting guides that I should be reading?


Remember to level your Archer to 34 for Quelling Strikes, otherwise your static might make you wear the "Hat of Shame" until you do.


I know from personal experience...

Ha ha!!

I plan to keep leveling my archer skills so I'll grab that along the way.

Physick has been a life-saver for my Black Mage. I can't imagine being able to complete the solo class-progression battles without it.

I too have Raging Strikes and am debatnig whether it's worth the hotbar space. As you say, it only lasts 20 seconds and has a long cooldown period. Unless I find something better, I suppose I'll stick with it for boss fights, but it's underwhelming.

Why not add an additional cross hotbar for lesser-used skills? I find the R2->L2 press is great for that.



GAF PvP Saturday Night Fights

Date: Saturday, May 31st
Time: 3 PM Pacific/6 PM Eastern
Who: You, baka
What: Your face, getting wrecked
Where: Ultros
Why: Reasons

General Information:

So this will be my first attempt at organizing anything larger than a group of 8 people showing up at the same time every week to wipe in Coil. It's going to be bad. I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. The world might end in a zombie apocalypse. Deal with it.

The goal of GAF PvP Nights is to get a bunch of Gaffers who would otherwise not PvP to be able to do so in a fun environment where everyone is rank nothing except our several PvP veterans and all gear is the same to remove the crazy effect of gear weighting in this game's PvP. We can form up into groups, wreck each others' faces, talk some trash, and generally have a good time. There's a side benefit of having instant queues and a steady stream of PVP XP and Wolf Marks for all participants, which will certainly help everyone get some kind of baseline gearing for the upcoming Frontlines.

Rules of the Zerg:

Gear: In order to enforce some kind of gear normalization, everyone who participates must be wearing Full AF1, the set which you got for leveling your job to 50. Your weapon must be PvE i90 or i95, this means you will be allowed to have Primal EX (Primal Focus), Levi EX, Allagan, or Relic Zenith or non-upgraded Relic Atma. i100+ weapons are no bueno, so stop trying to show off and put your Liberator away. At this time I have no idea how quick matches will be with this gear loadout, gear requirements are therefore subject to change in the future events. No PvP-specific gear will be allowed, period.

Skills: Unfortunately at this moment you have to rank up to buy PvP-specific skills. That will change in patch 2.28 when all skills will be unlocked by default. For this reason our PvP veterans, and by that I mean Mupod, Felix, Raijinken, and Pellegri, will be distributed among the various teams in as even a manner as possible. There will be no restrictions on using PvP-specific skills, so if you have them, use them until the other team has died.

Teams: PvP is currently a 4v4 Arena affair in the Wolves' Den. We will divide the players who arrive into teams of 4, queue the 4v4 50 cap tier in The Foreign (German, French, or Japanese), and proceed to beat the living hell out of each other. Depending on which teams are winning regularly, I hope to rebalance the teams regularly so everyone gets a chance to taste the orgasmic pleasure of gloriously bursting victory in your mouth. There is a chance that we will queue into a fight with wintraders in this tier, if that happens just wreck them quickly since they'll probably be naked wearing no gear and get the hell out of there so we can try to queue up again. Unfortunately if a number of players not equal to a multiple of 4 shows up, we will have to do rotation of players in and out so everyone gets a chance to play. I'll probably be bad at this, so please only show up in a multiple of 4 so as to make my life easier. Teehee.

Organization: There will be a calendar entry on Guildwork and a signup sheet so you can sign up. Feel free to sign up, or don't and just show up when you want. The general targeted start time will be as seen above, but you can drop in and out whenever you are free or not free. We'll just rotate people in and out of teams as needed, for as long as we have at least 8 people which is the minimum necessary for 4v4.

Signup Sheet:

TL;DR: The first GAF PvP Night will be this Saturday, 3 PM Pacific/6 PM Eastern. Be there or no smashed faces for you.

That is 2000 UK time so... I can do this. Though I didn't get anything for reaching level 50. Did I miss something?

Man, the final boss of Aurum Vale destroyed my party AGAIN last night. F**k that dude. I will have vengeance.


Suffering From Success
That is 2000 UK time so... I can do this. Though I didn't get anything for reaching level 50. Did I miss something?

Man, the final boss of Aurum Vale destroyed my party AGAIN last night. F**k that dude. I will have vengeance.

Your job quests. You've been doing those right?
Level 45 quest hands out three pieces of gear and Level 50 quest gives you one more.


Your job quests. You've been doing those right?
Level 45 quest hands out three pieces of gear and Level 50 quest gives you one more.

Ah okay. That stuff. Yeah doing those at the moment.

I don't get how this PvP will work. The warriors will just hack the casters to death before they can even fire a spell off. Tank abilities to pull agro won't work so what is left to save the casters from certain death?


Go catgirl and wear the Tafetta set.

I'm a catguy and I won't. Shame that most high level bard gear look like dresses anyway.

I don't get how this PvP will work. The warriors will just hack the casters to death before they can even fire a spell off. Tank abilities to pull agro won't work so what is left to save the casters from certain death?

PVP skils change from normal PvE ones. So no agro pull.


Farming Turn 2 is worse than a server full of cat girls and bad hair


Fresh new players in Duty Finder are being taught the enrage method only; why community why
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