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Final Fantasy XIV |OT4| Welcome, PS4 users!

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Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I think the best thing about 2.3 will be being able to skip over Titan EX and proceed to do Moogle and Leviathan...

If you think bypassing them somehow will make people get better, your way mistaken

Moogle alone needs so much teamwork, one dead moogle at the wrong time, and you've fucked it up for the entire party
Telling a DPS to keep a check on their DPS or tell people not to DOT < 20% is gonna frustration r' us

Levi isn't that demanding, but until people learn the dashes and how to anticipate them and the mechanics of how the fight goes through phases just like how Titan EX works, but if they couldn't past that, how in the blue fuck are they going to Levi Ex


Put a once daily guaranteed Alexandrite drop on Titan, and watch him go down thousands of times a day per server. XD

(Vs, the current what, tens, hundreds?)


If you think bypassing them somehow will make people get better, your way mistaken

Moogle alone needs so much teamwork, one dead moogle at the wrong time, and you've fucked it up for the entire party
Telling a DPS to keep a check on their DPS or tell people not to DOT < 20% is gonna frustration r' us

Levi isn't that demanding, but until people learn the dashes and how to anticipate them and the mechanics of how the fight goes through phases just like how Titan EX works, but if they couldn't past that, how in the blue fuck are they going to Levi Ex

I concur.

Levi gives you a little extra time to dodge, but the danger areas are huge in comparison to landslides. If you can't read LS's well and react to them appropriately, chances are Leviathan will be largely the same monster for these players.

Not entirely mind you. The extra time to dodge at least makes server lag less of an issue.


Thanks for the help! I'll start leveling my Arcanist later for White Mage then. Is there any skill from other classes that are good for a Conjurer in the beginning?
I've been doing the pre-requisite classes prior to the main class I want to level, rather than afterwards. When I started out I found switching back from MRD to GLD really jarring - so for my next main class (WHM) I levelled ACN to 15 first so that I can just get on with CNJ/WHM once I'm in the swing of things.


If you think bypassing them somehow will make people get better, your way mistaken

Moogle alone needs so much teamwork, one dead moogle at the wrong time, and you've fucked it up for the entire party
Telling a DPS to keep a check on their DPS or tell people not to DOT < 20% is gonna frustration r' us

Levi isn't that demanding, but until people learn the dashes and how to anticipate them and the mechanics of how the fight goes through phases just like how Titan EX works, but if they couldn't past that, how in the blue fuck are they going to Levi Ex

Personally, for me, it would be more beneficial to skip Titan EX because of the lack of people I can gather to actually do the damn trial. Like I said, more people in my FC do Leviathan/Moogle than there are people who do Titan EX, mainly for the fact that almost everyone has the primal accessory they need for him. So, for someone like me who hasn't been able to even do Titan EX once, it will help to be able to have all of the assistance of my FC to get past Moogle and Levi, so that I can at least learn Ramuh along with them and won't have to deal with all the "know how to do everything perfectly or you will be kicked, blacklisted, and I will kill your first born child" PFs for Moogle/Levi/Titan EX.

I'm not saying that it's beneficial for everyone else. But, for someone who wants to avoid the assholes in PF and with pug, it is beneficial in order to progress through content.



This made my day. All I need.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Honestly, aside from the Gil/Sprit Binding grind for Materia, the Novus portion of the Relic train doesn't seem that bad.

Granted, I don't yet know how much Alexandrite is needed to complete the Novus, and that could easily change how quickly or enjoyable the grind is. Also, yes, Materia affixing can theoretically fail here, but we don't know what the chances of that will be, so. *shrug*

All that aside though, you'll get one Alexandrite a day for doing an Expert Roulette, and you can do those in full parties of four now. You can get another one whenever you gather 800 Myth, and just gathering casually I can probably get one of those every few days, or I can Fate Grind Alexandrites, though of course I don't yet know the drop-rate.

Still, all in all this really doesn't look bad.

Anyhow, I have a question, as I really need to make a decision here. Basically, I'm torn whether I should spec out determination, accuracy, parry, or crit, for my Novus.

The standard Tank configuration of course, all but demands parry and accuracy. However there are some knowledgeable folks around that insist that DPS is king in this game. In the meantime, I'm pretty much constantly struggling with accuracy, but, if I luck out with drops and get the High Allagan Fending pants, it shouldn't really be an issue anymore. (Plus, ACC Materia is some of the most expensive crap out there.)

Basically, I think I'm hearing too many conflicting opinions on this, and I have no idea whose advice to take. o_O

Do you think you will Conquer Turn 9 any time soon?, I'm saying roughly 45-60 days from now
So 1.5-2 months from today?

As a Tank you will be last to get Sands/Oils (unless free roll comes into play)
Right now best thing for Tank is to get a UAT from Turn 7 and Sand within a month from Turn 8
And get the Gerolt Weapon

Use Animus to Novus as your second best wep, so having +ACC on it might beneficial down the line, most gear can be swapped in and out for Tanks where they can reach cap quite easily

It depends what you want the Novus to have, if you think your not going to see T9 in 2 months and start winning it or even T8 clears and no UAT or Sand on you, then go the route of making your own weapon have parry + accuracy and equaling as close to High Allagan Axe as possible


Can’t stump the diablos
Personally, for me, it would be more beneficial to skip Titan EX because of the lack of people I can gather to actually do the damn trial. Like I said, more people in my FC do Leviathan/Moogle than there are people who do Titan EX, mainly for the fact that almost everyone has the primal accessory they need for him. So, for someone like me who hasn't been able to even do Titan EX once, it will help to be able to have all of the assistance of my FC to get past Moogle and Levi, so that I can at least learn Ramuh along with them and won't have to deal with all the "know how to do everything perfectly or you will be kicked, blacklisted, and I will kill your first born child" PFs for Moogle/Levi/Titan EX.

I'm not saying that it's beneficial for everyone else. But, for someone who wants to avoid the assholes in PF and with pug, it is beneficial in order to progress through content.

It's always the other party members fault.

If you can't get a group together for Titan EX, then you are going to have a rough time in Coil.

There should be a very demanding test fight to permit entrance. This encourages the development of static parties needed to clear the progression content it is gating off.


Honestly, Titan probably needs a slight nerf, that or a new drop. I try to do a Titan EM run every week or so, but, honestly I can one shot that fight in the right group, and clearing it with pugs is still, "HECKA," hit or miss.

Especially frustrating since one under-performing player can ruin an otherwise promising run.


It's always the other party members fault.

If you can't get a group together for Titan EX, then you are going to have a rough time in Coil.

There should be a very demanding test fight to permit entrance. This encourages the development of static parties needed to clear the progression content it is gating off.

Our FC just formed their 5th coil group and we're going through the growing pains by trying to get people through T5 who haven't already.

It's easier to have members of a FC on TS talking through and helping me learn than to just randomly pop into a pug and try it out.

I learn by doing, not by watching a video. It's annoying being kicked out because you are trying to learn or because it's your first time there and people get visibly annoyed by it.

But, whatever. Everyone plays the game differently and everyone learns differently.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I'm not saying that it's beneficial for everyone else. But, for someone who wants to avoid the assholes in PF and with pug, it is beneficial in order to progress through content.

You got me as Tank, even if we wipe 30 fucking times, I will get you the clear

You have my Battle Axe and I'm ready to help
Get another 7 GAFfers on board an we will steamroll that Fat Fuck

Welp looks like you on different server and not in Ultros, wasted rant =/

Looks like Monks are able to outparse The Avatar and hit 460 dps.

Did you see that BLM Lipton Icetea, DAT BLM puts in 'Werk

Same thread

Honestly, Titan probably needs a slight nerf, that or a new drop. I try to do a Titan EM run every week or so, but, honestly I can one shot that fight in the right group, and clearing it with pugs is still, "HECKA," hit or miss.

Especially frustrating since one under-performing player can ruin an otherwise promising run.

Even if they upped the Horse Rate % or fuck do the Clear Titan Ex 100+ times like the tank mounts to earn the Horsie, so many people would do it
Just add a clause that is has to be through DF no PF made up groups, so the pool will be balanced

Do it for other Ex Primals also, give Moogle something too, like a moogle chariot or some shit


Do you think you will Conquer Turn 9 any time soon?, I'm saying roughly 45-60 days from now
So 1.5-2 months from today?

As a Tank you will be last to get Sands/Oils (unless free roll comes into play)
Right now best thing for Tank is to get a UAT from Turn 7 and Sand within a month from Turn 8
And get the Gerolt Weapon

Use Animus to Novus as your second best wep, so having +ACC on it might beneficial down the line, most gear can be swapped in and out for Tanks where they can reach cap quite easily

It depends what you want the Novus to have, if you think your not going to see T9 in 2 months and start winning it or even T8 clears and no UAT or Sand on you, then go the route of making your own weapon have parry + accuracy and equaling as close to High Allagan Axe as possible

I think our static has an excellent chance of getting to T9 before patch 2.3, but we probably won't be beating it before then. We're working on T7 right now, which means we haven't even begun getting the Allagan Tomestones.

So it's probably five weeks until I get my Tomestone, and that's the best case scenario. I think I can probably grind out my Novus in about two weeks, (that's how long it took me to grind out my Animus.) If true, there's no question that I'm better off doing that, rather than waiting for the Soldiery axe.

I am indeed tempted to just go, Accuracy Parry, seeing as even going full Crit-Det doesn't add THAT much damage. Conversely, healers hate dealing with us WAR's, since our HP tends to be bouncier than a PLD's. Anything I can do to off-set that, is going to make their lives easier.

Edit: I'm probably going to grind out all or most the the Alexandrites I need first, before affixing any materia at all. So I don't need to make my decision quickly.


It's always the other party members fault.

If you can't get a group together for Titan EX, then you are going to have a rough time in Coil.

There should be a very demanding test fight to permit entrance. This encourages the development of static parties needed to clear the progression content it is gating off.

Titan EX isn't a barrier to coil/progression though. He's a weird roadblock in the middle of the EX primals (since his mechanics are pretty specific and lag-prone), but you're free to go off and start Coil without him. T5 is the roadblock to progression at this point, which makes sense, and when the third coil comes in the roadblock will be lifted from T5 and moved to T9 so new people don't have to struggle with stuff everyone else has moved way past to be relevant.

You can't outgear him, so he either needs to be nerfed to be difficult in-line with his relative position in content, or removed as a roadblock so non-progression players can see later content. It makes no sense to maintain him as this hard lock when he leads to content progression players no longer consider current.

I'm not the best player, and weird stuff happens to my connection in Titan EX (go through HM just fine. Enter EX, eat a Landslide I knew was coming, was running out of before it started, and was nowhere near when it ended. WHY?). I don't think I deserve a spot in end-game content as part of my sub, but it would be nice to be able to see content eventually after the real hardcore players are done with it. I don't mind essentially being a patch behind in content, but Titan as a roadblock could potentially cut me off from every subsequent EX primal, so I'm glad he's being lifted.
ROFL, that Novus process. Guess the people who wanted FFXI-style grinds have their wish.

I would rather get a weapon from T7 than deal with that grind at this point, especially when Sands is obtainable from CT2. I have always hated spiritbonding and forcing me to do that or pay insanely inflated prices for Materia on the market board is no bueno.


ROFL, that Novus process. Guess the people who wanted FFXI-style grinds have their wish.

From what I've heard, Novus, Animus, and even Atma, don't really compare with some of the worse grinds from XI. Granted, that's second-hand info and all.

Atma wouldn't have been bad, they just needed to shift around it's drop-rate a bit, so not getting an Atma after an hour was, pretty unlucky.

Animus similarly wouldn't have been bad at all, if the books had only cost 750-800 Tomes, instead of 1500. Heck, even if they had made the books longer, it still wouldn't have been bad.

Novus, doesn't look bad. I think that's because they realize that a lot of players are probably going to want to re-spec their weapons at least once. Granted this is only an initial impression.


I think people are forgetting something.

Supposedly, Zodiac weapons are coming in 2.3, (That was their initial plan anyway,) are going to be ilvl115, and are going to have the same respec options as the Novus.

So, if true, the best the High Allagan weapons can hope to be, is tied with the Zodiac. If properly specced, the Zod weapons are probably going to be BiS.

Yeah, I'll still take T9 and Soldiery weapons as trophy's, and for alt classes, but, at the same ilvl it's going to be really hard to beat out any weapon with customizable sub-stats.


Ok the level progression from level 40 on slows down quite a bit....
DD 1st room EXP grinds. no one is playing the 40-49 content, so everything takes forever. On your 2nd character you don't even get the benefit of Story missions for EXP.
So a bunch of people who couldn't dodge WotLs are gonna hit Levi now and not dodge dives, great

Levi is way easier than Titan.


Crystal Bearer
I think people are forgetting something.

Supposedly, Zodiac weapons are coming in 2.3, (That was their initial plan anyway,) are going to be ilvl115, and are going to have the same respec options as the Novus.

So, if true, the best the High Allagan weapons can hope to be, is tied with the Zodiac. If properly specced, the Zod weapons are probably going to be BiS.

Yeah, I'll still take T9 and Soldiery weapons as trophy's, and for alt classes, but, at the same ilvl it's going to be really hard to beat out any weapon with customizable sub-stats.

Novus is meant to last through 2.3. I don't think the next upgrade will come until 2.4 when the ilevel cap is raised again. 2.3 will add more places to get the items for Novus is what I believe they said.
Meh, I have the moolah to afford the overpriced materia but I never started the animus grind and I feel even better about just skipping it altogether. I'll just save up tokens and hope to get a weathered weapon instead.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Novus is meant to last through 2.3. I don't think the next upgrade will come until 2.4 when the ilevel cap is raised again. 2.3 will add more places to get the items for Novus is what I believe they said.

Also this, if you make Coil 2 Wep useless, that is going to piss off a lot of the HC players

2.3 might jut ease the process or hell kickstart everyone to get into the Atma/Animus chain quest, alongside help out on the alexanderites/myth so you can get to Novus better

Most likely 2.4 with Coil 3 will bring the new ilvl increase and from there the Novus will starting heading towards the next part in the Zodiak upgrade
Zodiak weapon will be best but not before expansion, and expansion most likely is March 2015 from the looks of it

So they will stretch this shit out as long as possible

Whatever the last Turn is in Coil will always have the nest weapon available for players
Second will be either Primal or Gerolt if they let us keep upgrading those weapons
Third will be the Zodiak, it might equal or surpass the second but will always be below Coil wep until expansion, where it will be given the go ahead to be best and start a new cycle of weapon chasing from something new


For PF PUG's?

I have seen people die to the first Dash, THE FIRST FUCKING DASH!
This is before the slam and start of the real battle

I've never had a problem completing Levi with a PF PUG that clearly states it's a farming party.

Titan on the other hand, I had to wait until I formed a static, because PUGs are way too unreliable. The fact that people grind it weekly for i90 weapons is baffling to me.

Would rather just farm Levi for alt weapons.


Crystal Bearer
Also this, if you make Coil 2 Wep useless, that is going to piss off a lot of the HC players

2.3 might jut ease the process or hell kickstart everyone to get into the Atma/Animus chain quest, alongside help out on the alexanderites/myth so you can get to Novus better

Most likely 2.4 with Coil 3 will bring the new ilvl increase and from there the Novus will starting heading towards the next part in the Zodiak upgrade
Zodiak weapon will be best but not before expansion, and expansion most likely is March 2015 from the looks of it

So they will stretch this shit out as long as possible

Pretty much. It's already a bit much that Novus is i110 already given the duration 2.2's been out but it's still going to take people quite a bit to beat Turn 9 and taking an incentive away from those people before 2.4 would be a poor decision on SE's part.
Though it sucks, as long as I can get Alexandrites through FATE grinding, that's fine. I didn't want it to be reliant on other people for their skill/coordination by having to clear some hard boss/dungeon. Also the supposed one a day from DR EX is awesome news.

However, the Materia cost...that is going to suck so bad. Time to start leveling up my crafting class for Thyrus fusing and read up on what I think I saw was a way to take lesser materia parts and try to make them into better ones?

Going to also stop trading in all my 35+ pink gear for GC seals and start running with them in DR LL stuff to get that spirit bond going since spirit bond locations I'm sure will be beyond crowded/ridiculous.

But, there is no rush to get Novus. i95/i100 weapon seemed pretty mandatory in order to clear Second Coil, but i110 just makes it easier/speeds it up assuming you have turns on farm. So, not killing myself on getting Novus like I did Animus. Will do the DR EX every day, and maybe pick one day a week for FATE grinding and that's it.

Love the other updates, though.

Except for not being able to teleport anymore when in combat. Sucks if you got hate on a mob and can't mount/teleport when FATE grinding for a few extra seconds. But a minor inconvenience at most.


From what I've heard, Novus, Animus, and even Atma, don't really compare with some of the worse grinds from XI. Granted, that's second-hand info and all.

XI comparisons really don't work, for a couple of motives.

Relic/Mystic weapons in XI were the best at the best, they unlocked abilities that could completely revamp your job and you knew that once you got them, you wouldn't need to look for another weapon ever again (Before Abyessea came, but fuck Abyssea). Novus most likely are going to be surpassed in 3-4 months, hell, I wouldn't be surprised if a future expansion just dropped and replaced the whole questline.

Also, in XI these kind of weapons were aimed to the best and more hardcore players. 90% of the player base probably ignored them and did fine without them, it was really just content aimed at the kind of players that made of FFXI a job. In XIV, Novus is according to Yoshi-P, the "casual" weapon.


There are places where you can spiritbond faster? I had no idea about this, I never paid attention to spiritbonding before.


There are places where you can spiritbond faster? I had no idea about this, I never paid attention to spiritbonding before.

Look for the places that have a few people in a lot of militia gear just sitting there spamming something. Those are spiritbonding bots.

There's a place right outside Fallgord floats near the treants, and then there is a place with some lv 49 water sprites.


Novus is meant to last through 2.3. I don't think the next upgrade will come until 2.4 when the ilevel cap is raised again. 2.3 will add more places to get the items for Novus is what I believe they said.

They also said that new segments of the upgrade path would be opened up with every patch. So I rather doubt they'll be holding back on the next one till 2.4. It's possible that they may hold off until one of the interim patches in 2.3, but that would still render the next relic stage BiS, at least for a time.

That said, given the work that goes into these, I hope they offer something better than custom secondary stats after some point.


How much are they selling Fantasia for?

$10, but you get a discount if you buy the three pack or five pack.

It's worth noting you can only buy nine total right now, as each option can only be purchased once. This means the maximum amount of Fantasias you can get is 12 (Nine from the shop, one from veteran rewards, one from Legacy, and one from the GM item restore.)


Someone at Reddit infused 1 Determination 1 Materia and 1 Piety 1 Materia at 100% success rate each. According to his game menu, the next Determination 1 attempt is at 94% chance. I would have thought that the 100% rates would stick for a while, but nope.
Someone at Reddit infused 1 Determination 1 Materia and 1 Piety 1 Materia at 100% success rate each. According to his game menu, the next Determination 1 attempt is at 94% chance. I would have thought that the 100% rates would stick for a while, but nope.

1% chance to fuse the 75th Materia inc

Somewhere, Tanaka is laughing


Someone at Reddit infused 1 Determination 1 Materia and 1 Piety 1 Materia at 100% success rate each. According to his game menu, the next Determination 1 attempt is at 94% chance. I would have thought that the 100% rates would stick for a while, but nope.

Do we have an idea yet how many Alex's it'll take to go full Novus, assuming a 100‰ success rate?

If I know that, I think I can work out a rough estimate how many Alex's it'll take, given the failure rate.


Do we have an idea yet how many Alex's it'll take to go full Novus, assuming a 100&#8240; success rate?

If I know that, I think I can work out a rough estimate how many Alex's it'll take, given the failure rate.

Sounds like one per materia, but I'm not gonna do the math. It would vary based on how many higher level materia you can/decide to use.


Do we have an idea yet how many Alex's it'll take to go full Novus, assuming a 100&#8240; success rate?

If I know that, I think I can work out a rough estimate how many Alex's it'll take, given the failure rate.

Somebody mentioned that you don't lose the alexandrite on failure, only the materia.

I was trying to use my linear algebra skills to figure out if the amount of stat increase on a materia meant anything, but I couldn't get whole numbers.

Savage Aim (Crit) gives out 2, 4, 6, 9 for each tier. Novus cap is 44.
Savage Might (Det) gives out 1, 3, 4, 6 for each tier. Novus cap is 31.
Piety gives out 1, 2, 3, 6 for each tier. Novus cap is 23.
Plugging these values into two matrices gave me -0.667 tier 1s needed, 4.333 tier 2s needed, 3.667 tier 3s needed, and 0.667 tier 4s needed. :(
Somebody mentioned that you don't lose the alexandrite on failure, only the materia.

I was trying to use my linear algebra skills to figure out if the amount of stat increase on a materia meant anything, but I couldn't get whole numbers.

Savage Aim (Crit) gives out 2, 4, 6, 9 for each tier. Novus cap is 44.
Savage Might (Det) gives out 1, 3, 4, 6 for each tier. Novus cap is 31.
Piety gives out 1, 2, 3, 6 for each tier. Novus cap is 23.
Plugging these values into two matrices gave me -0.667 tier 1s needed, 4.333 tier 2s needed, 3.667 tier 3s needed, and 0.667 tier 4s needed. :(

Do they have to be whole numbers? There's nothing preventing some of the stat increases from the last materia you meld be lost.
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