Based Yoship.Yoshida: To answer your first question, internally we are currently working on a new type of system that will allow players to directly filter and report as soon as you see it.
godjesus finally
More skill speed is nice up to a certain point but I think they emphasize it a tad too much...
Stupid BRD soldiery gear...
Is any of the MNK crafted stuff worth it, or should I wait and see how the new CT gear is?
*reads about Monk and Skill Speed in Kagari's interview*
Oh goddammit Yoshida. XD
im still shocked he answered the wintrader question
godjesus finally
This same top on my femroe gives me no sweet underboob. I demand justice for this discrimination!!
I need the name of that top.
For research.
Leveling my first DPS class - pugilist. Will I stick with it? Who knows. I was only taking it to 15 incase it was the ninja subjob, but it's pretty fun to play.
I'm not sure this would be possible with the PS version - as far as I recall the username is hard coded on the client, which means you won't be able to login with a different SE account name.I have a question that I couldn't find an answer too in the OP's post so bare with me.
I made an account during the beta for this game and I decided I would pick it up later but I had missed the last sale of the game so I need to know if what I'm going to do is possible without messing up my friends account. I have a PS4 but would like to buy the PS3 version of this game because it's cheeper atm but my friend has the game on his PS3 already so I wanted to know if I got game for PS3 and did the transfer to the PS4 from his PS3 is ok. I don't own a PS3 and wanted to make sure I could do this from his PS3 and when I transfer my account to my PS4 he would still be able to play his game fine. I know this is kinda complicated and most would say just get the PS4 version and avoid this but im short on money right now and I'm gonna trade some stuff in to get it. Thanks.
Maybe I'll give it another try then, with me standing south. Perhaps me blaming the PS4 was unfair of me, and that it's mostly just down to EU general latency. Maybe my ISP's just not doing a good enough job. Whatever it is, I have no problems dodging plumes on HM on my WAR. :/I beat Titan ex on a two year old macbook which chugs badly (seriously I'm lucky to get 20 fps) and I was able to avoid the plumes by sprinting every time + knowing they were coming. That being said I did stand apart from the main group just south so if I did get hit by a plume it would be only one (which you can easily live through after echo) rather than the whole group. As long as you stand in a straight line coming down from Titan and all dodge left you shouldn't mess up the rest of the group.
PGL started off as me getting my subjob for my future BRD. Now, my ARC's lvl20, and my MNK's lvl48. There's something very satisfying when you get Greased Lightning 3 and you're juggling combos, DoTs and buffs/debuffs to make everything work.Leveling my first DPS class - pugilist. Will I stick with it? Who knows. I was only taking it to 15 incase it was the ninja subjob, but it's pretty fun to play.
Yoshi is a chill guy. Just don't ask him about parsers.
Maybe I'll give it another try then, with me standing south. Perhaps me blaming the PS4 was unfair of me, and that it's mostly just down to EU general latency. Maybe my ISP's just not doing a good enough job. Whatever it is, I have no problems dodging plumes on HM on my WAR. :/
godjesus finally
You look like a Dark Souls enemy!
I have a question that I couldn't find an answer too in the OP's post so bare with me.
I made an account during the beta for this game and I decided I would pick it up later but I had missed the last sale of the game so I need to know if what I'm going to do is possible without messing up my friends account. I have a PS4 but would like to buy the PS3 version of this game because it's cheeper atm but my friend has the game on his PS3 already so I wanted to know if I got game for PS3 and did the transfer to the PS4 from his PS3 is ok. I don't own a PS3 and wanted to make sure I could do this from his PS3 and when I transfer my account to my PS4 he would still be able to play his game fine. I know this is kinda complicated and most would say just get the PS4 version and avoid this but im short on money right now and I'm gonna trade some stuff in to get it. Thanks.
The appearance of that top is race-specific, if you're not a Highlander it won't look like that.I need the name of that top.
For research.
You will have to add your PSN account to your friend's PS3 and try to link your PSN account to your game license. However, I'm not sure how smoothly that will go.I have a question that I couldn't find an answer too in the OP's post so bare with me.
I made an account during the beta for this game and I decided I would pick it up later but I had missed the last sale of the game so I need to know if what I'm going to do is possible without messing up my friends account. I have a PS4 but would like to buy the PS3 version of this game because it's cheeper atm but my friend has the game on his PS3 already so I wanted to know if I got game for PS3 and did the transfer to the PS4 from his PS3 is ok. I don't own a PS3 and wanted to make sure I could do this from his PS3 and when I transfer my account to my PS4 he would still be able to play his game fine. I know this is kinda complicated and most would say just get the PS4 version and avoid this but im short on money right now and I'm gonna trade some stuff in to get it. Thanks.
So I buy a wireless keyboard for the PS4 version only to discover 2.28 broke switching input languages.
...Back to crooking in front of the PC with me
Nah, I went wired back in January after I was getting 90k after 90k on my PS3. I don't even want to imagine it on wireless!are you playing on wireless? go wired and it'll be much easier.
What do you mean by this?
So in other news I finally saved up 1500 myth for the first book. I was thinking that while I was doing that I would save up 1500 for the next and maybe a little extra to upgrade the few slots I have ilvl 70 gear. I got really lucky with the FATEs, so I'm thinking I'm gonna be done waaaay before I come even close to raising enough myths. So it'll be the myth grinding that will be slowing me down. That's a little disappointing. They really need to lower the price on those damned books.
You used to be able to switch between input languages by pressing ~. Like for example between English and Japanese or English and Russian.
It's not available since 2.28, in fact there's no method to switch language at all, it's English all the time.
I really don't understand what you're talking about.
You can only play frontlines with members of your GC?
GAF/Maelstrom reckt
The appearance of that top is race-specific, if you're not a Highlander it won't look like that.
I'm assuming this means you asked him?
I wasn't able to this time, but was told Yoshi hates that subject by someone else lol.
I think I'm the only Twin Adders on GAF FC.
I'll take you all on.
I think I'm the only Twin Adders on GAF FC.
I'll take you all on.
I still don't follow, sorry. How does input language affect anything? I don't think the game has autocorrect. Or is for those default messages that you receive in the language you have you GUI setup to?
If it's the language of your keyboard, you can change that in the PS4 device settings.
I really don't understand what you're talking about.
I believe he's mentioned something about target dummies that help you parse your damage, although I believe that's only for the PVP side of things. For PVE, and a parser in-general, I wouldn't expect anything like that. Basically, just don't talk about parsers, and you should be fine. Still, having one built in-game would be convenience, but it's not really needed.So no (official) parsers anytime soon I guess... lol
There's never a bad time to join!Hello guys,
I am thinking of grabbing this tomorrow for the PS4 still worth it? or am I too late?
I have this MMO itch that needs scratching and seeing that there is no Wildstar for Mac and TESO got pushed back to god knows when I was thinking of getting this.
Thanks for any opinion you throw my way
There's never a bad time to join!
We still have a few open slots in the FC [as far as a I know], and content is continually being released. They've also added a lot of "Quality of Life" changes to the game since it's launched, so those new to the game will feel even more comfortable jumping in.
We welcome you.
Definitely will be, and there's a good chance that some of the expansion jobs will be from existing classes. NIN (and likely the new gunner) needed it's own class because they do not fit with any current class. There are however plenty of other jobs that could fit, stuff like Geomancer for CNJ, Ranger for ARC, Beserker/Viking for MRD, etc.NC always best Yoshi-P interviews; thanks for sharing.
Been thinking since announcement of Rogue > NIN—you guys think we'll see addition of jobs for existing classes?
I'm not sure what you mean, you don't need to have an overlay with constant dps/hps/whatever display if you don't want to. Only overlay I use is for HP%, can look at parser info after fight if needed (whether for fight as whole or a specific time frame of the encounter).That being said, I don't personally use one. I'd find it too distracting in-battle if I did. >_<
Keep me healed please. TWIN ADDERS ASSEMBLE.
Enjoy! A Realm Reborn is one hell of an experience, even moreso when you have great people to play with.Thanks mate, I am psyching myself up for the game by reading up on stuff and deciding before hand what class/race to play.
cheers again!
Oh, so you can bring it up as needed? Interesting. I wasn't sure if it was something that was prominently displayed without an option to minimize/hide it.I'm not sure what you mean, you don't need to have an overlay with constant dps/hps/whatever display if you don't want to. Only overlay I use is for HP%, can look at parser info after fight if needed (whether for fight as whole or a specific time frame of the encounter).