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Final Fantasy XIV |OT4| Welcome, PS4 users!

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OMG, it sits on my shoulder now <3



Actually I rather like the Atma farming, though there are really a couple things they could do to make it better.

Right now, I need more GC Seals, because I used most of them last night buying up Phil Tome Mats. (MASSIVE PROFITS, MWAHAHA!)

If I didn't need Seals, it'd be a lot more frustrating. Thing is though that isn't a situation that's really, "normal," and GC Seals are only of limited use for endgame content anyway.

So really, I like the idea of simple content that I can vedge out on when I don't feel like being challenged, but, I need to get stuff out of it so it isn't a huge deal if I don't get an Atma after an hour or so.

I dunno, maybe make it so Fates start giving progressively better rewards when you start running them back to back, rapidly, after a certain amount of time. First, additional XP or Gil. Later, Myth Tomes start to drop, and maybe if you run for something like four hours straight or something, Soldiery Tomes start dropping at the end of every Fate.

I mean, kinda like how you get an XP bonus for killing enemies rapidly back to back.

Also, more Fates designed for End Gamers. Maybe not quite Odin or Behemoth level fates, but, stuff leaning in that general direction. XD
Nah, this is kind of an extreme grind, especially for your main weapon, I'd understand a big grind like this for cool vanity stuff but your main source of damage, a tad much for a mainstream MMO.

Edit: Unless there is some other bridge from ilvl 90 weapon to T9 weapon that I dont know of.

Extreme grind? Emphasis on it being bad "for a main weapon" so it should be easier, and then things that have no effect on your ability in game should be what is hard? Kids these days and their drugs.

Today was easily the best day I've had in this game in a long time. Having so many people online chatting the whole time, it's been too long. Anything that keeps people logging on often is a good thing in my mind.

I agree. Even with all the amusing bitching it was just a day of actually playing the game with a reason and being able to talk to some people instead of just logging on for raids. And now that there is maintenance I can get something real to eat.


Honestly I'm thinking that Atma fates are bugged and its going to get fixed. I'm used to the timesink, but this game hasn't had that level of timesink yet and it feels kind of abrupt. I'm thinking just like the FATEs for Crystal Tower, these are bugged some how and will be fixed soon.

Even if it isn't though, People did ask a long term goal and we still have alternate weapon paths even now. If not Atma, then you can use Wave weapon into Tidal Wave Weapon to get ready for Coil, or you can use the soldiery weapon in 3 weeks after saving up 1300 Soldiery.


Where are those blasted kids?!

The one everyone seems to miss is
hiding in the Waking Sands

Edit: And I'd probably be much more ok with the FATE grinding for these Atmas if they gave some extra seals for being level capped, since you can't do them on a job that needs exp it effectively kills 1/3rd of the "normal' reward.

Besides the Atma stuff being questionable due to the rng luck factor (which is admittedly not new with stuff like Coil being around), I'm actually quite impressed by the amount of things to do in this patch. For more theme-parky solo-y stuff you have the story and the Hildebrand sidestory and the beastmen side stories and the vetunres and the dances and and whatever.

For the raiding/endgame gear I've already heard from 2 separate groups that T6 is no walk in the park, and there's 3 more turns after that. Leviathan EX seems less difficult than Titan EX when it came out but still a fair challenge, and Moggle Mog EX ain't no joke. It's a bit lighter in content than the other stuff in number count but I feel like this is going to last awhile, people will probably spend a much longer time gearing up their mains before they can work on their alts, which i remember a lot of folks being worried about before.

But the big surprise with me was the crafting and what it did to the economy (even though it's not gonna last very long I don't think). There's still more sellers than buyers for a lot of things, but some of those high end recipes are effectively gated moreso than Atmas or anything else. Some of the guild's best crafters are working hard just to master a single craft because the overmeld requirements and materia/food necessarily to reliably craft that stuff they need to turn in is borderline insane. Yet the rewards (and bragging rights0 seem high, even for formerly "useless" professions like Alchemy and Cooking. Alchemists especially improved, LWers and Weavers at least are going to be heavily reliant on them for Putty for their bigger ticket items.


I had a pretty productive day, unlocked most of the stuff in the new patch, got 2 atmas, got my DRG feet...hopefully I can do one of the new dungeons tomorrow with the FC


Anyone know where there's a strategy rundown for Moogle Extreme? I want to try that fight tomorrow, and I'd like a decent shot at getting my Fending Ribbon. XD


Just woke up hoping to get back into FFXIV before I have to go to the hospital and nope, it's down :(. Lovely timing. And it finishes by the time I get back roughly.

Oh well, got lots of stuff to do today in any case. Another attempt at Garuda EX (the DF group last night couldn't even do it at 25% buff because the healer was new and didn't say anything, just kept getting himself killed before we vote abandon'd :/), maybe another T4 attempt and hopefully try out the 3 new dungeons as well.

Lots of stuff to do with so little time in the day haha.

edit: Just saw this on reddit, someone got one of those books for their relics before maint:



Just woke up hoping to get back into FFXIV before I have to go to the hospital and nope, it's down :(. Lovely timing. And it finishes by the time I get back roughly.

Oh well, got lots of stuff to do today in any case. Another attempt at Garuda EX (the DF group last night couldn't even do it at 25% buff because the healer was new and didn't say anything, just kept getting himself killed before we vote abandon'd :/), maybe another T4 attempt and hopefully try out the 3 new dungeons as well.

Lots of stuff to do with so little time in the day haha.

edit: Just saw this on reddit, someone got one of those books for their relics before maint:


Wow, the whole book just for 2 more vit?


Just woke up hoping to get back into FFXIV before I have to go to the hospital and nope, it's down :(. Lovely timing. And it finishes by the time I get back roughly.

Oh well, got lots of stuff to do today in any case. Another attempt at Garuda EX (the DF group last night couldn't even do it at 25% buff because the healer was new and didn't say anything, just kept getting himself killed before we vote abandon'd :/), maybe another T4 attempt and hopefully try out the 3 new dungeons as well.

Lots of stuff to do with so little time in the day haha.

edit: Just saw this on reddit, someone got one of those books for their relics before maint:


Lol, Animus is hitting 1.x Relic levels.
Wow, the whole book just for 2 more vit?

Yeah that does seem a bit extreme. When I first saw screenshots of the books I thought it was going to be a rolling upgrade for completing more and more things in the book, not do everything for the little number then move onto the next tiny upgrade.


Dunno why but i like this 'time sink' / randomness effect ala FF11 in the Atma content lol. Maybe some sort of nostalgia... thinking about Leaping Lizzy. D:


Quick question, can you do the atma fates for multiple relics at the same time? Or do you have to complete the quest first then start with another relic?


Oh well, got lots of stuff to do today in any case. Another attempt at Garuda EX (the DF group last night couldn't even do it at 25% buff because the healer was new and didn't say anything, just kept getting himself killed before we vote abandon'd :/), maybe another T4 attempt and hopefully try out the 3 new dungeons as well.

I'd love to help with Garuda EX. With 2 competent tanks, especially a MT that won't die to double wicked wheel, it is really easy. Could always use more people to do Titan with :D

Well, got mostly caught up with unlocking everything before the maint started. Just need to finish Hildabrandt stuff.

I also need to find a FC on Ultros now that no one I know is playing this game anymore. =/

I think I'm still slightly behind you on content but you can always hit me up for stuff :)


Did Haukke Manor last night (first time on normal) and it was a bit of a mess. Horrible lag initially, and once that seemed to have settled down I could barely hold enmity on anything - not sure if I was fucking up or others in the group were just pulling aggro because of my shitty gear.

It did highlight that I need to start marking stuff. Someone in the group started marking for me... but it didn't stop someone in the group going for the steward rather than the jester.


I would say, the best thing that happened yesterday is probably when Bara found the Grade 3 La Noscean Topsoil unspoiled node, and then when he hit it, for the first time in months he returned to "YOU OBTAINED NOTHING" and afterwards he was standing by himself on a hill looking desolate.

All of us gatherers used to being gods even without materia have now turned into 0% gathering chance plebs.


This kind of grind is inevitable in Asian MMOs, it seems. I was surprised that FF14 didn't really have it until now.

Fixed that.

I am surprised they are going back to this grindy nonsense especially considering how many people hated it in 1.0, excluding a few die hards.

I agree that relic should take time to complete but there is better way than this than doing it.

Joe T.

I'm not sure why, exactly, but I've been having a hard time getting myself interested for FFXIV's end game. I started playing a few months ago and rushed my way to level 50 PLD with all main story quests completed in about a week, then when I realized all I had to look forward to was repeating the same few quests/dungeons daily I said to hell with that. I've been casually playing around with crafting/gathering jobs hoping to see some variety gradually creep its way into the game.

The only other MMORPGs I've played were FFXI and WoW. I fell in love with the former very early on and poured an insane amount of time into it, while the latter was more of a short term curiosity I looked into with a small group of friends. Despite the amount of time poured into XI I had no shortage of criticism for the way it was handled, especially post-Abyssea, but it was a well-rounded environment with room for casuals and hardcore players to co-exist side by side. XIV: ARR not so much, where the more hardcore players plow through new content then vanish until the next patch.

Patch 2.2 seems to be doubling down on grinding, adding more trials/dungeons/raids to the daily/weekly schedule while pretty much forcing everyone to jump into FATEs again, too. Can't say I hate the FATE idea, but there had to be a better way. I figured most people had grown tired of them, would have seemed so looking at how few players had been doing them lately anyway. I have nothing against random drop rates and the whole collect-athon idea, just not sure I like it being applied to relic weapons which have been, until now, strictly a skill-based affair.

If they were going to go down this random drop item route it would have been nice if they went all in and brought back XI's notorious monsters, maybe making it so everyone that contributed a certain level of effort to killing each pop a chance at their loot, like scaled down versions of Odin and Behemoth with different pop conditions.

Trojita knows whats up! Lala or bust!

I had my first bad DR. I kept thinking the rest of you were crazy with all this talk of assholes in random groups but no, it happens and it is a horrible abomination that needs to stop. I kinda wish there was a vote system that could take commendation medals away from a-hole players.

Does DPS get better? I mean spamming the hell out of 3 spells is super cool and all but some change would be wicked great.


I've been meaning to ask. What do the STR/VIT/INT etc. icons mean?
Those are Party Bonuses. If you're in a light or full party with say a white mage, you get the PIE bonus (more MP than when you are solo). VIT comes with tanks, INT with casters, and so on.


So I was looking at making some Bard macros (never used macros in this game) but it just makes so much sense to macro Heavy Shot, Misery's End, and Bloodletter together.

Is there any way to turn off the message/sound that says "Not yet ready" in red at the top of the screen?

Also, wow, the glamour system is way more convoluted than I thought it would be. I'm not even going to bother with that. So disappointing...

Does DPS get better? I mean spamming the hell out of 3 spells is super cool and all but some change would be wicked great.

You get some more cool downs and situational abilities. But most of the classes/jobs get their core spells relatively early on and the combat doesn't change significantly at higher levels.

Encounters become more active though so you'll do less standing and spamming and more running and spamming.


Playing as a healer is so much more fun and intuitive than the other classes I've tried. I'm almost tempted to stop using my level 46 DPS class and level my Conjurer experience all the way up just so that I can finish the game that way.

Today I was in a party of three where we were sent to Halatali but never got a tank -- and I only had 40 minutes to play. We decided to persevere and just minutes before I would have had to quit, we beat the last boss. It sure felt great winning while undermanned like that. Those of you who have attempted hard mode stuff, which is harder, "real" HM, or "artificial" HM where you've got to beat the boss without one of the main classes being with you? Because the difficulty of the latter is pitch-perfect even if, aside from giving out more EXP because it's dividing by three, the game doesn't seem to acknowledge it in any way.
]Playing as a healer is so much more fun and intuitive than the other classes I've tried.[/B] I'm almost tempted to stop using my level 46 DPS class and level my Conjurer experience all the way up just so that I can finish the game that way.

Today I was in a party of three where we were sent to Halatali but never got a tank -- and I only had 40 minutes to play. We decided to persevere and just minutes before I would have had to quit, we beat the last boss. It sure felt great winning while undermanned like that. Those of you who have attempted hard mode stuff, which is harder, "real" HM, or "artificial" HM where you've got to beat the boss without one of the main classes being with you? Because the difficulty of the latter is pitch-perfect even if, aside from giving out more EXP because it's dividing by three, the game doesn't seem to acknowledge it in any way.

I have heard this time and time again from FF14 players. I have played a healer in every MMORPG including my first character in Ultima Online... Yeah I know back in the day with dial up I am a dinosaur. So I make my first character ever as DPS and I am kicking myself for doing so.

On a side note at least we can level all the classes on one character, I am going to level my DPS first just because I started that way, but healing is coming on next.


For those wanting Greg hard and extreme, notice that the portait for the duty has him in B&W. Now look at te normal, hard extreme portraits for any of the original primals.

I think it's a safe bet Greg will be returning. :)


I have heard this time and time again from FF14 players. I have played a healer in every MMORPG including my first character in Ultima Online... Yeah I know back in the day with dial up I am a dinosaur. So I make my first character ever as DPS and I am kicking myself for doing so.

If you've played other MMOs, the other classes might not be as confusing and frustrating for you as they were for me. In my case, having played single-player RPGs for 20 years, the barrage of new and unintuitive concepts in this game has made it a struggle at times -- the tank-healer-DPS system, the concept of enemy aggro on individual members of your party (and the ability to manipulate that), the fact that elemental magic no longer means anything, having to "target" even NPCs when talking to them, the insanely complex MMO-speak vocabulary in general.

But the Conjurer, while boring when soloing, plays exactly the way you would expect, and the learning curve has been pretty gentle so far. Also, when soloing the Conjurer, you can play some offense with Aero and Stone, but with others you primarily play defense. Getting to do both is more fun than the Thaumaturge who is basically doing the same thing in all situations.


I have heard this time and time again from FF14 players. I have played a healer in every MMORPG including my first character in Ultima Online... Yeah I know back in the day with dial up I am a dinosaur. So I make my first character ever as DPS and I am kicking myself for doing so.

On a side note at least we can level all the classes on one character, I am going to level my DPS first just because I started that way, but healing is coming on next.

This is where ACN shines you get both Healing and DPS in one classes :)


Fixed that.

I am surprised they are going back to this grindy nonsense especially considering how many people hated it in 1.0, excluding a few die hards.

I agree that relic should take time to complete but there is better way than this than doing it.

No, you did not fix it. Asian MMOs go overboard with it, but western MMOs, particularly EQ, have had these kinds of things forever.
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