Is it even worth farming Twin though when you could be practicing and trying to down Leviathan EX?
She still wants that bow
Is it even worth farming Twin though when you could be practicing and trying to down Leviathan EX?
Final Fantasy producer: Subscriptions still good for MMOs
She still wants that bow
2.2 info need, before i resub:
Is there anything new for crafting?
HM Brayflox is so much fun. Shame it's faceroll easy but no biggie.
Mmmm, maybe it's because you're overgeared?
2.2 info need, before i resub:
Is there anything new for crafting?
Ding ding ding
Tell him what he's won qhon
Allagan belt of healing.
I swear, T4 loots are rigged.
Just accept one of their leves and do it to reshuffle the list.So I'm currently stuck on the last part of my Atma Weapon quest. It's asking me to complete 3 Leves from specific npcs. The problem is when I visited each of them they didn't offer those Leves? Am I just screwed for the day till they change to the ones I need?
Everyone in our group except me has their allagan weapon now. Come on RNG *_*
Everyone in our group except me has their allagan weapon now. Come on RNG *_*
Just accept one of their leves and do it to reshuffle the list.
I'm getting really tired of the fates in East Shroud
It is awesome.I bet all the new players are going to be so happy about all these 50 finishing their Fates in 5 seconds!
Luckily Yoshida treats its fanbase like they are his stockholders, so they'll probably hotfix this shiet for 2.2.5.
God what is wrong with the instance servers? Sometimes I'm lag free other times it's atrocious. Usually at least 2-3 people in a group are laggy as fuck.
Good lord. Guess I should just work on Atma..
Also I was going to join the GAF FC, but I just found out that I am now leader of my FC because everyone left.... and I'd feel like a dick disbanding it, lol.
The leve lists reshuffle upon completion of any single leve, and this is a global thing (i.e., completing a leve at one NPC will refresh the leves of another). If they ended up being the same, that's probably just bad luck.I grabbed two of the ones on the list (only two) and did both. When I finished both of the same Leve's were back to select from. This is all I need to finish my first Skyfire book and move on to my second :/
As mentioned, we still need to get Kagari her bow [we've spent enough time in there not to give up now!] and we weren't able to have a solid full raid night tonight with our groups, so we figured we'd do some Coil farming instead.Is it even worth farming Twin though when you could be practicing and trying to down Leviathan EX?
I grinded the FATEs in Central Thanalan for 4 hours and didn't get the Atma. The whole time I was there, people would randomly drop into the party, do like 2 FATEs, get their Atma, and leave.
Fuck this RNG, fuck this game, and fuck Squenix.
turn 7 2% wipe
Looking forward to Tuesday though I can't help but feel nervous.
So Sand of Times confirmed for T7 drop? Kinda bananas, GL getting all equip to 110 with lockouts and while rolling against 7 other ppl. ._.
Turn 7 down
Turn 7 down
loot shot
So Sand of Times confirmed for T7 drop? Kinda bananas, GL getting all equip to 110 with lockouts and while rolling against 7 other ppl. ._.
At least it's not the fucking last turn like the healer Allagan stuff in the first coil.So Sand of Times confirmed for T7 drop? Kinda bananas, GL getting all equip to 110 with lockouts and while rolling against 7 other ppl. ._.
If that was HM I'm pretty sure you could survive Earthen Fury.
Yeah seems a bit extreme to gate that stuff to second coil + weekly lock out. Even with 6 months it'll probably be rare to see someone in all 110 gear now.Yeah that's a bit...much.
Well whatever, as long as Weathered armor has the same color palette as the finished version I'll be okay.
Also grats Madchad.
Yeah seems a bit extreme to gate that stuff to second coil + weekly lock out. Even with 6 months it'll probably be rare to see someone in all 110 gear now.