Go spend your company seal then. Shit, buy some animal fat and sell it on the market.
Seriously this.
The former philo tome items have gone up in price quite a bit..
Go spend your company seal then. Shit, buy some animal fat and sell it on the market.
Okay, for some reason, getting my first Atma took like 30 minutes. My attempt to get the second took almost two hours with no success.
And at that point, I realized that I'm essentially going through Fates I already grinded a bazillion times and my only rewards are company seals (which I already am capped on), and maybe 90 gil a pop. I am literally wasting my day off bashing my head against a RNG for absolutely no reward.
... These Zodiac Weapons better be the holy fucking grail when they get fully upgraded.
7 hours, no atmas to show for it. Yes I have the zenith equipped.
If they make this required to be competitive for progression next patch, I think I'll end up quitting the game.
It's ok, they'll up the drop rate in 2.3 and then you'll still be caught up in the stopgap that is those stat books. I've said my feelings on this matter but I don't think it's a terrible grind. I am willing to bet that this will end up being the top weapon down the line though.
The grind isn't particularly long, it's just as boring as possible.
Ffxi was really grind heavy, but the grind was fun. Dynamis was fun. Exp parties and skill chains were fun.
Running to a spot on a map and hitting the 1 key is not fun for 7 hours with no end in sight.
All of this would be solved if atmas just dropped regardless of the class you were using, if you have a zenith you can do the intro quest, if you've done the intro quest then atmas should drop, simple
This is, ultimately the problem with pure RNG. Someone always gets royally fucked. You should, whenever possible, temper it with a long term guarantee in cases of truly shit luck. In this case raising the probability over concurrent roll failures seems like a reasonable course.7 hours, no atmas to show for it. Yes I have the zenith equipped.
If they make this required to be competitive for progression next patch, I think I'll end up quitting the game.
Well, I'm ok with everything in this patch because there are plenty of weapon alternatives. That is a very good thing. I just fear for the future, that said maybe they will change it by the time the next patch comes out.
However, I doubt they will change it. The reason they did this is so new players have people to do fates with, and previously empty zones are now populated. This is a must so people starting new on ps4 can play the game. They want people out there doing this stuff.
For example, the city themes in 1.x destroy the new themes. With a big, giant fist of greatness.
NOOOOPE Nope nope nope. They're on par.
The basis of the joke is looking down on other players. We all have our annoyances with things other people do in this game that are legitimately problematic; I don't think that getting up in arms because of completely inconsequential things is good or conducive to a positive atmosphere in the game. For example, someone who is actually the level the FATEs are intended for following the level 50 horde around trying to benefit isn't something we should be making fun of or discouraging in any way, unless we already forgot how dead FATEs were after 2.1. And some of the other squares again just seem like they're grasping for something to be exasperated about.Hitting a non FATE mob is definitely a peeve of mine. I groan every time even if it means nothing.
It made me laugh. I don't see the point of nitpicking a joke so heavily anyway.
unless we already forgot how dead FATEs were after 2.1.
The basis of the joke is looking down on other players. We all have our annoyances with things other people do in this game that are legitimately problematic; I don't think that getting up in arms because of completely inconsequential things is good or conducive to a positive atmosphere in the game. For example, someone who is actually the level the FATEs are intended for following the level 50 horde around trying to benefit isn't something we should be making fun of or discouraging in any way, unless we already forgot how dead FATEs were after 2.1. And some of the other squares again just seem like they're grasping for something to be exasperated about.
The CT version of this bingo card worked because each square represented something that was legitimately annoying and that happened all the time. I don't think this one works the same way, it is reaching entirely too far into the realm of the harmless.
Man. Freaky. That's so...RNG in this game is weird. Bard boots don't drop for months then last night we saw 4 sets.
I am shocked that no one has gif'd Manderville and put "white people" under it.
While all you nubs are farming atma, I am going through turn 5 of crafting because that is the true endgame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, the only active FATE zones in 2.1 were Coerthas and occasionally Northern Thanalan. In other zones you would be extremely fortunate to find even a single group. I don't know if you were around at launch, but it is a far cry from how things were.You must live in a fantastic world because I wish FATEs were dead. 2.1 killed them for about two weeks then they were back in stride, usually comprising about 25% of the PF.
RNG in this game is weird. Bard boots don't drop for months then last night we saw 4 sets.
Sorry, the only active FATE zones in 2.1 were Coerthas and occasionally Northern Thanalan. In other zones you would be extremely fortunate to find even a single group. I don't know if you were around at launch, but it is a far cry from how things were.
Go spend your company seal then. Shit, buy some animal fat and sell it on the market.
I've capped on seals twice doing atmas. I'm at 10/12.Interestingly enough, I ended up doing just that.
And given the other hour I dedicated to getting an atma to no avail, I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing that I'm expecting to hit the cap again by the end of the week at this rate.
North America FC on Ultros just did Turn 8 clear.
Damn. . That's pretty fast..
North America FC on Ultros just did Turn 8 clear.
Damn. . That's pretty fast..
North America FC on Ultros just did Turn 8 clear.
Damn. . That's pretty fast..
Well at least the Atmas will keep people occupied!
Atma? All the cool kids are busy farming Coil.
RNG in this game is weird. Bard boots don't drop for months then last night we saw 4 sets.
This is why some people are getting an Atma drop on their first FATE and others have literally grinded 12+ hours without a single drop. Because in a general sense for computer applications, random is not truly random. The difference is how statistically close to random you are able to get and how much effort Squenix put into trying to make their RNG as random as possible.
ffxiv a RNG reborn
More like Player Retention Reborn.
That theme is great, but my point standsI like the new town themes just as much as the old. SE should find a way to incorporate the old ones.
They don't have to "find a way" to put in the old themes. They should just put them back in. When one loops through, start the other one. Just alternate them. Simple. Same with the battle themes. Randomize them.
That would sound gross in the city. It needs context to switch from one to the other. Hell, each city has two areas, make the new theme in one and the old theme in the other.