My todo list is to make tons and tons of gil
Outer la Noscea ATMA doesn't exist.
Also, why can't I just buy the HQ items needed to buy the new gathering gears?
Its not the final upgrade though right? I'm thinking its something like having the weapon stripped down (like the first relics) and then an actual transformation.
They want you to make it yourself sadly.
Animus is as far as we can take it for 2.2 apparently.
Whatever comes next won't be there will SE decides.
The real take away is that the relic the grind isn't over, it's never over.
I had heard that they were going to add more steps in the upgrade process in 2.25, which makes sense if it's true. Presumably that'd give the weapons an ilvl of 110, which would make them a decent alternative to players that couldn't luck out on the drops they'd need in Coil 2 to get the GF weapons upto 110.
Seeing as they're recycling content for this quest, getting the next step in 2.25 is probably quite plausible. My guess is that for whatever reason the full quest just wasn't quite finished for 2.2.
Oh, also can we talk about lizard people and thieves/ninjas.
YoshiP actually listened to my vote way back in 1.0's player poll...
Thank god, forget the vieras.
Also those NPCs in green and brown were super telling at the end of it.
Is it better to solo or party up for Atma?
Doesn't make a difference though partying will make you feel like shit when you cycle through several party loads of players before you get yours.
Yeah. Next class will definitely be Thief then into Ninja (or Ninja branching off GLA).
Damn that sounds horrible. =(
In general, are the FATES up long enough for solo people to get a gold medal on them? Do you even have to get gold to have a chance at the Atma drop?
Fate grinding won't be so bad since I need like 700 more for my PS3 trophy anyway as I never did much Fate grinding for leveling.
Bronze is enough, I once got 1 atma while dealing 2 attack on a mob before he died.
Bronze is enough, I once got 1 atma while dealing 2 attack on a mob before he died.
This is amazing news. Time to go solo, kill a mob or two and run to the next FATE.
Bronze is enough, I once got 1 atma while dealing 2 attack on a mob before he died.
Man, I'm starting to think there is some "trick" regarding changing zones and Atma.
Have been grinding in Outer la Noscea for a while, then I switch to another area because I'm tired and I get 2 different atmas in a row basically. Same thing happened with central thanalan.
Tag quote, be careful though, who knows maybe you have to be in range of the fate to get your atma.
I know you don't as I got an ATMA while completing another FATE.
Also tag quote? Why? If FATE's weren't packed already, it would be a dick move, but honestly, need FATE's to last longer right now. I know I've run to a FATE so many times for it to be done in a minute by a huge set of PT's.
The system works best when everyone is at the same FATE at the same time, then the whole group moves to the next and so on. One person peeling away and working at other FATEs isn't so bad but when multiple people think they are the only one then FATEs start dropping when people haven't gotten in them.
I did the worst thing last night.
Didn't realize I had firm hate on the boss monster and peeled off when another FATE spawned. I guess the boss went invincible after he left the area trying to get me so everyone ended up failing. Didn't even notice till I was gone and everyone in the area was shouting. Whoops.
hope you guys had close to or capped soldiery already!
Five to go.
I'd just farm eight man content like Coil until the servers are fixed. T2, T4, Crystal Tower, Trial Roulette, stuff like that.
I would murder to have one damn form of customization in this game. Anything. Enchanting, reforging, materia outside of crafted junk, tweaks to the attribute system to allow moving around substats at a 6 or 7 to 1 ratio vs a main stat, etc.
Having a hard acc cap with no way to move anything around is such a pain. It makes gearing up so painful.hopefully in the future.
12/12 atma, on to the book grind.
Welcome to the myth grind.
dat extreme grind tho.
The crafting isn't really bad, it's just that now everything isn't an easy HQ. In that sense, it has become more interesting, even if we fail.How do you people still keep up with this game? Maybe it was because my server had awful players or major assholes around every corner, but from what I've read I'm SOOO glad I didn't come back for 2.2. This level of a grind is just ridiculous and I've played XI. I just don't have the time, nor the patience for it.
How are you people still SANE from this? Also, the crafting is supposedly really bad now or something with the ilvl 90 stuff, so GG square.
Is there a list for which Soldiery gear WHMs should buy in order? Seems like all the DET is on High Allagan gear.
My character, if it helps:
All 12 atma pieces collected :/
Atma of the MAIDEN Central Shroud - 20 mins
Atma of the SCORPION - Southern Thanalan - 3 hours
Atma of the WATER BEARER - Upper La Noscea - 5 hours
Atma of the GOAT - East Shroud - 30 mins
Atma of the BULL - Eastern Thanalan - 4 hours
Atma of the RAM - Middle La Noscea - 3 hours
Atma of the TWINS - Western Thanalan - 2 hours
Atma of the LION - Outer La Noscea - 2 hours
Atma of the FISH - Lower La Noscea - 2 hours
Atma of the ARCHER - North Shroud - 3 hours
Atma of the SCALES - Central Thanalan - 1 hour
Atma of the CRAB - Western La Noscea - 12 hours
About 38 hours total :/
Roughly 650 FATEs / Less than 2% drop rate
Never again.