So as a SMN...what can I do to increase my dps? I always make sure to keep my primary dots up and I refresh them whenever they drop off and I use Rouse and Spur when they are up as well...and my dps still seems to be too low for stuff with a dps check! Send help please.
I have no idea how people are hitting over 300 dps when I barely sniff 230.
Here are some tips for maximizing damage on SMN:
Try to use Fester/Bane/Aetherflow off of the GCD every single time they are cast. For example:
Bio II->Miasma->
Bio(pause 1 second to let Bio connect)->Bane(OGCD)->Shadow Flare
Bio->Bio II->Miasma->
Ruin II>Fester(OGCD)->Shadow Flare.
When Fester or Aetherflow becomes available again, cast a Ruin II or Bio(if Bio is about to drop off), then Fester/Aetherflow off GCD.
Same goes for Rouse/Spur. I usually tap my Rouse/Spur spammable macro every time i cast Bio,I unless I'm already using that OGCD for Fester.
Try to anticipate when adds will spawn and have fresh dots ready to spread with Bane.
If there are multiple targets and they are spread out too far for Bane, it's usually a good idea to start by dotting each target separately before you start casting Ruin. Continue to prioritize reapplying dots as soon as they are about to drop off, on all enemies.
Don't bother reapplying dots if the enemy is going to die within 4 GCDs. Instead, finish it off with Ruin spam or cast dots on another enemy. This strategy especially applies to T1,T4, Ifrit EX, and Leviathan EX.
Don't discount the importance of spamming Ruin once all dots(including Shadow Flare) are up on the enemy. Ruin/Ruin II probably accounts for around 20% of your damage, so make sure you aren't slacking on it. You should be casting Ruin II when on the move or when in melee range for extra auto-attacks, as long as your mp allows for it.
Along with that general strategy, come up with good opening rotations based on the enemy configuration.
These are what i use in general. Skills used off of the GCD are in parenthesis:
Single Target regular enemy--Bio(Rouse), Bio II, Miasma, Ruin II(Fester), then either Shadow Flare or go straight to Ruin II spam depending on remaining hp left
Single Target boss--Bio(Rouse,Spur, Raging Strikes), Bio II, Miasma, Ruin II(Fester, Enkindle), Shadow Flare, Miasma II, Bio(Contagion), Ruin II(Fester), Ruin I/II spam....You should be able to fit both Festers into the Raging Strikes buff time. I realize i have 3 OGCD skills in a row at the start, but i prefer to cast those in sequence in this case, so i can get started with dots faster.
Multi-Target--Swiftcast Shadow Flare(Rouse), Bio II, Miasma, Bio(Contagion), Miasma II(Bane)....spam Blizzard II until Fester is up, when Fester is up use Ruin II(Fester) or Miasma II(Fester) depending on how many enemies are still at high hp.
That's about all I can think of. I'm Lenia Dossot in GAF. Feel free to chat with me ingame too