Well, I guess I better get to it then.
That said, are Atma FATE parties allowing people that aren't Atma hunting in, usually? I wanna level up my THM but Aleport has nothing but Atma fate parties :<
Not to rain on your parade for people waiting for the nerf to atmas drop rates, but it is likely that SE will only increase the drop rate in response to the lower amount of people participating in FATEs. They probably chose a low percentage drop rate in the first place because they know that there will be an enormous amount of players participating in atma farming early on.
When I was farming atmas the first 3-4 days after 2.2 to complete my zodiac atmas, we were rushing and completing FATEs so quick because there were so many of players farming. Now as I am doing my dailies and completing my atmas book, I am noticing that the amount of players farming atmas has noticeably dropped off.
So once SE increase the drop rate, the time you save because of lower numbers of FATEs grinding would probably be canceled out by the amount of time it takes to complete those FATEs. Of course this long grind will probably only last till the next upgrade level for the relic weapon, that's when i think SE will significantly increase the drop rates or change to some sort of variable drop rate mechanics to make grinding more tolerable.
Well, I guess I better get to it then.
That said, are Atma FATE parties allowing people that aren't Atma hunting in, usually? I wanna level up my THM but Aleport has nothing but Atma fate parties :<
They certainly do. As tenchir mentioned, parties don't really care what you do it for. The only problem on low level fates is that actual low level players won't have mounts and won't be able to keep up with the synced players and the speed they burn through fates. Which is really, REALLY bad design in SE's part..
This is a problem that could have been rectified if the FATEs had proper scaling.
But they don't.
So you get massive groups of players ending FATEs intended to last a few minutes in mere seconds. Add people going in out of order or splitting up and it sucks for everyone.
I just wish I could drop down to a class when Atma farming. All the cross-class skills would be preferable. It's absurd that the one time I finally found a use for being a Gladiator over a Paladin, I can't drop because I need to have a job only weapon equipped. :\
Jumping in again after 2.2. What is Atma? Also, where do I find leviathan?
I was in a Crystal Tower k-hole this weekend. That place is crazy.. but a little addictive.
Isn't Flash enough? :V
Atma are dropped in FATEs on a low chance based on the area you're in. You collect them all to upgrade your relic to the Atma version, then do a string of quests (after grinding mountains of myth tomes) to upgrade them to the Animus version.
Levi is found through the main storyline. Just finish it.
My advice for people wanting Animus weapons is to do the grinding now while there there are still atma parties in PF. Don't wait for SE to do something because there is also a possibility that they are not going to implement the changes you want. If you think you can get by with Allagan/Wave weapons or take your chances with Tidal weapons and you can always do FATEs opportunistically, then go ahead.
Really? So I can just do what I do with failed FATEs no one did, go in when it's like a minute before it fails, hit something twice and get a gold failure award?You really don't have to do much to get an ATMA from FATE, just a couple of attacks are enough. You can even get it from a failed FATE, iirc.
Really? So I can just do what I do with failed FATEs no one did, go in when it's like a minute before it fails, hit something twice and get a gold failure award?
That's good to know
New drivers from nvidia. Not sure if want. This game is real finicky about what drivers it'l play nice with
Shouldn't be so bad with Brayflox HM myth runsSo glad I finished up my atma, the myth grind is going to suck though since I still have DL accessories that I need to upgrade with myth. I need like 3,000+ myth for that and a strength book![]()
After the end of the launch window AMD promotion and the game getting on board with Nvidia, each new driver has consistently run the game better and more stable for me.
My advice for people wanting Animus weapons is to do the grinding now while there there are still atma parties in PF. Don't wait for SE to do something because there is also a possibility that they are not going to implement the changes you want. If you think you can get by with Allagan/Wave weapons or take your chances with Tidal weapons and you can always do FATEs opportunistically, then go ahead.
After the end of the launch window AMD promotion and the game getting on board with Nvidia, each new driver has consistently run the game better and more stable for me.
To run the game for over an hour without an Nvidia DLL crash, I have to use drovers from 8/2013. Anytime I use the newer drivers, I get better performance but I constantly crash to desktop.
It sucks because I have to install new drivers to play anything but FFXIV, but revert back to play FFXIV.
This is on an EVGA GTX 760.
I did this recently. If you've got leves, money, and cordials, it takes no time at all. Just spam evaluation leves that are higher than your current level all the way to 50 - I was averaging about 25% a level per leve, even at 49. (You get a huge bonus for maximum evaluation, and the cordial helps you get the speed bonus since you'll be using a lot of GP.) Make sure your equipment is up to date, convert the stuff that's spirit bonded and either save the materia or sell it.
Ninja edit: There will be unavoidable times where you'll need to sit around to recover GP, and it's not the most exciting thing to level all at once, so having something on TV or a chat in FC/LS helps. :V
Your chances may be lower on any non-gold fates. The droprate hasn't been proven to be static or vairable at this time.
Probably better off getting gold on all the fates since it isn't hard.
My ageing gaming PC has an MSI GTX 680 Lightning with some kind of additional OC over the factory one. I can check the clocks when I get home from work.
I can tell you I've had to lower my GPU OC a few times to make FFXIV more stable. If your 760 is OCed start by lowering it.
At launch the game was causing driver resets every few hours at random. I don't get those anymore. Sometimes the sound still rarely cuts out as I'm using the HDMI out and therefore the Nvidia HD Audio and I have to quit and relaunch the client but even that is very rare now for me.
Thank you to all the players that helped this n00b over the weekend (Arya Hodor). I'm looking forward to playing with you all this weekend.
I've tried the following:
Bought and installed a new power supply
Bought and installed a Hyper 212 CPU cooler
Reverting CPU to stock clocks and voltage
overclocking CPU
Reverting GPU to stock voltage and clocks
overclocking GPU
undervolting GPU
reinstalled FFXIV
reinstalled Windows
Memtest on my 8gb ram
My next step is either to RMA the video card or to buy a different CPU and motherboard.
This only happens to FFXIV and no other games.
What are your detailed specs? CPU/mobo/GPU manufacturers etc? Have you absolutely ruled out overheating?
AMD 8120 Processor @ 4.0 GHz (idle 16c / max 28c) with a Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo cooler on a push-pull setup
Wait a sec. What is your ambient temperature in your room? This seems too low. Basically means that your room temperature should be a good bit under 15C which is REALLY cold.
Time to make a kickster
AMD 8120 Processor @ 4.0 GHz (idle 16c / max 28c) with a Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo cooler on a push-pull setup
MSI 970A-G46 motherboard
8gb CORSAIR Vengeance CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9B
EVGA GTX 760 (can't remember idle temps, but Max temps are 80c) - I got the max temps to the lower 7x range by overriding the fan to 100%.
Corsair CX750 ATX 80 Plus power supply (750 watt)
Not sure, but AMD GPUs are much more expensive right now because of the Bitcoin mining craze.Going to be doing a rebuild of my PC soon. Question, since this seems to change from driver update to driver update, what GPU brand is running this game the best right now?
Not sure, but AMD GPUs are much more expensive right now because of the Bitcoin mining craze.
I'm not strictly familiar with current AMD products as I have been Intel only since the Core 2 Duo.
I guess we can start by asking what specific errors your having. Driver resets, crash to desktop, or just straight up hard locks where you have to power cycle? How often and do you notice any particular part of the game that causes the problem?
I would avoid using an AMD card if possible, especially if you plan to play other DX11 capable games in the future.
Puppy needs to quit being cheap and rebuild with a new CPU/mobo
Not sure, but AMD GPUs are much more expensive right now because of the Bitcoin mining craze.
I would avoid using an AMD card if possible, especially if you plan to play other DX11 capable games in the future.
Crash to desktop. "this program has stopped working"
nv3dum.DLL is the file causing the crash.
Happens roughly every 40 minutes. I can be standing in town not hitting any buttons, doing a dungeon, or fishing. Nothing seems to be the trigger as far as inputs.
I've tried dropping the graphics in FFXIV to minimum setting and didn't notice a change of frequency. I have also changed between borderless windowed and full screen.
No need for power cycles, everything works fine, just log in again and play for another 40 minutes.
Sometimes I can go up to 2 hours without a crash on older drivers. The newer ones get as bad as 20 minute intervals.
And again, it's only FFXIV that does this. Diablo 3, Titan Fall, BF4, and Stick of Truth have all ran beautifully.
Some bloggish questoions:
I finally reached Level 50 with my main job and am pretty pumped for the end-game stuff! Castrum Meridianum was anticlimactic as I joined a party in progress and only got to participate in one of the last three battles -- everyone else skipped the cutscene and started before I could get in. Had a nice view from behind the paling, or whatever that barrier is called.
I'd really like to do it again from the beginning, and in retrospect, I shouldn't have allowed "join party in progress". I did get in once from the beginning yesterday, and somehow it was a 4-DPS party with no healers or tanks. We gave it a valiant try, with the melee DPS forcing the enemies to chase him all over the place and with me serving as healer in a putting-your-second-baseman-on-the-mound kind of way, but eventually we were overwhelmed. Fun to try, though!
Now how do you get into the level-50-only dungeons? I visited Amdapor and the Pharos in person, and there was no option to enter or to use Duty Finder to enter. Helpful fellow gaffers in chat said that there are people out in the world who will tell youabout these places as part of a quest; how are you supposed to find them? Eorzea is a prettty big place... or do I have to finish the main story before those quests will show up? Because I'd gladly do the rest of the story first if that's what's requierd.
Also, I finally found a way to dispose of the large number of unsellable Aetherial (pink icon background) weapons I'd been picking up in the dungeons: the Immortal Flames will give me seals for them. But is there a better-compensated way to unload them?