Bomber Bob
I want to see gear upgrades that are not pure numeric
and bring back 2HR abilities and gear swap
I don't think 2h are gonna work well in FFXIV
and please god no gear swap
I want to see gear upgrades that are not pure numeric
and bring back 2HR abilities and gear swap
I like gear swap lolI don't think 2h are gonna work well in FFXIV
and please god no gear swap
So finally downed Titan ex and then Ifrit ex tonight thanks to the GAF super group.
Ifrit wasn't too bad once you got it down but Titan took a while. Just scrapped through on Titan and had the hypest moment playing FFXIV ever.
Played the PS4 beta (and FF14 for the first time)... going lancer for now and eventually Dragoon I guess. Question how is Dragoon to play in the higher levels and is it a controller friendly class?
Group of us tried to do Garuda EX last night. My first time in there, as OT.
Yep, don't know if I'll do High End stuff as tank, will probably wait till I rank up a DPS class. Soooo many things to remember to do at the right points, or people gone die, and it's not even Titan EX or any of the Coil fights.
Yep. You'll have to learn stuff like rotations and positioning as every role in their own way.Then you won't like DPS or healing either.
You probably won't enjoy endgame raiding at all.
There isn't an easy way out, everybody needs to get good or get out.
For what it's worth, Garuda EX is probably the hardest of the original three Extreme mode primal fights as a tank. Especially considering most players use the double Wicked Wheel method over other methods.
That said, all the Extreme Mode fights are hard and generally demand the best from their players. They are no place for a player who didn't learn their game and class while leveling, and didn't master it in hard modes.
What I find hard is to get some feedback on exactly why you're failing. I've died in some dungeons as a tank and don't know if it was my fault or the healer's. Plus I find it really confusing to know if the DPS are doing a good job. In fact I find it pretty hard to know what's going all most of the time, but I'm still relatively new to the game.
Yeah, as a tank, my attention is almost solely on the Mob, positioning and dodging AOE's. I can't keep up much on what the DPS or healer's are doing. If I'm still alive, Healers are doing their job as best as I know. If we beat the monster, then I know the DPS did something right.
Kombuster ran for an hour with no crashes. Max temps achieved was 72 degrees with no crashes.
At this point I'm leaning towards my Motherboard/CPU.
Damn, I thought I had found the problem. I still lean towards it being a GPU issue but it didn't blow up from Kombustor like most flaky GPUs will.
If you really want to grit your teeth on rooting out CPU or memory problems, you can do the 24 Hours ofLe MansPrime95 and memtest86+.
Prime95 for 24 hours with Small FFTs and make sure to set the application priority to 9 or 10.
memtest86+ for 24 hours, some people like to loop certain tests but most just let it loop it's default test suite.
This really does mean your PC will not be available for 48 hours. I only ever do this once, when I've built a new PC and am testing my final daily use clocks because it's a pain in the ass.
I've done Memtest for 4 hours without any errors. Haven't tried a 24 hour marathon.
I will probably give that Prime95 a go.
I'm so excited about the end game stuff. I'm a noob, but I love nerding out and the stress of multitasking.
Nothing like the stress of FFXI though. Being responsible for a whole team losing hours of time, experience and money was the worst.
The ring is probably the best investment since you'll have to get it eventually anyways
So, most Tanks bought the chest piece with their first few weeks of Soldiery Tomes. What are the GAF Tanks eyeing up next?
I'm personally tempted to grab the Weathered Noct Ring. After that I think I'll either start saving for the weapon, or grab the Pants piece. (No accuracy on that, but there's no accuracy on my current pants either.)
Probably the ring
So apparently all 3 of my retainers got lost while going on a quick exploration.
You're paying to have more then two retainers?
Yeah, I slept on it a lot and the Noct Ring seems to be the way to go after getting the chest, since it's basically a better Hero's Ring of Fending. Will be nice for both my PLD (Main) and my WAR that I got to 50 last night, since I still haven't ever seen an Allagan ring drop.
Still using Darklight earrings and chocker because the higher ilvl alternatives to not-allagan would either drop my accuracy or have way worse parry...
So apparently all 3 of my retainers got lost while going on a quick exploration.
What I find hard is to get some feedback on exactly why you're failing. I've died in some dungeons as a tank and don't know if it was my fault or the healer's. Plus I find it really confusing to know if the DPS are doing a good job. In fact I find it pretty hard to know what's going all most of the time, but I'm still relatively new to the game.
Yeah, as a tank, my attention is almost solely on the Mob, positioning and dodging AOE's. I can't keep up much on what the DPS or healer's are doing. If I'm still alive, Healers are doing their job as best as I know. If we beat the monster, then I know the DPS did something right.
Group of us tried to do Garuda EX last night. My first time in there, as OT.
Yep, don't know if I'll do High End stuff as tank, will probably wait till I rank up a DPS class. Soooo many things to remember to do at the right points, or people gone die, and it's not even Titan EX or any of the Coil fights.
Yeah I got an extra one, I save too many things and the extra one helped me finally get everything organized.
Allagan Ring of Fending doesn't have accuracy either, just a ton of Perry and some Skill Speed. So, yeah, the Weathered Noct Ring is overall better.
Can you vanity PvP armor, even if you can't wear it? If the animal themed armor for the next round of PvP looks even half as good as the art, it'll be worth jumping through some hoops to get it.
However, even if they fix their PvP, I don't see myself devoting a ton of time to it. So, I'd rather just buy the armor and set it to vanity, if possible. XD
Can you blame me for wanting this? XD
Reminds me of Ornstein from Dark Souls.
I'd assume it still works the same. Only stuff wearable by your class?
Realistically if you have another video card on hand to test with I would put that card in and try that first instead of chasing CPU and memory issues which are often very hard to nail down especially if they are intermittent.
I want that fox-tail so badBTW.
Can you vanity PvP armor, even if you can't wear it? If the animal themed armor for the next round of PvP looks even half as good as the art, it'll be worth jumping through some hoops to get it.
However, even if they fix their PvP, I don't see myself devoting a ton of time to it. So, I'd rather just buy the armor and set it to vanity, if possible. XD
Can you blame me for wanting this? XD
I'll probably do this temporarily just so I can get everything organized. Don't want to pay for the extra one permanently though.Yeah I got an extra one, I save too many things and the extra one helped me finally get everything organized.
Nah you'll be ok. As OT myself, it took a few tries (still havent beat it, but know the fight). The general plan is usually:
- Help damage Garuda at the start
- Hide behind rocks for first blast
- Help damage again and then beat up the feather plumes quickly
- She creates two clones of herself (Chirada and Suparna). If I remember correctly, you snag aggro on Chirada immediately and pull her to the southern end of the area (compass helps)
- Kill her while dodging slipstream (just move to the side) and then pull Suparna off the MT
- Now more plumes including a special spiny plume. OT grabs aggro pulling it away from the party and beats it up a little, but only slowly
- MT drags spiny away from OT and party kills after other plumes are dead, the spiny should explode into a forcefield to protect from super attack
Now from here its kinda fuzzy, but I think she splits again, and you do the same pull measures but now you have to move away from tornadoes. Apparently you can still move through the tornado if needed, just make sure its not flared up or whatever. Then repeat the same thing with spiny plume, except with the danger of tornadoes.
Thats about as far as I got last time before we got knocked out. It will take more than a few tries to learn the fight, and with better armor it gets abit less risky, but its nowhere near as detrimental as FFXI with level downs and people's faces exploding.
I want that fox-tail so bad
That's caster gear, IMOWhat class do you suppose that set is for, anyway?
That's caster gear, IMO