each class' bonus stats are separate, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever you should do this
The class stat bonuses are, not the Jobs. He's referring to diving the stats on arcanist.
each class' bonus stats are separate, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever you should do this
I'm lvl 20 archer, just wondering is their a huge benefit from becoming a Bard
each class' bonus stats are separate, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever you should do this
You can buy an item from your GC for 10k seals to reset points. STR for WAR/PLD is fine while leveling, but VIT is best when you start tanking 50 content.Can you reset those allotted points anyway? I dumped them all into STR but I think as a PLD that may've been a mistake.
I'm lvl 20 archer, just wondering is their a huge benefit from becoming a Bard
I guess Free Company housing now has a decay timer as of 2.3 of 35 days... Really don't care for that decision.
Can you reset those allotted points anyway? I dumped them all into STR but I think as a PLD that may've been a mistake.
I'm lvl 20 archer, just wondering is their a huge benefit from becoming a Bard
just do it
It isn't really a choice. You are suppose to otherwise you miss out abilities and the quest line sets you up with your first end gameish armor.
It doesn't really work like that, it's not like you can be anything other than Bard. You still keep all the Archer skills, just with new Bard ones too. No reason not to do it.
Decay timer? Elaborate please..
i do Scholar on a controller, it's easy. The only thing I was having trouble with was getting Sacred Soil down in the right spot quick and I'm getting better with that.
Eh, that'll probably be the best time to get the seals to reset anyway.You can buy an item from your GC for 10k seals to reset points. STR for WAR/PLD is fine while leveling, but VIT is best when you start tanking 50 content.
1. There is probably no real reason not to go PC if you have the specs for it. It'll run better than the PS4 on a solid machine and you wont have to fuss with putting mumble, TS, vent, etc on your phone, like the sole PS3 user in our group did. If your specs might have a bit of question to them or maybe if you're largely/only playing with other PS4 users, you could probably go that way, then.
2. Gamepad quality varies by class, I feel that the game is outright better on a mouse/keyboard, but I grew up on controllers so I still go with it just because of comfort and because it's perfectly viable. There are certain cases like with Scholar though that I wouldn't personally want to fuss about on without a good mouse.
3. Just depends if you want it on Steam, really. Outside of being able to use the Steam Wallet I think it's effectively the same thing, can even launch the Steam version without Steam, I think.
If no one uses the house within 35 days, it's gone.
I did it today to be on the safe side, but it's probably OK. I'd just do it and use a quick play on PS3 to appreciate the updates they made.Really confused as well.
Played the PS3 version digitally for the first free month at launch, then decided to not subscribe until the PS4 version hit. Will I be able to activate my account again on Mogstation tomorrow to jump back in with my launch character? Or do I have to wait until the 14th?
The lodestone seemed to only state that Beta 2 users and new pre-orders can participate in early access, but not older PS3 owners that missed out on the Beta 2 weekend(or that part was left out).
I have the free client on my PS4 ready to go, so I guess I'll find out soon...
What time does early access start for PS4 users?
In two hours
what do you mean by if no one uses it?
what would constitute use?
So, do any Warriors that post here play with a gamepad? I got mine to 50 like a week ago, but my current crossbars are a mess of buttons with no real sense or reason. Would love to know what you guys do for yours/what macros you use.
anybody tested this atma time based theory yet?
even some people in BG are saying it worked for them
i'll try this out later tonight, i still have 5 atmas remaining
Anyone else expecting the servers to get hammered today?
In two hours
So this is based on my own local time or Japan time?
Wait, is early access available to all PS4 users? I just added some money to my wallet but stopped short of buying because I noticed the release date is Apr 14h.
EDIT: Did some research, looks like you have to get the collectors edition. Don't really think I want that.
Find the page, but in short you need to create an account on the page then fill out an application to apply to GAF. I dunno how you find it within the in-game stuff, but I just looked at players in an area, found one who was in GAF, and got to the FC info via looking through their character info.Guys, if I want to join "Gather Against Fate", will I have to meet up with one of these in the game?
androidcandy (Strawberry Shortcake)
Paprikka (Safflower Amariyo)
Aeana (Tiv Einsfell)
We should be online at the same time?
I'm a lvl 15 archer but will look into barder as my next goal. I'm gonna get really into it now, that I have moved from PS3 to a high-end PC.
Anyone on here that plays on Phoenix (EU)?
anybody tested this atma time based theory yet?
even some people in BG are saying it worked for them
i'll try this out later tonight, i still have 5 atmas remaining
I tried it a bit, but I'm not sure if it's local time or server time. Using server time got me an atma on my fourth fate this afternoon, and tonight following local I got one on the second. Course it could just be RNG being RNG but it doesn't hurt to try it.
Yeah I do. Why?
Find the page, but in short you need to create an account on the page then fill out an application to apply to GAF. I dunno how you find it within the in-game stuff, but I just looked at players in an area, found one who was in GAF, and got to the FC info via looking through their character info.
I was poking around on the Playstation Store earlier and saw FF XIV for PS4 on there for free, so I bought it. I don't know if it's a trial or what, since I don't own a PS4.
The PS3 edition still costs $25 or whatever it is though.
Welp. found a 8 ps3 copy this morning lol
Might as well try again after my 1 month rush on pc, the upgrade to ps4 is coming on launch day right?