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Final Fantasy XIV |OT5| All You Need is Gil

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I've met plenty of people outside of GAF prior to hunts and most of that is due to wanting to run content that people in GAF just weren't doing at the time. For example, when the extreme primals first came out, farming old coil, farming Leviathan, and more recently farming Ramuh. Party Finder was one of the better things they added for people to be able to do just that.

Party finder is a really really great thing they added to the game in this age of duty finder like systems where you just queue for instances and get matched with people you will never see again. Combining that with making it so you can't use duty finder for certain things was a great idea, and wish they did more of that. It is not enough for me though, and still is normally limited to people trying to do instanced content with no connection to the overall gameworld. Combined with hunts it is an even better system since you have to interact with even more people on your sever, for better or worse. At it's worst though it is still a system that exists to automate the community building aspect of the game.

I don't really suspect that you would exaggerated your server community experience just to make a point, but there is also a difference between "meeting people to doing a few runs of something" and "interacting as a community". Hunts take place in non instanced space that isn't sheltered or filtered from the effects of other people on the server. Everything about it is pure server community interaction. Where you able to tell the general characteristics and intentions of multiple other LSes on the server from party findering 8 man content? I know I wasn't. Even if I got people from the same FC a bunch it is a tiny sample size. You could switch out all 7 other people in a finder after every kill all day and still interact with less of the server then 2 hours of hunts. You don't strike me as a person that ran with completely random groups either.


They provide flavor and reason to explore the gameworld. It seems like you took a more passive approach to them and just waited for other people to find the hunts instead of exploring and looking for them. Sure people use other ways to make this easier, but none of that is stuff that I have relied on.

I'm not going to lie and say that the same number of people would do the hunts as much as they do with less of a reward, because that defiantly is it for a lot of people, but let me use your primal comparison for an example of something. In a few patches or when the expansion comes if no one has any reason to do the middle difficulty of the starting primals you could just remove those from the game and the game would be no different for it. When people move past zerging hunts and getting all the reward they can from them they will still provide flavor to all the zones in the game. Instead of the only mobs you see being either generic groups with nothing special or marked fates there will still be something unique. Something that can kill you if you go in unprepared, and something that doesn't have a set place where it will always be. Unlike an arena instance they are an active part of the gameworld. Something that you can't just wait in queue for, or use a special item to make spawn so you can be the only one that attacks it. Something that doesn't have a set marker that you just follow to get to. That is where the value of hunts come from long term to the game.

Actually when I hunted I actively looked around, I even joked in party chat about how I was getting all my exploring the realm achievements. I only did it up until the first weekend tho so this we before spawn trackers and times were hammered down, might be a different experience now.

You make a good point about adding some life to the ridiculously safe and not dangerous at all overworld but that's an arguement for a different day. I think it just chalks up to people like different things, whether it's hunts, primals, or crafting. But similar to what you said, if all of a sudden they took sands from hunts and put them into aurum vale instead, all of a sudden it would become everyone's favorite dungeon
I think it just chalks up to people like different things, whether it's hunts, primals, or crafting. But similar to what you said, if all of a sudden they took sands from hunts and put them into aurum vale instead, all of a sudden it would become everyone's favorite dungeon

Well here is the thing. I don't go around saying that they should change/limit/remove crafting because I don't enjoy it, while that is the only problem I have with people who don't like hunts.


My biggest issue with hunts, is that they overshadow everything else in terms of reward. So we have fewer people doing dungeons, fewer people running primals, fewer people running Coil. Conversely, we have so many people running hunts constantly, that they're consistently zerg rushes.

I enjoy hunts, when there aren't a metric ton of people running them. I also like running trials, and dungeons, but the PF's been dead ever since hunts came out, and roulette queues have definitely taken a hit.

So, I just want them to adjust the rewards a little bit, to give people more incentive to do something other than hunts 24 hours a day. Reducing Myth and removing soldiery alone might do that. Additionally, improving the daily hunt rewards and adding Sands to CT2 would also help.


My biggest issue with hunts, is that they overshadow everything else in terms of reward. So we have fewer people doing dungeons, fewer people running primals, fewer people running Coil.

This is sort of the crux of the problem--I imagine if crafting all of the sudden earned you Synthesis Seals that could be exchanged for High Allagan gear, myth, sold, and seals, people would suddenly become obsessed with crafting and people who maybe don't want to craft all the time would be a little cranky.

Nerf hunts or buff everything else to decrease the reward gap.

Or I guess announce that the expansion is going to be entirely hunt-focused and that's basically what the game is about now.


This is sort of the crux of the problem--I imagine if crafting all of the sudden earned you Synthesis Seals that could be exchanged for High Allagan gear, myth, sold, and seals, people would suddenly become obsessed with crafting and people who maybe don't want to craft all the time would be a little cranky.

Nerf hunts or buff everything else to decrease the reward gap.

Or I guess announce that the expansion is going to be entirely hunt-focused and that's basically what the game is about now.

Or a little of both.

Remove the soldiery reward from hunts, add Sands to CT2, dramatically buff the reward for daily hunts, and reduce the rate that crafting mat drops in dungeons, so people that want drops for vanity or GC Seals can do so more easily.Save for removing soldiery, and adding Sands to CT2 (the later is already planned,) none of these steps would be particularly dramatic. All it should really take is a nudge nudge here, and a nudge nudge there, to balance out the rewards a bit.

Edit for some additional small suggestions.

Give each GC their own individual Weekly Hunt. Keep the reward for doing the weekly exactly the same as it is now, except that it drops a guaranteed Log Book if successfully completed. Daily Hunts should give 10 Seals for normal mobs, 20 for Fates. Respectively B Rank hunts should have their own Seal reward increased to 10 to 15 Seals.
reduce the rate that crafting mat drops in dungeons, so people that want drops for vanity or GC Seals can do so more easily

Well, Yoshi-P did mention during the live letter he's going to oversee adjustments of dungeon drops, so that's another thing we can check off the list.
Fuck me. I let my self get excited that the daily hunt buffs were actually going to happen this patch. I was looking forward to earning a casual 30-40 seals a day and Instead they fixed the least important thing.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
How do you guys even track the times of death for anything when it sounds like absolute chaos.
There's a site that lets you click a time of death so you know which marks are on cooldown. The session we use on Ultros is a public one shared amongst the various ls/fc's. So even if one ls/fc misses a mark, someone else using the site will be there and mark it as dead so others wont waste time looking for something on cooldown. Generally everyone using it is on point, but there has been some trolling in the past (the first session had its S rank data wiped over the weekend and some people were marking A's as dead prematurely so others would ignore the zone).


Fuck me. I let my self get excited that the daily hunt buffs were actually going to happen this patch. I was looking forward to earning a casual 30-40 seals a day and Instead they fixed the least important thing.

I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed. lol


Meh, they missed an opportunity to have Naul the only Elite Mark for the week, but have him continuously blessed by the echo until he evolves into Bahamut.


Kraken's tentacles aren't as long as he lets on. Kraken's living a lie.



There's a site that lets you click a time of death so you know which marks are on cooldown. The session we use on Ultros is a public one shared amongst the various ls/fc's. So even if one ls/fc misses a mark, someone else using the site will be there and mark it as dead so others wont waste time looking for something on cooldown. Generally everyone using it is on point, but there has been some trolling in the past (the first session had its S rank data wiped over the weekend and some people were marking A's as dead prematurely so others would ignore the zone).

I don't see our session for ultros. Do you have a session key?


Did the dumbest thing last night.

Did CT2 last night hoping to get the Bard pants and to my luck both Pants and UAT drop together upon beating the final boss.

I choose need for the Pants first (I was the only bard in the party) and then also for some stupid reason choose need for the UAT as well....

I ended up getting the UAT despite being in competition with 5 others....

It wouldn't be too bad if I had almost enough soldieries for another weapon, but I gotta wait to get 2 weeks worth of soldieries in order to be able to use it.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Jesus Christ I didn't know this happened to anyone else, I've fallen asleep at my chair when we were coiling late. I've AFK'd through T2 as well as the team did it solo tank enrage. Fun times I guess.

I fall asleep while gaming all the time. It's not boredom. I'm just really comfortable after a long day at work.


Stone Vigil HM being easier than the original dungeon makes me sad. We took someone in there who hadn't tanked in a month and totally blitzed it. :<
So from looking at the stats...the Yagrush seems like it'd be a decent option since I really don't want to go for the Thyrus Animus. This game seems to really punish me when I don't go WHM...
Stone Vigil HM being easier than the original dungeon makes me sad. We took someone in there who hadn't tanked in a month and totally blitzed it. :<

yup. i like the new dungeons, but they dropped the ball on the difficulty curve, again.....

can't expect better game design from them atm to be honest. i want 4 man extreme dungeons. there is no reason why we shouldn't have them. every pull should be dangerous.


Difficulty is definitely something I want them to work on going forward. Inconsistent difficulty is the death of MMOs like this, and they've been very inconsistent.


Difficulty is definitely something I want them to work on going forward. Inconsistent difficulty is the death of MMOs like this, and they've been very inconsistent.

This. Hard Mode should actually be hard. Also things shouldnt be called hard mode if they are the first iteration. Just have it normal and extreme if you go that route.


Difficulty is definitely something I want them to work on going forward. Inconsistent difficulty is the death of MMOs like this, and they've been very inconsistent.

I think Square is a bit cautious with the difficulty of the HM dungeons after the introduction of Pharos Sirius.

On release, they were considerably harder than AK and WP and some people simply just leave if they happened to get one of the new dungeons for roulette or not even bother to unlock them so that they can avoid having to do them.


I think Square is a bit cautious with the difficulty of the HM dungeons after the introduction of Pharos Sirius.

On release, they were considerably harder than AK and WP and some people simply just leave the dungeons or not even bother to unlock them so that they can avoid having to do them when they do roulette.

Oh no doubt. They're being overly cautious with anything not in Second Coil, really. The inconsistent difficulty is why I still see so many people needing a Turn 5 clear (Turns 1 through 4 didn't prepare them for sudden increase in group mechanics) and why so many people got stuck on Titan EX. Syrcus Tower, while mechanically fun, is also very reserved and tame. Probably because of all the people who complained about Labyrinth of the Ancients.


Part of the problem with the new dungeons is that we're all mostly ridiculously over geared. The 2.3 dungeons are built to be completed with a minimum iLevel of, what, 70? Short of stuffing them full of auto-wipe gimmicks, there isn't much of a way for a dungeon with a success barrier at low to pose much of a challenge to somebody already decked out in myth gear.
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