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Final Fantasy XIV |OT5| All You Need is Gil

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3.0 coming sooner than we think

Depends on what the definition of "sooner than we think" is to Square. Multiple patches now they've said the same thing and yet people expected them 2 weeks before actually coming out. Also depends on their definition of "soon", is this the Square definition when "soon" is 6-7+ years after announcement or is it the borrowed version of "soon" which a certain company has a very compelling trademark on the word?

Since 2.5 has pretty much been confirmed since it will finish the CT story and then 2.4 will finish the Coil story, "sooner than I think" is no later than March considering it goes with the content cycle. What will likely end up happening though is they save golden saucer for 2.5 and cram enough into it expecting it to last people through mid spring when the expac comes out.


Oh well doesn't matter, GM already responded...only took like 30 minutes too

GMs are incredibly fast to respond to vote kick abuse violations. They take it seriously too. You do not kick for anything other than the four reasons they list.

for the new page

Naoki Yoshida Interview - Gamescom 2014 52mins


Yoshida calls out microsoft

Wish there was a written transcript of this. I can read way faster then I can listen. ;_;

Damn, Yoshida is going all out on Microsoft.


I've just been assuming the whole time that we'll get a transitional 2.6 patch to ramp up to whatever epic thing they have planned for 3.0. So 2.4 to finish coil, 2.5 for CT and "catch up" so as many people as possible can be involved with the 2.6 stuff to close out the larger storyline.

So I guess I've been expecting the expansion in late summer 2015. Sooner than that would be nice.


Guessing spring or early summer. We still have two confirmed patches to tie up Coil and CT, the latest of which would be coming in January to February.

So at most there'll be one more transitory patch after CT3, but I rather doubt that. I can't see them trying to stretch Coil 3 out to nine months.


Will post a screenshot after blocking out the names but the tank got really pissy because I was using Thunder in my AOE rotation as BLM and called me an idiot and told me to enjoy my 30 minute queue.

Which I did not because I switched to WHM and got an instant queue
That's ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous.

Definitely report.

Edit - I should have read the other page before commenting. I'm glad to hear that they've already responded.


I'd really love to see counterplay be a thing in the future of Frontlines or PVP in general. A way to deny resurrections or huge healing debuffs would be amazing.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'm fine with the suggestion, it's the terminology I disagree with.


lol. While I don't agree with the actions taken to correct your mistake, thunder on trash is a waste. Wut were you doing exactly? Thunder in your AoE rotation is ????

I normally like to have one thunder running during AOE because then you have a chance to get a Thundercloud which is big damage. I don't put it on everyone though, normally just the first enemy I attack. It's quick and worth it if you score the Thundercloud. By the time the enemy with it is dead the fight is normally pretty much over so I don't bother doing it again.


Fine. Make raise and healing more expensive then.

I'm okay with this. There's a PvP action to restore MP, but I feel like it's a bit useless (for healers) at the moment. I never run out of MP unless I die and I'm ressed. And if I get revived and don't die again right away we probably won that specific fight, so I don't need it.


I'm okay with this. There's a PvP action to restore MP, but I feel like it's a bit useless (for healers) at the moment. I never run out of MP unless I die and I'm ressed. And if I get revived and don't die again right away we probably won that specific fight, so I don't need i t.

Resources are too overflowing in PVP IMO. Healers get Mana Draw on top of their PvE mana regen skills, as well as a free swiftres, and Bards get Mana Song on top of Mages Ballad. Physical DPS get Enliven and Invigorate. It all leads to players never really having to back off due to lack of mana/TP resulting in the most boring "sieges" ever.


Resources are too overflowing in PVP IMO. Healers get Mana Draw on top of their PvE mana regen skills, as well as a free swiftres, and Bards get Mana Song on top of Mages Ballad. Physical DPS get Enliven and Invigorate. It all leads to players never really having to back off due to lack of mana/TP resulting in the most boring "sieges" ever.

Agreed. Right now the only two threats to me as a healer are multiple coordinated melee/tanks and a well timed Limit Break. Otherwise I'm pretty much unstoppable and MP is no issue.


Yoship talks about hunts at the end of the video.

Apparently hunts are not working as intended and big changes are coming In 2.35 next week.


I normally like to have one thunder running during AOE because then you have a chance to get a Thundercloud which is big damage. I don't put it on everyone though, normally just the first enemy I attack. It's quick and worth it if you score the Thundercloud. By the time the enemy with it is dead the fight is normally pretty much over so I don't bother doing it again.

Yeah, this is the only way to go about it, I don't do it personally though as chances are everything is dead anyway, and the burst dmg is just gonna be me pulling off the tank if QS is on CD. Thundercloud proc needs a buff IMO

Regarding obvious hunt news, what dafuq was different from the last patch and now when they did absolutely nothing?

Wtf yoshi


Yoship talks about hunts at the end of the video.

Apparently hunts are not working as intended and big changes are coming In 2.35 next week.

It would be nice if they significantly buffed the daily and weekly commissions on hunts (and lowered the rewards from free roam hunts) and make it so that completing all the dailies alone can leave players feeling fulfilled for the day. Probably too late for that change at least at this tier of gear but maybe next tier?

/puts on stoneskin

Game finally came in the mail today. What class would be good for a total newbie??

dragoons are a respected and honorable job


((Dylphaz Myoga)) I'm starting to think that bots are infecting pvp already, couse there is no way
((Riko Minianel)) Nah, people just suck
((Dylphaz Myoga)) no way people could be this bad


Shocking news.

I wish they would have acknowledged it from the start instead of the bs silence they pulled with the last patch, allowing people to believe it's "working as intended" when it obviously isn't

Last minute "oh, btw yeah, hunts are broken guys gonna patch lol" is not cool.

"Major changes" yeahok.gif :roll


dragoons are a respected and honorable job

They need to slow down the patches, I'm still level 49 and haven't finished the story <<....

You should feel fortunate. For anyone else who has been playing since launch, there is a good chance they have done nearly everything else there is to do in the game.


They need to slow down the patches, I'm still level 49 and haven't finished the story <<....

It only takes a month to finish the Main Scenario (pre-Seventh Astral era) if you're rushing, and not much longer if you're not. For those of us playing since the beginning of A Realm Reborn, we're very much welcoming new patches. :p


It only takes a month to finish the Main Scenario (pre-Seventh Astral era) if you're rushing, and not much longer if you're not. For those of us playing since the beginning of A Realm Reborn, we're very much welcoming new patches. :p
He's been playing on and off since launch lol

Jeels y u so slow
I wonder if I should grind Hunts nonstop this weekend in case they are going to nerf the hunts straight into the ground.

I wonder if the whole server is going to have the same idea and everyone is going to be fucking psychotic this weekend with the hunts.


Hunts could be fixed so simply by tossing in a 5-10 minute invincibility buff to the mob when it spawns.

That wouldn't do anything but delay hunts by five to ten minutes and piss people off. You really think they're going to be deterred by something like that when they have spawn times and conditions down to a science?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I don't think that's really the "problem" with hunts. It has more to do with the way the system is warping the end-game playerbase around itself.


What are these hunts exactly? I'm still new (lvl 23 Arcanist) and I've seen big groups heading out to go kill stuff in the fields, but why?


I feel happy to know I'm following Yoshida's intent by soloing B rank mobs. >_>;

What are these hunts exactly? I'm still new (lvl 23 Arcanist) and I've seen big groups heading out to go kill stuff in the fields, but why?

They're hunting what are referred to as Notorious Monsters, which are unique enemies that give out pretty amazing rewards. But they require a group or more of players to beat. Often the whole server comes running when someone finds one and announces it.
I don't think that's really the "problem" with hunts. It has more to do with the way the system is warping the end-game playerbase around itself.

I guess the problem is that the hunts really were meant for solo players to kill Bs, groups to kill As, and several groups to kill Ss. Instead, players decided that the whole server would kill every hunt mob to maximize rewards. The developers simply don't understand human nature I guess, it's natural to want the most rewards for the least effort especially in MMOs which have time sinking as a fundamental part of their design.


I kinda want them to nerf hunts so people will be forced to go back to spam the same dungeon over and over.

Let's see how THAT is fun OF.
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