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Final Fantasy XIV |OT5| All You Need is Gil

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I agree. On FFXI, I had the fortune to be with a wonderful linkshell that did a lot of things first on our server.

I was in the first party on our server to defeat Diablos and get the summon. We then proceeded to a low level zone near Windurst to show off.

I was in the first party to defeat Prometheus on the server, after the final COP update was released.

Our LS was the first to defeat Jorgumand on our server, a week after we spent 8 hours on him without a win. We also were the first to take down Vrtra.

My best gaming memory is the 8h first release Tiamat in XI. The wipes at 1% and the fun seeing people full caped deleveling to 74.
Personally I think watching a video is a bit spoilerish. But I do read a quick run down/briefing before I try anything new so I at least have an outline of what will happen. You are never going to go in truly blind because someone will almost certainly explain it to you before you start so you might as well read a quick outline.

Yeah, I guess by blind I mean not watching videos for the most part. I usually ask TheTrin for advice over lunch and shit before tackling EX Primals.
I don't have any problem getting advice before the fight(and usually ask for it), but someone will have to absolutely twist my arm to get me to watch a video breaking down the fight.

I guess one thing to mention is the fact that I am the "learn by doing" type of person. For example, I went into the Ifrit fight completely understanding the Eruption mechanic but I still died the first 5-6 times. It mostly came down to the fact that we had not decided on a leader to follow at that point of the fight so it was disorganized. Communicating with the party fixed that issue. Something that watching some video of other people playing would not have helped. Once we decided who to follow I didn't die a single time.


Granted, my experience so far isn't with end-game stuff but I can't imagine not watching everything if only for the sake of not being "that guy" who's causing wipes. I'm still just going through the main story of the game but I'll read up every dungeon I run since most other people involved will already know the stuff and it's sort of expected, especially with LLDR. Inconveniencing others is fairly low on my to-do list. Doubly so since I'm leveling as a tank and that kind of necessitates needing to know what the hell is coming.

It'd be cool to experience stuff fresh but I'd rather come prepared than not. Just how I approach everything, I suppose.


Kinda sucks that the closest thing to showing off in XIV is either a mount that people might not have a clue how you got, or a minion. Then again, I have seen some armor that i've never seen before, but not that often. I guess thats more of a complaint at how summoner works this time around.

You can show off you Coil Exe title!


Aw yeah! Managed to hit my chocobo bossom buddies caps right before maint

Didn't cap sol this week though or get a CT drop :/

I absolutely despise going into fights or dungeons blind. It's a little fun sure but not that fun. I'd rather go in with all the information I can.


I like going in to new stuff blind, but that is only stuff that is really and truly new. Figuring out boss mechanics is fun, but if it's likely that most of my group already knows the fight I'm going to go ahead and read up on it in advance because I'm not going to figure things out regardless. It's just going to be explained to me, and I'd rather use the limited time in the instance to work on execution, not get a hgihly abbreviated explanation of what I'm expected to do when.

I generally hate being the weakest link in a party, and while there are certain things I can't overcome (lol no skillz), I can largely take responsibility for making sure I'm informed on a fight and understand what's going on with all the pieces at any given time.

I don't get angry at new people on DF who haven't read up, unless they immediately demand somebody explain the fight to them. You want to go in to T5 blind, that's fine--We're not going to clear, because the time to learn that fight from complete scratch is usually greater than a single instance timer allows--but I don't actually expect DF groups to clear it. But if you're going to zone in with a group of total randoms and then immediately expect somebody else in the party to give you cliff's notes, there's no spontaneity there and it comes off kinda lazy.

All bets are off for FC parties, though. Come as blind as you want, I don't care, I'm already planning to repair constantly. But FC parties aren't generally restricted to a single lockout before the party scatters to the winds and has to start over.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
I don't like going into a fight blind either. Years of WoW have taught me that this is a big no-no in MMORPGs. That being said, I'd like to hop into some new content on patch day to go through the process of figuring things out when a fight is new to absolutely everyone and we don't have the benefit of a video. Hoping to do that when patch 2.4 comes along depending what kind of content is in it.

That's one of the nice things about FFXIV in that the dungeon content is a lot fresher on release and hasn't already been beaten into the ground with videos already up for all the fights because everyone has been doing it on PTR for months, as is often the case in WoW.


I like going in to new stuff blind, but that is only stuff that is really and truly new.

Pretty much. If everyone has no idea, it's fun to figure it out. But when it's kind of expected to be known, it's just easier to accept that and go with it.

All bets are off for FC parties, though. Come as blind as you want, I don't care, I'm already planning to repair constantly. But FC parties aren't generally restricted to a single lockout before the party scatters to the winds and has to start over.

it's almost a rite of passage for an all guild group to wipe because of the new guy

I hope you all read your Satasha walktrough, I'm going to quiz you later.

No lechers allowed!

I'll be honest, I read up on it AND went as a healer first.

I really, really dislike fucking up.
why did I choose to play a tank?!


Yeah, I guess by blind I mean not watching videos for the most part. I usually ask TheTrin for advice over lunch and shit before tackling EX Primals.
I don't have any problem getting advice before the fight(and usually ask for it), but someone will have to absolutely twist my arm to get me to watch a video breaking down the fight.

I guess one thing to mention is the fact that I am the "learn by doing" type of person. For example, I went into the Ifrit fight completely understanding the Eruption mechanic but I still died the first 5-6 times. It mostly came down to the fact that we had not decided on a leader to follow at that point of the fight so it was disorganized. Communicating with the party fixed that issue. Something that watching some video of other people playing would not have helped. Once we decided who to follow I didn't die a single time.

Eh watching videos is a step too far I reckon. There truly is no substitute for actually doing it. Before I did Syrcus Tower I read up on those boss fights and the mechanics just sounded so complicated that I was actually put off doing it. But after doing it one or two times it's really simple. But reading up on the fights saves me from being that guy that gets knocked out of Titan fight on the first ground stomp, or kills the Moogles in Moogle Ex etc etc.


pretty much. Can't fault anybody but yourself when you click that register duty button.
This is why I'd never DF anything like extremes to begin with. But I think it's a poor argument as well. You can argue I took the risk with my group being bad or not knowing the fight, but I take the risk any players I run with in any DF(or even PF for that matter) can be anything - whether that be trolls, lazy people, bads, or whatever. I'm still going to be upset when I run into selfish players. Telling me I could of avoided any chance of running into them doesn't change anything, only way you'd ever break from that group would be to stop playing multiplayer games all together.

And Budoaki I did read your post, I know you were speaking outside of DF, which is why my first part of the post was saying it's fine if it's with friends or other people learning (or open to people learning). My point is solely with people who join groups outside that category, and want to go blind no matter what on content that isn't really workable with, which is a real subset of players that exist. Those guys are the ones wasting people's time, and I don't know how you'd describe it as anything but.

I absolutely despise going into fights or dungeons blind. It's a little fun sure but not that fun. I'd rather go in with all the information I can.
Honestly learning fights is one of the most fun parts about new patches for me, before it's all down to a science and everyone is going over every detail trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Some of the theories you come up with are crazy, and it's fun when you finally get it right.

Eh watching videos is a step too far I reckon. .
Man I hate watching fight videos, text outlines all the way.
Eh watching videos is a step too far I reckon. There truly is no substitute for actually doing it. Before I did Syrcus Tower I read up on those boss fights and the mechanics just sounded so complicated that I was actually put off doing it. But after doing it one or two times it's really simple. But reading up on the fights saves me from being that guy that gets knocked out of Titan fight on the first ground stomp, or kills the Moogles in Moogle Ex etc etc.

or that guys that attack the shiny plume in garuda EX !!

There is always that guy

>Who killed the spiny !
>Wipe guys 
>stop attacking the spiny plume guys !!!

Happens every time!


Congrats Ketsen, Exelon, Pit Bull, et al (I don't know who's all in that group) on beating turn 9. Glad Ketsen was able to achieve his dream even after our group busted apart only a couple of weeks after he joined us.


Congrats Ketsen, Exelon, Pit Bull, et al (I don't know who's all in that group) on beating turn 9. Glad Ketsen was able to achieve his dream even after our group busted apart only a couple of weeks after he joined us.

My dream of seeing everything but the sword and ring drop can come true at last!


Congrats Ketsen, Exelon, Pit Bull, et al (I don't know who's all in that group) on beating turn 9. Glad Ketsen was able to achieve his dream even after our group busted apart only a couple of weeks after he joined us.

come back!

Free company members can now be discharged even if they have purchased private chambers or have stabled a chocobo.

So much for that nerf! Hunts about to get even more crazy/competitive with only A/S ranks giving rewards.

Elite mark bills, as well as rank B elite marks, have been adjusted as follows:
- The respawn time of rank B elite marks has been changed to five seconds.
- The HP of rank B elite marks has been reduced so that they can be defeated by a single player.
- In conjunction with the above HP reduction, the minimum contribution required to complete elite mark bills has been lowered.
- Rank B elite marks have been changed from aggressive to passive.
- Rank B elite marks will no longer yield rewards upon defeat.

* Upon defeating a rank B elite mark, players will only receive the reward granted by the elite mark bill in their possession.

In conjunction with the above change, the number of Allied Seals awarded by elite mark bills has been increased from 20 to 50 seals.
All players will now be assigned a different weekly elite mark.
Usually someone asks if everyone has seen a video of the fight in DF ex primals. If a player were to say no and then also say that they wouldn't watch one i'd vote kick them.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Well, well.

Elite mark bills, as well as rank B elite marks, have been adjusted as follows:

The respawn time of rank B elite marks has been changed to five seconds.

The HP of rank B elite marks has been reduced so that they can be defeated by a single player.

In conjunction with the above HP reduction, the minimum contribution required to complete elite mark bills has been lowered.

Rank B elite marks have been changed from aggressive to passive.

Rank B elite marks will no longer yield rewards upon defeat.

* Upon defeating a rank B elite mark, players will only receive the reward granted by the elite mark bill in their possession.

In conjunction with the above change, the number of Allied Seals awarded by elite mark bills has been increased from 20 to 50 seals.

All players will now be assigned a different weekly elite mark.


Yeah North Shroud Atma doesnt exist, been farming every day since friday for around 4 hours each day and nothing, I might rage quit.

I have a question regarding gear, I recently finished my AF90 set and I'm wondering what should I aim next?, keep in mind I dont do hunts, because I'm playing pretty much by myself, should I just focus on soldery stuff now?.


So the hunt changes are... Interesting. B marks now essentially worthless for the most part, but A and S zergs can continue unmolested.

Regular mark bills have been adjusted as follows:
Regular mark bills that awarded 1 allied seal will now award 4 allied seals upon completion.
Regular mark bills that awarded 2 allied seals will now award 10 allied seals upon completion.

Elite mark bills, as well as rank B elite marks, have been adjusted as follows:
The respawn time of rank B elite marks has been changed to five seconds.
The HP of rank B elite marks has been reduced so that they can be defeated by a single player.
In conjunction with the above HP reduction, the minimum contribution required to complete elite mark bills has been lowered.
Rank B elite marks have been changed from aggressive to passive.
Rank B elite marks will no longer yield rewards upon defeat.
* Upon defeating a rank B elite mark, players will only receive the reward granted by the elite mark bill in their possession.
In conjunction with the above change, the number of Allied Seals awarded by elite mark bills has been increased from 20 to 50 seals.
All players will now be assigned a different weekly elite mark.

Edit: really happy with the GC turn in additions though:

Weapons awarded from primal battles (item level 60, 70, 75, and 80)
Accessories awarded from the Ultima Weapon battle (item level 80)
Gear awarded from the Labyrinth of the Ancients (item level 80)
Rewards issued in exchange for behemoth horns or Odin's mantles (item level 50)
Gear issued in exchange for Allagan tomestones of mythology (item level 90)
PvP gear exchanged for Wolf Marks (item level 70 and 90)
womp womp, that nerf to spiritbonding

Just came to post that. The true nerf.

In order to address the issue of players undertaking a duty and then equipping gear lower than the required item level for the purpose of spirit bonding, the following adjustments have been made:

-The rate at which gear gains spiritbond will now be reduced when gear is not the appropriate level for a given duty or open-world encounter. Furthermore, if the item level of gear is too high or too low, it will no longer gain spiritbond.


- Rubelite Ring (item level 49)

The ring will gain spiritbond at a reduced rate in duties such as the Labyrinth of the Ancients and Pharos Sirius, but will gain spiritbond at an increased rate in duties such as Castrum Meridianum and Wanderer's Palace.
PvP changes alright but still disappointing

This is why I'd never DF anything like extremes to begin with. But I think it's a poor argument as well. You can argue I took the risk with my group being bad or not knowing the fight, but I take the risk any players I run with in any DF(or even PF for that matter) can be anything - whether that be trolls, lazy people, bads, or whatever. I'm still going to be upset when I run into selfish players. Telling me I could of avoided any chance of running into them doesn't change anything, only way you'd ever break from that group would be to stop playing multiplayer games all together.
oh yea I'm not disagreeing that you cant be upset, ppl just have to be aware of what they are getting themselves into with df extremes and such


come back!
Whenever something comes out that piques my interest, I may return for a while. Probably won't be until the expansion. I'm hoping that shakes up the formula, because I'm super tired of the CT/Coil/daily dungeon shuffle and hunts are the least appealing kind of content in MMOs for me.



Blue Chocobo master race.
Come at me pleb colors
The real question is what did they do to thwart radar users. I recall in one of the interviews Yoshi P explicitly said this patch would address the issue.


Ixali - Not quite what I was expecting, it will be really interesting if the crafting is sort of like a puzzle to figure out how to maximize result. Will they ban cross class skills? Only give certain things? Would be really interesting way to teach people proper rotations.

Choco coloring - lol

Weatherman - Fishermen and sightseers everywhere rejoice.

PvP changes- Goddamn those melee buffs/ranged nerfs. Knockback for pld? Lots of potency buffs? Can dispel Aetherstacks? Perfect balance in Somersault? I said goddamn! No healer nerfs surprises me, but perhaps the melee buffs with compensate and make them easier to take down. The aetherstack nerf will be huge against SCH.

Spiritbond in dungeons - Interesting, did not know they considered this an issue. If the buff is severe, may see some good ol' castrum speed runs coming back.
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