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Final Fantasy XIV |OT5| All You Need is Gil

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Personally, I never found Pharos to be too difficult even before the patch (but I can see why many would think so), and it's still probably one of my most favorite dungeons in the game. Before the patch the dungeon definitely hit like an adult man though, but now it's not that bad. The problem is that things can go really, really badly on the first two bosses if you either don't know mechanics or cannot react on the fly.

I stopped letting others handle the eggs because I was convinced I was the only DPS that knew how to.


Hopefully it means tanks won't be so insistent on pulling entire rooms.

I only pull entire rooms because everyone pushes me to do so because they want to finish asap.

Usually if I pull one or two groups of mobs at a time the pugs bitch because I'm going too slow.
Hopefully it means tanks won't be so insistent on pulling entire rooms.

Well yes that too...it's kinda why I only healed high level DR, those dungeons aren't as easily speed run, well except for maybe HM Haukke and that hardly comes up as of late.


Hopefully it means tanks won't be so insistent on pulling entire rooms.

Always gonna happen, if folks can SR something, they will.

You could use that argument for anything.

Of course, if you actually had people that were competent enough to comprehend the mechanics of a dungeon, and knew how to play their class. The only real difficulty out there were some of the extremes and Coil.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
I wish I was level capped in time for 2.3. Would have liked doing the new dungeons when they're totally fresh and people aren't quite sure what to do. Ah well, I'll be there for 2.4, though, but still would have been nice.


So I... quickly rush to someone's side? That could be useful for AOEs.

The problem is it's dependent on player position. AM out of an AoE thinking you're safe/badass right into another person standing in another AoE. Let's not get into probable lag issues where a player appears to be one place on your screen and is another on his/her own and everyone elses.


Always gonna happen, if folks can SR something, they will.

This is pretty true. Totorak SRs are some of the most ridiculous things I've seen. Makes that dungeon slightly less annoying. But only slightly.

That said, I wonder if these dungeons will be harder to SR because of the i70ness. If so, I wonder if corpse tanking will become a thing in them like it is in T1. Never underestimate the laziness of the community.


The problem is it's dependent on player position. AM out of an AoE thinking you're safe/badass right into another person standing in another AoE. Let's not get into probable lag issues where a player appears to be one place on your screen and is another on his/her own and everyone elses.

In a good group, that's mostly not an issue. You're either AM-ing to the healers or ranged. Or in the case of turn 6, to the offtank.

This is pretty true. Totorak SRs are some of the most ridiculous things I've seen. Makes that dungeon slightly less annoying. But only slightly.

That said, I wonder if these dungeons will be harder to SR because of the i70ness. If so, I wonder if corpse tanking will become a thing in them like it is in T1. Never underestimate the laziness of the community.

If we can save time, and it's not a bannable offense, it's gonna happen.


Personally, I never found Pharos to be too difficult even before the patch (but I can see why many would think so), and it's still probably one of my most favorite dungeons in the game. Before the patch the dungeon definitely hit like an adult man though, but now it's not that bad. The problem is that things can go really, really badly on the first two bosses if you either don't know mechanics or cannot react on the fly.

It wasn't just the difficulty, but that the rewards were the exact same as doing much easier content.

Most people do not run 4 man content for the difficulty, they run it to either farm myth, farm seals, or SB, usually all 3 at once. There's been times when I've struggled through much easier dungeons that Pharos due to people ignoring mechanics and not stopping so i can explain them (ex my whole group goes left at the start of WP and DPSes adds then tries to attack tonberry stalker while I can barely get out a "no" before I have to spam healing, BRD tanks demon dragon in AK because tank dies instantly after a full explanation, ect ect). You basically HAVE to assume your DF group is gonna be subpar until they prove otherwise, which does mean that pre-nerf Pharos would have been a lot of wipes, especially compared to easier dungeons. Considering i could avoid all that by not even unlocking the dungeon...hah.

So yea. If you answer to "why would I run this objectively (by consensus) harder 4 dungeon for the same rewards as this much easier one" is a nebulous "cause fun lol" then the result will be the same every time. No one is gonna want to DF something like that. If they wanted to have fun while wiping there's content made specifically for that in raids with better rewards, even if it's just achieves/mounts/vanity/w/e.


Honestly, most of the pugging I do for 4mans turns out fine. Granted, being the tank, the responsibility for executing many (if not most,) the mechanics falls to me in many of these dungeons, so that probably drastically reduces the chances things will go wrong.


Hey guys, trying to rejoin the FC (Kaelian Serina), I've logged into the FC website but it won't let me view the recruitment page, anywhere else I post an application again.


Suffering From Success
I find that some UI elements on PS4 don't get resized even if you set default HUD scaling to 100%, namely NPC textboxes and quest message overlays that appear in the middle of the screen. Any fix for that? Can't seem to find anything relevant in the settings.
Honestly, most of the pugging I do for 4mans turns out fine. Granted, being the tank, the responsibility for executing many (if not most,) the mechanics falls to me in many of these dungeons, so that probably drastically reduces the chances things will go wrong.

Most DF tanks don't believe in defensive cooldowns...

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Most DF tanks don't believe in defensive cooldowns...

I don't understand why some people are like that. It just seems like a good idea to take some of the pressure off the healer when possible, especially when you know you're going to have a lot of incoming damage.


I don't understand why some people are like that. It just seems like a good idea to take some of the pressure off the healer when possible, especially when you know you're going to have a lot of incoming damage.

I'd chalk it up to ignorance rather than spite


Thanks for the shout-out, Isaccard!

Concerning the issue with movement, I do share some of the complaints a few have regarding BLM. I do use Aetherial Manipulation quite a bit, though, especially in T9. Also, my control scheme is likely very...odd compared to other BLM's. I'm very mobile in my playing, since, in-battle, I always have the right mouse button held down [to control the direction of my character]. I use A/D on the keyboard to strafe [so I can continue facing my target], and E to Sprint [which I use a lot]. I have all of my abilities bound to my mouse [with Left Shift as the modifier]. I also "cast-clip" a lot of my spells. This is done by moving slightly just before the cast finishes [I usually strafe super-slightly to the left/right]. If you do it correctly, your spell will finish regardless and you can begin the cast of your second spell earlier [instead of simply letting it finish]. It only saves a few milliseconds here-and-there, but it all adds up.

As for the buffs, I am happy to see an increased in potency for Fire/Blizzard spells [although the Manawall nerf will forever pain me, I loved that thing!]. It doesn't really make our class less RNG-reliant, but it at least makes it so if we don't get a Firestarter/Thunderstruck proc for a while, our DPS shouldn't suffer as much [the increased potency of Fire I helps in this].

It would have been nice to see them revert to the way the mana regeneration in Umbral Ice used to work, though. Sometimes the game seems to take a while for that first tick, and if it comes at an odd time, I usually have to wait a second for the final tick before going back into Astral Fire, or I cast a Scathe in-between so I'm not sitting there doing nothing. The timing was a lot less strict before they changed it, so you could still get that final Umbral Ice tick even after going back into Astral Fire. It was a lot less rigid in that sense, although I've more-or-less adjusted to the way things are now.

Either way, the patch notes are listed as "Preliminary", so there could be more changes for BLM not yet listed. Unlikely, but you never know! Even as things are, though, I'm pretty satisfied in being a BLM. :)


New Black mage change: High Allagan staff has been removed from the game.
No one takes a BLM into second Coil, how do we know Makoto isn't a figment of our feeble imaginations, trying to imagine things that are not really there but we think belong there somehow?

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Woo hoo! Survived my first time tanking normal Brayflox! I was pretty squishy, though. Healer kept up by the skin of his teeth on a couple pulls, and I was blowing through cooldowns to stay alive, but we did it. Got a new helm and ring, which I hope will make me a smidge less squishy in the future. Just gotta work on kiting the dragon better in the future, as he had his foot in the poison every now and then, so started regaining health, dragging the fight out.
No one takes a BLM into second Coil, how do we know Makoto isn't a figment of our feeble imaginations, trying to imagine things that are not really there but we think belong there somehow?

Makoto is a robot created by Alena who is a moon man since they refuse to talk in mumble. Even though Makoto was caught once making a noise by Krael he is just shy.


No one takes a BLM into second Coil, how do we know Makoto isn't a figment of our feeble imaginations, trying to imagine things that are not really there but we think belong there somehow?
To be fair, a certain tank in my static does sometimes attempt to switch me over to the side of Summoner. I refuse, of course, as I am [and always will be] a Black Mage at heart. Still, he does try.

A Makoto that is not a Black Mage is not Makoto!

Makoto is a robot created by Alena who is a moon man since they refuse to talk in mumble. Even though Makoto was caught once making a noise by Krael he is just shy.
I still don't know how that happened. Perhaps my brain-waves interacted with the Mumble program without my knowledge. It was strange, for sure.


Our static BLM is top tier in our group. Not sure on the way he plays or anything but he pulls 300-350 for us in most of our raids and he hasn't had many drops bar the Soldiery Weapon.

EDIT: No Sands for the Weapon either.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Finally found a group and did CT for the first time to prep for Syrcus Tower. It's dead easy when you're ilvl 90, obviously, but quite a lot of fun.

Really want to get Mog EX done today so I have all my Ramuh prereqs out of the way.

Also, got 3 atma last night. Up to 7 now. So close...


So I just got to 50 (PLD), and I'm struggling to find any reason to do anything beyond unlocking high level roulette, and doing that along with low level and story once a day each until I get all the myth (i90) gear followed by clearing what I missed for completions and accessories.

Also, my pugs seem to be getting dumber, does the Ultros FC have room and do they have voice? I'm on behemoth right now, and would love to meet some people who would be willing to roll with me as I learn t1-5 and the like.


So I just got to 50 (PLD), and I'm struggling to find any reason to do anything beyond unlocking high level roulette, and doing that along with low level and story once a day each until I get all the myth (i90) gear followed by clearing what I missed for completions and accessories.

Also, my pugs seem to be getting dumber, does the Ultros FC have room and do they have voice? I'm on behemoth right now, and would love to meet some people who would be willing to roll with me as I learn t1-5 and the like.

Last time I was on (Friday night) I believe we were at 506 members so I think there is room.
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