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Final Fantasy XIV |OT5| All You Need is Gil

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So what do you guys have on that super backburner?
I still have to do the sightseeing stuff, I haven't even started it or that questline with no markers.

Try and get some of those i70 tools as crafter and for MIN and BOT.
Other than that, sadly not much. Wanted to get into desynth but I found it meh. Need more content!


I could help you out Friday if you still need it. NO MORE TITAN ON HELP NIGHTS

On the Scholar doing miasma for T7: Healers don't have much accuracy through your gear so you have to maximize it through non-healer accessories and food. If you can put on some casting accessories with accuracy it helps a lot. I managed to pick up the HA ring of casting and with all my other i110 healing gear equipped and with lava toad legs, the miasmas don't miss any more- well maybe one out of 50 will miss. But when they do miss it is soooo frustrating.

If you can have the healer do the miasmas it makes it easier in my experience. Lessens the load on the kiter.

Doing both Shadowbind and miasma in either order will make the Renauds sprint I think. I think it has to be just one or the other.

Will probably still need it, thanks for offering to help!


So what do you guys have on that super backburner?
I still have to do the sightseeing stuff, I haven't even started it or that questline with no markers.
I haven't finished most of the 2.3 side quests yet, Hildibrand/Moogle/Riddle all need to be done still. There's also Novus, but I can't even be arsed to do the EX roulette every day. Need like 50 Alexandrite or something still. Lately I have been logging on mainly for coil and Ixali dailies, then maybe some crafting for housing. I wish they'd reveal prices. The market seems to be in it's usual stagnation period before major patches now but hopefully I'll have enough when it comes.

I gave up on sightseeing when the game decided Rain and Showers aren't the same thing. It's probably a lot easier to do now that we got the weather reports though.


Suffering From Success
I gave up on sightseeing when the game decided Rain and Showers aren't the same thing. It's probably a lot easier to do now that we got the weather reports though.

Not really. You can tell what's going to happen in the next hour of your time but if you're getting Overcast after Overcast and you need Fair, you're still sol.
So what do you guys have on that super backburner?
I still have to do the sightseeing stuff, I haven't even started it or that questline with no markers.

still need to get to rank 40 in pvp. Maelstrom queues are still bullshit and hell if I want to reset my rank. Sightseeing, beast tribe dailies, cheevos, and the no marker questline


My own backburner stuff is as follows.

Finish the Ixali Dailies.
Finish leveling miner to 50.
Level Monk.
Level my Chocobo to Rank 10. (Osprey's about to hit 9)

Level my alt to be Coil ready.

I hope to have all of this stuff done before the next major patch, so suffice to say, I have way too much on my plate right now. >_<;;
Unless I am missing something, it is an optional dungeon. The dungeons have been fun so far, but I am more of a solo player. I am still weary of working with other people not from the FC, so if I don't need to do a dungeon I might skip it for now. It's just a personal thing.

Toto Rak was one of the easiest dungeons I have ever tanked. It's a bleak dungeon, but there are some really colorful flourescent mushrooms too look at. And green slime....lots of green slime. Bosses are really easy too. I wouldn't stress too much over it. But there is a kinda cool story sequence before the last boss to look forward to. I know the feeling about dungeon anxiety, but if you can get at least one FC member to join the DF with you it makes things a lot less stressful.

Also I am no longer on Ultros and made a transfer to Faerie to join another FC. Not that I was very social in the GAF FC anyway heh. Seemed that things were mostly endgame, and while I liked the banter I wanted something a bit more casual.


Not really. You can tell what's going to happen in the next hour of your time but if you're getting Overcast after Overcast and you need Fair, you're still sol.
Yeah, but you don't have to go there and check yourself, or wait around every hour hoping you get the right one. It still will take awhile/some luck, but it is so more convenient now.


I know the feeling about dungeon anxiety, but if you can get at least one FC member to join the DF with you it makes things a lot less stressful.

I have like the exact opposite experience--I'd say rather get my first-time mistakes out around people I will never see again. The fewer people who remember the number of times I died in Titan Story, the better.

You are a person after my own heart. The biggest thing I have always hated about this game is how bad the game world is.

Upcoming expansion has me worried about skill bloat.

Gonna need more vertical hotbars Yoshi

Something I have been worrying about since the game launched. With how most skills are necessary to even get to the later skills in rotations for some classes it can be very hard to make new ones without having too many.


Zones aren't going to become all that much larger than say, Coerthas, until PS3 support it dropped. Hopefully that's something that happens in the second expansion, probably won't happen in the first.
I have like the exact opposite experience--I'd say rather get my first-time mistakes out around people I will never see again. The fewer people who remember the number of times I died in Titan Story, the better.

I can see that. Personally, I would just rather know that when I screw up I am not going to get jumped on. Not to mention it is great knowing that your teammates know what they are doing.
Zones aren't going to become all that much larger than say, Coerthas, until PS3 support it dropped. Hopefully that's something that happens in the second expansion, probably won't happen in the first.

Something else that I've touched on a lot. Only reason why Coerthas can be so big is because it is just about all one texture.

The choices we have because of ps3 limitations are big open and boring, like 1.0, or small and confined, like 2.0. Drops ps3 plox. The fact that the game was remade and stayed on ps3 is something that will hold it down for a long long time.


Something else that I've touched on a lot. Only reason why Coerthas can be so big is because it is just about all one texture.

The choices we have because of ps3 limitations are big open and boring, like 1.0, or small and confined, like 2.0. Drops ps3 plox. The fact that the game was remade and stayed on ps3 is something that will hold it down for a long long time.

It'll probably happen. Right now the big hold-up is waiting for the bulk of the Japanese audience to switch over to the PS4. It sounds like giving free upgrades helped out a lot in that regard, but I still very much doubt the audience will have moved over in sufficient numbers to be able to justify dropping PS3 support by the time the first expansion comes around.

Basically, it probably won't happen until PS3 users make up less than 10% of the active subscriber base.

Edit: I could very well be wrong, in regards to the pace at which PS3 players are migrating to PS4. I'm largely guesstimating, based off the currently slow PS4 sales, but admittedly that isn't very much data for me to work with.
Realm is doomed if Behemoth ever gets off his lazy butt and leaves Coerthas (We beat him anyways)


Suffering From Success
Wait, retainer gear does affect quick ventures now?
I sent mine on a QV for the first time after awhile and on return I got a help message claiming as much.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
My back burner stuff is leveling crafting and gathering jobs. Making some decent progress there thanks to leves, CG turn-ins, and Ixal dailies.

Pretty much given up on passing Turn 5 in coil and EX Primals. Finding groups that actually want to do that stuff and don't mind relatively inexperienced players coming along is becoming exceedingly difficult, and the numbers are dwindling further now that the school year is ramping up. Probably not going to bother with raiding in this game anymore, and just focus on crafting / leveling other jobs instead.


My back burner stuff is leveling crafting and gathering jobs. Making some decent progress there thanks to leves, CG turn-ins, and Ixal dailies.

Pretty much given up on passing Turn 5 in coil and EX Primals. Finding groups that actually want to do that stuff and don't mind relatively inexperienced players coming along is becoming exceedingly difficult, and the numbers are dwindling further now that the school year is ramping up. Probably not going to bother with raiding in this game anymore, and just focus on crafting / leveling other jobs instead.

.....you could probably almost DF Turn 5 these days.
just checked. duty finder groups still stand around like lawn furniture during conflags. "congratulation guys, still can't get past the first phase of a one year old content"
heard jp df players already have t5 and other extreme primals on farm. can anyone who is in a jp server back that up? also i don't bother learning with server randoms anymore, you have someone who abruptly quits and it causes a chain reaction that disbands the group. you have people saying "gtg my house is on fire" and when you think your group is going to stay and wait and for a replacement...nope. people dropping like dominoes. i'm tired of waiting over an hour for a full "learning" pf group only for it to disband in 16 minutes.

btw i noticed that the players who are the first to quit without saying anything are the ones stacked with allagan gear. had a player in a ramuh ex group with full HA and he/she left after the first wipe. guessing they don't care because their fc/static will get them through it.


Wine Red obtained. Thank you choco calculator. Goddamn you SE for making this so much more complicated than it needs to be.

Spent much more than I had planned but happy with the result.

I could very well be wrong, in regards to the pace at which PS3 players are migrating to PS4. I'm largely guesstimating, based off the currently slow PS4 sales, but admittedly that isn't very much data for me to work with.
Maybe the Eorzea census coming up soon, which I am looking forward to, will include data on what the platform share is like. We know PS3 will be supported at least up through the first expansion, but who knows from there. The PS3 experience is already much crappier than PS4/PC, I wouldn't be surprised that anyone who can afford to switch are doing so.


So what do you guys have on that super backburner?
I still have to do the sightseeing stuff, I haven't even started it or that questline with no markers.

Sightseeing, Moogle Delivery quests, T9, Fisher to 50 (I keep falling asleep dammit), ALC desynth 90+ (am close), DRG to 50 before the NIN onslaught, BLM to 50 (almost there). Bird people rep cap too if that counts.

Not too terrible and outside of T9 everything seems doable. T9 is going to entirely depend on how much time my static can devote to it (we are geniuniley terrible about getting in there, we only usually have 1 night a week, sometimes two. We all work full time and it sucks :( )

Edit: I could very well be wrong, in regards to the pace at which PS3 players are migrating to PS4. I'm largely guesstimating, based off the currently slow PS4 sales, but admittedly that isn't very much data for me to work with.

Yeaaaa....um. PS4 is selling worse than Wii U in Japan. Has since launch. Hell, the only thing selling at all is the 3DS and even that's paltry compared to last gen.

Dunno about next-next expansion, but the upcoming one will have full PS3 support. It's already been confirmed. Hopefully PS4 will have a more sizable base to work with a few years from now (aka stop selling like sh*t there plz Japan), or they will probably be continuing support for it for multiple expansions.


Like I said, the next expansion is likely to continue the PS3 support.

The expansion coming two years after that though? Yeah, there's a muuuuuch better chance that they'll be willing to end PS3 support by then.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Come with us this Friday for T5. Please note, this is a learning group!

I guess that's one way of dealing with things from within GAF, but I look at this as something that could lead to wider issues down the road community-wide as more and more bottlenecks appear in progression.

Some folks will get stuck behind certain gates, and not for lack of trying. I'll grant some folks may not be all that great and not react to mechanics well, but I'm sure there will be plenty more who are plenty capable but just can't find groups to get it done and reach tougher content.

Will this impact people in 2nd and future coils as time wears on is what I wonder. I already see plenty of posts here and elsewhere about statics losing members and having a tough time finding replacements. I can't see people getting stuck behind these gates helping the situation, as their numbers could have contributed to growing the pool of players in that tier of content yet they aren't getting there. It doesn't seem too terrible right now, but it is something I could see having the potential to get worse in the future.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Funny, I see less and less people concerned with even beating Coil 2

It could also reflect a reality that the vast majority of MMO players just aren't all that interested in raid content, or just want it on a casual basis. It's something that Blizzard had to come to terms with over the years themselves with WoW, and have even said that they were having a difficult time justifying the effort and expense they were putting into develop hardcore raids for the game when only 5% or so of the player base was even seeing the content.

It's well within the realm of reason that a good-sized portion of many MMO's populations just aren't all that interested in raids anymore, or were never interested in the first place, and as such content becomes less and less the de facto "thing to do" at level cap its importance and relevance will diminish. =/


Funny, I see less and less people concerned with even beating Coil 2

I wanna see the story through to the end, but if it weren't for that I'd be less inclined now that I've got my Novus + Hunts have been so generous with sands.

I know my static is largely the same way. We don't want to ram our heads against the T9 wall too hard, especially when there's a lot of other stuff in game to do now vs last fall. Yet, we'd definitely like to go in more than we have been...freaking scheduling, man.


I've been gone for a week, is this a thing now?

Just remember that it works on ranges, so if you are going from a color different from default you can't really know your exact numbers and it can take more/less than planned. The actual amount given for each color also seems to be based on a range each feed, so that can further fudge the numbers up a bit. It definitely works though, just gotta keep working towards your end goal and balance feeds based on it. I originally fed mine based off that old flowchart, and I think I had way more red than you normally do for Dalamud Red, so it took quite a bit more than the calculator originally suggested from base Dalamud Red, I was at Rolanberry Red first afterwards but from there my numbers must of been much closer, as it only took one or two extra feeds for it to work.


Will this impact people in 2nd and future coils as time wears on is what I wonder. I already see plenty of posts here and elsewhere about statics losing members and having a tough time finding replacements. I can't see people getting stuck behind these gates helping the situation, as their numbers could have contributed to growing the pool of players in that tier of content yet they aren't getting there. It doesn't seem too terrible right now, but it is something I could see having the potential to get worse in the future.

I think the Titan EX change is a solid indicator that they're not going to leave multiple roadblocks in each path long-term. When 2.4 hits, I fully expect either a further nerfing of Twin to make her harmless, or the removal of T5 as a prerequisite for T6.

There will still be a blockade in the form of T9, though--I feel like they've done a fairly decent job overall of gradually lessening difficulty of endgame content (first let everyone gear up to the point of out gearing, then if that doesn't work start adding echo), but there's always going to be a point where the game requires you not just prove you can execute a nerfed form of mechanics, but that you can also coordinate with other players to pull it off. Probably also that you can cope with being roadblocked by mechanics and group execution failures, because from the (admittedly limited) bits of second coil I've seen that's going to be a way of life once you hit progression.


I guess that's one way of dealing with things from within GAF, but I look at this as something that could lead to wider issues down the road community-wide as more and more bottlenecks appear in progression.

Some folks will get stuck behind certain gates, and not for lack of trying. I'll grant some folks may not be all that great and not react to mechanics well, but I'm sure there will be plenty more who are plenty capable but just can't find groups to get it done and reach tougher content.

Will this impact people in 2nd and future coils as time wears on is what I wonder. I already see plenty of posts here and elsewhere about statics losing members and having a tough time finding replacements. I can't see people getting stuck behind these gates helping the situation, as their numbers could have contributed to growing the pool of players in that tier of content yet they aren't getting there. It doesn't seem too terrible right now, but it is something I could see having the potential to get worse in the future.

Simple answer remove the lockout. It really isn't hard to see why many people aren't doing coil 2 at this point. Most people just can't schedule this stuff anymore and when you have people working two jobs sometimes it's just not possible. I harp on this over and over but it's the worst part of this entire game and quite frankly makes end game useless for many. Whenever they decide to remove the lockout a huge surge for coil 2 will happen, many people are just waiting it out. There really is zero reason to have it, I can understand loot lockout that's fine I get that so people don't progress too fast but it's just screwing a huge amount of the games population at this point.

Also this friday night I don't mind helping some people with T5 if you need some dps.
I know for a lot of Excalibur groups, real life and scheduling conflicts have destroyed many groups.

I wanna see the story through to the end, but if it weren't for that I'd be less inclined now that I've got my Novus + Hunts have been so generous with sands.

I know my static is largely the same way. We don't want to ram our heads against the T9 wall too hard, especially when there's a lot of other stuff in game to do now vs last fall. Yet, we'd definitely like to go in more than we have been...freaking scheduling, man.

Real life is probably the main reason why my group isn't deep into T9 practice already. Hopefully it gets better now that summer is over but we'll see.
Dunno if it was just a random thing, but when myself and scy were doing Cutter's Cry, we had a lot of issues with DPS not being able to see the eye colour warning message for the main boss, i.e. before he uses Ram's Breath or whatever it is.

It was really awful. Myself and our other DPS basically had to watch the boss' HP bar to see whether he was casting the ability and hoping we got out in time.

At one stage both me and the other DPS wiped on the same cast because neither of us got a message. Made the fight incredibly frustrating.

Is this a common thing?


Dunno if it was just a random thing, but when myself and scy were doing Cutter's Cry, we had a lot of issues with DPS not being able to see the eye colour warning message for the main boss, i.e. before he uses Ram's Breath or whatever it is.

It was really awful. Myself and our other DPS basically had to watch the boss' HP bar to see whether he was casting the ability and hoping we got out in time.

At one stage both me and the other DPS wiped on the same cast because neither of us got a message. Made the fight incredibly frustrating.

Is this a common thing?

shift+F = focus target can help if you dont see messages for whatever reason

never had that happen to me th o


I guess that's one way of dealing with things from within GAF, but I look at this as something that could lead to wider issues down the road community-wide as more and more bottlenecks appear in progression.

Some folks will get stuck behind certain gates, and not for lack of trying. I'll grant some folks may not be all that great and not react to mechanics well, but I'm sure there will be plenty more who are plenty capable but just can't find groups to get it done and reach tougher content.

Will this impact people in 2nd and future coils as time wears on is what I wonder. I already see plenty of posts here and elsewhere about statics losing members and having a tough time finding replacements. I can't see people getting stuck behind these gates helping the situation, as their numbers could have contributed to growing the pool of players in that tier of content yet they aren't getting there. It doesn't seem too terrible right now, but it is something I could see having the potential to get worse in the future.

Ok, so you want to do T5 on Friday?

Edit: Yoshi basically begging for Tiv to return:


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