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Final Fantasy XIV |OT5| All You Need is Gil

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Crystal Bearer
Well it's not like you'd be able to just reach out and grab those weapons.
Shiva's will probably be an irrelevant sidegrade to Nex and HA, middle of the road is bound to have some catch not unlike UAT putting it out of the reach for at least a couple of months - doubly so for healers if it's exactly a repeat of UAT.

Hard to say. Leviathan weapons were a nice upgrade over allagan in some cases.


Suffering From Success
Hard to say. Leviathan weapons were a nice upgrade over allagan in some cases.

High Allagan Grimoire of Healing has the best possible itemization short of a well-melded Nexus so not much hope there, WHM weapon on the other hand could trade spell speed for determination, so maaaaybe?

Edit: Fates are a good way to get Nexus, methinks. 100 fates a day is totally doable and you also get a chance at alex for your next novus! Better yet, fates while doing PVP!
Anyways back to the true issue, rng is stupid (3rd week in a row where 6-8 gave us essentially the same drops)

Change pose with a weapon is great for going afk.
Best patch ever. I'm almost expecting 2.4 to be delayed at this point just because this entire patch seems designed to waste people's time before actual content is added. Either farm for Nexus or farm for gil, have fun.

I hope the TGS live letter questions is just filled with players of all regions asking what the hell Yoshida is smoking, and whether or not we will get an emote to smoke it too in 2.45

that good kush and alcohol


In all honesty, this patch only continues to exert my frustration with Yoshida and FFXIV as a whole. Everything they've done is painfully half-assed and generic. As much as I hated Tanakas grind antics, his design structure for content was significantly better. Yoshida copies, and copies, and copies, and screws it up. Everything from the battle system, to housing, to hunts, to the freakin main story. Why can't anything have actual thought and depth to it in this damn MMO?

Pretty hilarious reading the forums though. I found this pic pretty funny.


This post is of course my opinion, and it's definitely a harsh one.


I actually really like the implementation of Nexus. It's by far the least infuriating of all the phases. Of course it's also by far the longest (unless you spam PvP and FATEs all day, I guess) but you basically have the pick of the litter when it comes to what you actually do to get your Light.

But yeah. Housing. Yoshida deserves it for that blunder. Blehhh.


I feel like Yoshida is just that mmo dude that didn't care about housing and he doesn't understand it. He needs to get mmo person who cares about housing on his staff to tell him how to do it right.


The most amazing thing is going to the JP forums, seeing all the users throwing crap back in Yoshida's face.
I think people would of taken this a lot better in general had they been more upfront about what was going on, and they were more detailed on what they plan to do to address this moving forward. It's clear the biggest issue here is their horrible server infrastructure, something they constantly point to when talking about limitations. They are super secretive about their subscription numbers, but the whole point of that fee is to pay for stuff like servers and providing for advertised features. We've accepted server excuses before, but this time they essentially lied beforehand and instead of owning up to that and talking about what the end product would be, they purposefully hyped up something that wasn't to be and then snuck in a "please understand" after the fact. It's been like 9 months since FC housing, barely anything has changed, they essentially changed permissions on who can buy. They had to of known what personal housing would of been like a long time ago.

By the way are you going to have anyone at the TGS events to ask questions? I'd love for someone to ask for some more openess moving forward. The entire point of live letters (I thought anyway) were to give players a glimpse into the development process and what is to come, but as of late they have amounted to glorified trailers and the real details/specifics are not given until it's too late. They are really the only MMO I know of that handle patches like this, and it results in them constantly scrambling to put out the latest fire following every patch. A public test server alone would be huge, not just from a feedback perspective but from a balance and bug perspective, as they constantly misjudge how players will approach content.

I feel like Yoshida is just that mmo dude that didn't care about housing and he doesn't understand it. He needs to get mmo person who cares about housing on his staff to tell him how to do it right.
I feel more like Yoshida is a concepts guy but sometimes fails to understand the resources those concepts will actually take to implement. Roaming primals anyone?


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Now if I quit the game I won't feel so bad about not having done anything with all that money!

Pretty sure your house will be taken away if you do quit for too long, so it's essentially the same thing ._.
i understand if rich solo players buy a house. for everyone else, i don't know man. a guildhouse is very nice idea. it gives you a chance to meet up with your guildmates and foster a community. a private house is just there. there is no practical use. maybe for roleplayers, but for everyone else? zero effort for all of this. ok, you have a garden. but that's a pretty expensive one.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
I've decided to start a late night raiding LS on Ultros since PF gets pretty dead after 9PM Pacific. Hoping it'll help the night owls get to know each other and get some groups going because I think the lack of activity on PF discourages folks from using it at night. If anyone is interested in an invite, send a tell to Paprika Kon in-game. =)
Kinda glad I didn't save for a house. I never bothered with a personal room anyway. I would just end up hanging out in Camp Overlook like I always do.


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Staff Member
The most amazing thing is going to the JP forums, seeing all the users throwing crap back in Yoshida's face.

And what most amaze me they still shield on the RMT for the prices.


Controllers need fix badly; I don't even know how much of the problem is the delay itself, but the perceived lag totally throws me off. The character should start moving before the stick hits the edge of the controller, not after. It's unsettling.

Also this is extremely trivial, but I spent A LOT of time staring at it tonight: I don't like how tall the new lala fishing stool is. It reminds me more of a barstool and my character's pose is all weird now.

Still happy with /slap, at least.


New weapon doesn't seem too bad, at least it's open in what you can do it seems. Not that I would know since I can't be arsed to deal with atmas.


This zodiac quest step is surely better than the other ones. But i think it really needs some special bosses to kill, like the old relic quest with hydra and chimera. It should more challenging and not only grind.


Aaaaaaaand the group I was supposed to start running Coil with went with somebody else, no explanation.


At least I was able to pug my way past T6, as a DRG. :p


One thing I cant complain about is the main story up until the reveal of

I guess they are waiting for the first expansion or 2.4 to kick the story back into high gear?
Been gone from the game since diablo came out on next gen consoles. Got on today to be disappointed by housing prices.(My private chamber is pretty sexy so meh I guess) and nexis stuff which I'm no where near in obtaining. I miss my gaf friends doe. :( Maybe I'll learn ramuh and run that for the rings, or grow a pair and learn second coil. hmmmm
why were there no new hairstyles in this patch

You should be happy with your new emotes~

The most amazing thing is going to the JP forums, seeing all the users throwing crap back in Yoshida's face.

Well apparently they listen to their JP players pretty closely, so maybe we'll see some real rethinking of personal housing after the riots.

It still amazes me that in FFXI you literally create your character, it drops you in the world, and one of your first quests is to visit the free Mog House the game has reserved for you. Somehow, we went from FFXI to this. It's baffling. Did Yoshi never even play Squenix's previous MMO before this one?
One thing I cant complain about is the main story up until the reveal of

I guess they are waiting for the first expansion or 2.4 to kick the story back into high gear?

I think 2.4 should have a decent bit to go with the Ninja stuff and Shiva.
I assume they will reveal Yugiri's race, which in turns opens up a bunch of stuff. The Shiva storyline also could point towards Ishgard situation.
So yeah I'd say 2.4 is where it's gonna open up all the new storylines for the expansion, while 2.5 will close all the current ones(Coil and Crystal Tower mostly, the Zodiark stuff will most likely keep being part of the story). Hopefully no 2.6, straight to 3.0.


Never played an MMO, but need something on my PS4 to play. Is this a good enough game?

Whats the subscription fee's etc, and is there a trial?
Heh. It's funny reading about this housing fiasco because I'm not really concerned about housing availability or owning my own house.

My actual concern is that Yoshida outright lied about the personal housing implementation and pricing. I won't be able to read a future interview or Q&A with Yoshida in the same way as before because I will cast even greater doubt on anything he says that's related to future content.

I'm wondering what his next steps will be to regain trust from both the JP and western audiences.
the 2 housing system are not really comparable.

They're not, but it's obvious that FFXI's was easily scalable to every single player in the game. FFXIV is running into server issues with only enough houses to be owned by roughly 0.3% of the average server's population.

FFXI is now going on 15 years old and yet it is the one which did it right. FFXIV's housing design is such a clusterfuck that sharing personal housing with FC housing was absolutely the worst possible decision they could make. They had 9 months to think about it and they still made the worst possible decision of all available options to them. What the fuck were they even doing for 9 months while delaying personal housing if all they were going to do is change a flag so any individual could buy a house instead of the owner of an FC?

The reality is that if they wanted to make houses ownable by the entire population of the game, it had to be fully instanced like Mog Houses were. This whole shared world Ward thing is probably okay to share among the FCs of the server, but you have to literally be incapable of doing math or literally not know how servers work to think it's possible for the entire population of the server to individually own houses with this design.


I'm not going to bother with housing, I think. I can't afford one anyway (and I already have an FC room), but even if I could I can't see getting my money's worth of utility out of it.

Never played an MMO, but need something on my PS4 to play. Is this a good enough game?

Whats the subscription fee's etc, and is there a trial?

I personally, think it's a good, fun game, with an enjoyable plot and good at directing you towards the various content. But you know, YMMV. I play on PC though so I can't say exactly how it is like on console, but I think there's no difference (on PS4 anyway).

As for fees: the basic sub is US$12.99 / EUR 10.99 / GBP 7.69 for 1 month.
Technically, there is a free trial version, but it is on PC only. Purchase of the full game does include the first month free though.


The thing is that Yoshida has confusing priorities: please the fanbase and regulate the economy. He should aim to add enjoyable content in the game, but said content can't be enjoyed by most of the players. He prefered to create a huge money sink, and in any case there isn't enough houses available for everyone. That's just not the way to go. He shouldn't have released personal housing in that state.

Now, I really wonder how bad are those PS3 server limitations... But if it is so bad, he should just go with a system of instanced housing (and it seems a lot of people agree on that point). Obviously FC housing and personal housing in the same wards won't work (unless somehow those server limitations don't exist anymore), there is just not enough room for everyone. And, frankly, making housing less expensive and available for everyone will do wonder for the economy and effectively destroy gils much quicker. Just sayin'.

Though, there is a problem of money creation and not enough effective gils sinks... They should indeed work on that, but not like this.

Overall, the community is less inclined to trust Yoshida than in the past, and the japanese reactions became downright toxic if half I read about them is true. It's an absolute debacle.

In any case, he responded with that message (which may very well be the japanese one I mentioned earlier, but in english) nope this one is different:

Regarding Housing Plot Availability in Patch 2.38 and Beyond

Hello, everyone. Producer and Director Yoshida here.

First of all, let me thank you all for your continued feedback.

As stated in the patch notes for Patch 2.38, the plots of land available for purchase in the housing areas will be the same for both Free Company and individual buyers. The introduction of housing plots in the future will also follow this structure.

However, we were only able to introduce two new wards at the release of personal housing. We know that this is a very small number of additional wards, and are aware that this means that a large number of players will be unable to purchase land. Please accept our sincerest apologies for being unable to add a large number of new housing plots.

The development team has been making the most of limited server resources to develop a new system that will allow us to add as many new housing plots as possible, but as we need to perform extensive optimization and debugging operations, we will not be able to implement this until Patch 2.4.

Some of you may be thinking it would have been better to simply wait until the release of Patch 2.4 instead of adding just a couple of housing wards, but please understand that we would like to do our utmost to ensure that new land is opened up as soon as possible, even if that means adding only a small number.

In the future, we plan to be able to double the total land for all existing housing wards, including the two new wards, in Patch 2.4 with the system changes that we are currently working on.
(Basically, the number of wards available now will be doubled in Patch 2.4).

With our current schedule for stability checks, it’s going to be difficult to add this in time for the release of Patch 2.4, but both the server and housing teams are working as hard as they can to make it possible. Once again, I’d like to share my sincerest apologies to all our players who have been unable to purchase land in the latest patch. Please hold on for another month or so until the release of Patch 2.4.

I will be sure to give you another update on additional housing land before the release of Patch 2.4.

Also, this little image is interesting (edition: removed because the calculations were wrong, still available here in any case).


Oh my. I didn't notice this when I found this graphic... Yeah, I'm feeling a little ashamed right now, I should have noticed this.

I think they just fat fingered a number in the display (it looks like their total housing added is based on 20 small houses per ward), but I basically stopped caring about their math once I hit the missing 10 houses because I don't want to double check the rest of the calculations.

I think two million subs is also pretty dubious--we've only ever been given an account count, correct?

I would like the TGS census to break down the economic status of the Eorzean population. Even in the FC we have a huge net worth spread; it'd be interesting to see what percentage can actually afford housing.
Man the forums/lodestone must be getting slammed, I have not been able to get on there for over 12 hours now. Also, any reason I should hold off on visiting Coerthas? I am currently at level 26 (almost 27) on my Archer and need to go there for my GC hunting log.
Man the forums/lodestone must be getting slammed, I have not been able to get on there for over 12 hours now. Also, any reason I should hold off on visiting Coerthas? I am currently at level 26 (almost 27) on my Archer and need to go there for my GC hunting log.
You'll be taken everywhere in the world if you keep following the story quests, so eventually you'll be there.


I don't understand why they didn't go with instanced personal housing (keep the 3 tiers: small, med, large and areas).

Did they not want a ton of people idling outside of the instance zone's entrance or something (like ppl did in FF11 lol)?
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