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Final Fantasy XIV |OT5| All You Need is Gil

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You might say that they be-leaf in themselves.

*waits for applause...and does not get it*

I'll show myself out.

Thankfully you don't talk in mumble I do not know if I could handle both Tia and you verbally speaking these jokes at the same time. One speaking and the other typing them is enough at times.


Thankfully you don't talk in mumble I do not know if I could handle both Tia and you verbally speaking these jokes at the same time. One speaking and the other typing them is enough at times.
I choose not to talk to benefit you all.

There, I said it. Now you know the reason. You can thank me now.

[Not the real reason, but let us say that it is.]
You should talk with Skoje. He had an issue of staying at 200-250 DPS for a while and we were trying to figure out what was causing the issue. He eventually figured it out, think it had something to do with bloodletter, I dunno, it was all noise to me as I don't play BRD. Now he does 300+ DPS no problem.

The key is working a dummy for a while until you can get that 300+ DPS, then it's just about being able to manage that while also dodging / dealing with mechanics. That's what I gotta do with my MNK, just need to do more than T8 also to get more practice. Used to being PLD for everything. I am geared similar to Moara so I should be able to go from 375 to 450.

That is something I'm going to do first. I have never paid attention to it since our raid kill everything T6-8 with no problem. Now we hit the road block in T9. I realized that my improved dps will help the group significantly since our monk sometime has a hard time keeping the grease on. The Solitude guide is really eye-opener for me. I can't wait to get home and practice today.

I was never thinking about aligning OGCD with Barrage before. All I was doing was having Internal Release on before Windbite and Venomous Bite, using Blood Letter and Straight Shot proc as soon as available, and weave other OGCB in between GCD. I just realized that my DPS is very low and switching from using macro to manual doesn't really help so it must be something fundamentally wrong about my rotation. Now I kinda know the problem.


The real secret.


If nothing else my GC lives up the flame alright... We're always crashing and burning for sure.

Also I've been swapped from WAR/PLD to BRD booty duty.
Having watched the DPS all this time makes readjusting to the mechanics a breeze, but relearning the serious DPS combo is another thing entirely. I just want to pew pew at things and be a spoony bard.


There are times that I have been tempted to just go DPS, having fewer responsibilities in a fight does have a certain appeal. But, I rather enjoy off Tanking. I like picking up adds and DPSing in the down time.

Besides, Warrior is a fun class to play. I rather wish there really was a straight up DPS version of the class, for those fights where a second tank really isn't necessary.

Edit: Marauder doesn't count, the additional offensive CDs are largely offset by lower stats. They have an amazing burst, but once that's gone their damage output plummets to well below WAR levels.


If you have the mindset that DPS have fewer responsibilities, then you're never going to be a good DPS.

Depends on the fight.

In Ramuh, DPS probably have far more responsibility.

In Turn 7, Off Tanks have a ton of responsibility on thier shoulders. Seeing as those adds can plow through a party in zero time if they aren't picked up and handled properly.


Depends on the fight.

In Ramuh, DPS probably have far more responsibility.

In Turn 7, Off Tanks have a ton of responsibility on thier shoulders.

Pulling 3 dudes and one other big dude isn't anything severe tbh. To be perfectly fair though, SE is generally terrible at giving tanks dynamic sets of responsibilities anyway though. I feel way, way more active as a DPS than I ever was running through coil as a tank.


In Turn 7, Off Tanks have a ton of responsibility on thier shoulders. Seeing as those adds can plow through a party in zero time if they aren't picked up and handled properly.

And they'll plow through the party if the DPS can't kill them fast enough while trying not to steal hate.


And they'll plow through the party if the DPS can't kill them fast enough while trying not to steal hate.

Picking up those three adds, while cycling defensive CDs, applying decent snap aggro, juggling voices, and staying out of their hit boxes, simultaneously, is anything but easy.

Mind you, it would be easy if it weren't for Voices, but that mechanic is a huge curveball during that phase.


Picking up those three adds, while cycling defensive CDs, applying decent snap aggro, juggling voices, and staying out of their hit boxes, simultaneously, is anything but easy.

Mind you, it would be easy if it weren't for Voices, but that mechanic is a huge curveball during that phase.

Managing cooldowns, aggro, juggling voices, and staying out of hit boxes is not something exclusive to tanks. Again, you're the one stating that DPS have fewer responsibilities. I don't need to be convinced of what tanks are responsible for.


My take on it is less that Tanks have a lot to do but more that what they have to do is fairly vital. For the most part, it seems Healers/DPS (/OT, depending) deal with all the other mechanics of the fight. Their list of stuff is typically longer.


Healers and tanks generally have very clear and defined responsibilities. DPS has less specifics, but if a fight goes bad it is often blamed on DPS so obvious they've got to be doing something.

IN OTHER NEWS: Buy Bara Brand Spinach Quiches™ and in less than one week, your inventory can look like this:


Going to see if anyone still has literal millions left to blow on the frilled shark stuff.

I think people are starting to find me assaulting them with offers of free cheaper stuff weird.


Healers and tanks generally have very clear and defined responsibilities. DPS has less specifics, but if a fight goes bad it is often blamed on DPS so obvious they've got to be doing something.

IN OTHER NEWS: Buy Bara Brand Spinach Quiches™ and in less than one week, your inventory can look like this:


Going to see if anyone still has literal millions left to blow on the frilled shark stuff.

I think people are starting to find me assaulting them with offers of free cheaper stuff weird.

gimme that skirt and bikini
Healers and tanks generally have very clear and defined responsibilities. DPS has less specifics, but if a fight goes bad it is often blamed on DPS so obvious they've got to be doing something.

IN OTHER NEWS: Buy Bara Brand Spinach Quiches™ and in less than one week, your inventory can look like this:


Going to see if anyone still has literal millions left to blow on the frilled shark stuff.

I think people are starting to find me assaulting them with offers of free cheaper stuff weird.

Bara needs to claw his way out of debt some how


gimme that skirt and bikini

Send me a pst from whichever character you want it for and you can have one of the two (I'd go with the skirt; the tops are sub-100K on MB so cheap to pick up.) I haven't caught enough to fully outfit the FC.

People are already undercutting the AH by hundreds of thousands for some stuff on Excal's PF. It's a bit nuts.

I have wondered this week if they stealth buffed the swimwear drop rate from desynth--it was about 10-20% before, but I'm averaging above 50% lately.

Maybe RNG just loves me.


Managing cooldowns, aggro, juggling voices, and staying out of hit boxes is not something exclusive to tanks. Again, you're the one stating that DPS have fewer responsibilities. I don't need to be convinced of what tanks are responsible for.

I've done T7 both at OT and DPS, the add phase is not comparable in difficulty for both roles.

If a DPS mistimes CDs, they lose a bit of DPS, it's unfortunate but highly recoverable. If an OT doesn't manage defensive CDs correctly, thier chance of dying in that phase multiplies, and OTs dying in that phase isn't very recoverable.

Similarly, if they don't snap aggro well enough, your in another difficult to recover situation, and snap aggro is a lot more difficult when you only have a few seconds to do it.

Similarly, even voice is more difficult in OT position. DPS can easily attack outside the hit box, and usually only need to turn 30 degrees to fire a voice off safely. When you have emnity enemies actively walk thier hit boxes into you, so typically you need to rotate 90 degrees and walk out of the hit box in order to safely fire off a voice from that position.

That phase certainly isn't easy for the DPS, but it is easily worse for the OT at that moment.


Lets not turn this into a DPS vs Tank pissing fight.
Neither of us would be alive if it wasn't for the healer after all.
Poor healers get no love in the arguments.

Also I tried starting up sightseeing and quickly realized how much I didn't care.


I need to add my stream to this match real quick.

Tip #1: Don't take DPS advice from Galen.
Natasha plz. You haven't even seen my final form.

The Solitude guide is good, but I disagree with a couple parts of it. The opening rotation is pretty legit, however. I think there are ways to maximize it a little bit more, but I'm still working on it.

If you have the mindset that DPS have fewer responsibilities, then you're never going to be a good DPS.
Preach, sista'.

Depends on the fight.

In Ramuh, DPS probably have far more responsibility.

In Turn 7, Off Tanks have a ton of responsibility on thier shoulders. Seeing as those adds can plow through a party in zero time if they aren't picked up and handled properly.
All I'm gonna say is that the OT has literally two jobs. Pull the first set of adds, and don't die. A third job is to hold the third add long enough for the dps to blow it up. That's your entirely responsibility, while DPS in that fight have to manage their cooldowns, positioning, and juggling voice/shriek just as much as the OT does. One the third add dies, the OT could die and no one would really care.


Despite the fact that Tia stole all my regulars (omg drama) I will soldier on with Friday night help night tomorrow if anyone wants to do T5, ex primals or anything else. Starting at 9:00pm eastern hop on Ultros if you need those (possible) clears.

I will watch some t5 videos tonight. Personally I need Mog EX and Ramuh EX as far as primals go.


Oh please, the only roles that are hard in T7 are the kiter and OT, the rest of the fight consist standing in one place and turning around when you get petrification.



Last I'll say on the subject, this in direct response to Valor.

Yes, OTs are pretty much only vital in two phases of that fight, but they are the phases that are easily the most likely to wipe the party, and in these phases OTs are most responsible for handling the mechanics.

Kiters also have a, "lot," of responsibility, and I tip my hat to any player that can handle that mechanic successfully.

Also, I'll reiterate that the fight isn't easy for DPS and healers either. Everyone in that fight, regardless of class, must stay aware and on the ball for the entire fight, that isn't something to be taken lightly.


Ahaha this group that I'm running with now has no SMN and two BRD, me being one of them.

Looks like all my bad karma has finally caught up to me. Time to get my sandcastles kicked over.


I still recommend DS4. I used an off-brand controller before and DS4 is a lot better.

Don't know which logitech pad they use, but I've used this wireless Logitech one for years. It's great for PC gaming in general, has an xinput mode so it detects as a 360 controller for games that support that and a a dinput mode for older games that don't (or you want custom keybinds). Only downside is it takes AA batteries rather than being chargeable like some other controllers, but the battery life is just incredibly good, so it's never been a real issue for me. Talking months without changing them.

I might have to check that out at some point. I havent bought a second DS4 yet, but I managed to get my DS3 back working with the PC. Thing is, its my "main" controller heh.


Pic time~


The whole expressions thing in this sidequest is hilarious as shit.


Farming time for coil. =p


I glamoured the 100+ ilvl body to the traditional white mage outfit. I really like how it suits her.



I love the Succubus! lol.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Finally cleared Turn 5 yesterday. Started the game late, so had quite a lot of catching up to do but this was a big hump I'd been wanting to get over. Need to get a few friends through it still, then we can start getting something vaguely resembling a static together for Second Coil.

Also, was doing some S ranks and took this screenshot. I just like the look on Bloody Mary's face while everyone was wailing on Garlok. =p



Guys, my confidence took a huge blow tonight. After a brief break from this game to play through destinys lacking campaign I came crawling back a couple days ago. The goal ? Defeat Garuda , claim glory.

Thing is , I was only level 42 when I came back so I fate grinded a bit and did a duty roulette (ended up in cutters cry). Man, dungeons give you a ton of experience fairly quickly. Having gained my level I finished off the final portion of the quest to find a crystal to initiate the Howling Eye.

Tonight I did another duty roulette ( hauke manor) and punched my way into level 44.

Great , I thought, I can finally tackle Garuda ! , how hard could it be ? I'd heard it's supposed to be trickier than ifrit or Titan were and I only wiped once or twice on those. Even the previous couple bosses weren't too hard to kill. I always seemed to get a veteran player that helps everyone along and things go well.

Alas, tonight was not a night were the vets sagely advice helped the whole party. He explained the mechanics of the battle well enough but presumed we'd wipe once or twice before we really GOT it. As it turned out both me (black mage) and the healer were new to the fight, the other DPS and the tank had done it a few times.

As those of you in this thread may know, Garuda is one tough cookie if you don't stay on the ball 100% of the time, you can't sleep your way through this boss as many previous encounters showcased. Every party member needs to play their respective role perfectly or ... you will die.

I learned this about 8 times before the 60 minute timer ran out, it took 6 failed attempts before the whole party finally figured out how to actually win the fight and we got Garuda down to about 5% health and then , dunno if it was a lack of attention on the healers part or what but one brief instant slaughtered me and the healer , then the other DPS went down and a few seconds later with 3% of her health left, Garuda once again claimed victory.

After so many failed attempts in a row , I got an equipment health prompt because my gear was down to 20%. I'm not sure where , in the end , things went so wrong but it was frustrating to see the other noobie make the same mistakes over and over again.

I got down what I had to do by attempt number 5 , the tank pulls Garuda and aims her away from the rocks, the rest of the party stays to one side, spaced away from the rocks to avoid damaging them with Garudas' friction attack. As well, spaced far enough from each other to avoid splashing more then 1 player with the same friction attacks.

For some reason, every time the battle would start, the healer would run right next to me and promptly take 500 damage that would splash onto me or vice versa. For those who don't play a caster, you don't want to move once your situated unless you have to because it takes seconds away from dealing damage.

In all of those attempts , only the one where we almost won did every party member space themselves out appropriately. Who'd have thunk it ?

Garuda also does the warp to the sky followed by wind blast move, this is easily avoided by hiding behind a rock. But what I found is that the rock's hit detection box isn't absolute, I stood where I thought it was safe and apparently I was 1 pixel to far over and boom , insta-death.

Finally, and perhaps this says more about my overall dungeon/trial experience - I've never seen anyone use a limit break. It got to the point where I forgot they existed. But as the black mage , it turned out it was now my responsibility to take down the final feather bombardment with the skyward shard limit, does large AOE and takes out all the feathers just before garuda unleashes her whirlwind of death.

This actually worked out great and the limit break filled up just in time to be used on those feathers.

Although I feel dejected and lost after spending a full hour fighting something I didn't end up beating , I at least know what I have to do in the future. Now I just need to hope I can get a party that's just a bit better , at least the healer. I've noticed the newer a healer is to the game the worse off the whole party is , they fail to keep the party at high health and then shit goes bad real fast.


Yeah, it did look that way, lot's of huge damage to contend with , as well as worrying about line of sight. Which was the biggest issue those first couple attempts, we were all so far away from one another that healing anyone other than the tank was just tough I'm sure.

Looking at a short guide about how to beat Garuda and I think I know what killed half my party, we didn't get behind her during the second phase of the battle quick enough and she let out a shriek attack I think. I was probably side tracked trying to kill off the feathers , just so much going on there :p


Can someone post their DPS meters for T9 Phase 1 and Phase 3 please if you don't mind? If you skip the 2nd add in Phase 3 that is.

We're so close to avoiding the 2nd add, and just want to confirm what we need to be doing around to ensure it. I know we need to time the caster LB better (and of course not die during 2nd heavens fall).


Looking at a short guide about how to beat Garuda and I think I know what killed half my party, we didn't get behind her during the second phase of the battle quick enough and she let out a shriek attack I think. I was probably side tracked trying to kill off the feathers , just so much going on there :p

Yup. Post game fights are gonna have even more stuff going on, so Garuda is a good way to get you ready for that. Her story version is honestly one of the more difficult primal fights, I think. You seem to have the right attitude, though, in that you're learning from mistakes and not getting too discouraged. You'll just get her next time.
Can someone post their DPS meters for T9 Phase 1 and Phase 3 please if you don't mind? If you skip the 2nd add in Phase 3 that is.

We're so close to avoiding the 2nd add, and just want to confirm what we need to be doing around to ensure it. I know we need to time the caster LB better (and of course not die during 2nd heavens fall).

get good
Her story version is honestly one of the more difficult primal fights, I think.

Can confirm. It took me many tries to get this clear. HM and EX are less bad because people have at least cleared it before and have an idea of what to do. I think I PUGged it three times or so before I got a group that had done it at least once before.


I said damn

3/6 clears PLD blade

0/8 clears PLD blade :((

Can someone post their DPS meters for T9 Phase 1 and Phase 3 please if you don't mind? If you skip the 2nd add in Phase 3 that is.

We're so close to avoiding the 2nd add, and just want to confirm what we need to be doing around to ensure it. I know we need to time the caster LB better (and of course not die during 2nd heavens fall).

Pots? I'll post ours from yesterdays T9 when i get home.


Can someone post their DPS meters for T9 Phase 1 and Phase 3 please if you don't mind? If you skip the 2nd add in Phase 3 that is.

We're so close to avoiding the 2nd add, and just want to confirm what we need to be doing around to ensure it. I know we need to time the caster LB better (and of course not die during 2nd heavens fall).



Can someone post their DPS meters for T9 Phase 1 and Phase 3 please if you don't mind? If you skip the 2nd add in Phase 3 that is.

We're so close to avoiding the 2nd add, and just want to confirm what we need to be doing around to ensure it. I know we need to time the caster LB better (and of course not die during 2nd heavens fall).

We were having the same problem with my group (pushed P4 1/5 try in one adds and died the remaining tries in P4 with the 2nd one getting in the party just in time). Luckily (?) one time I died at the start of P3 and we changed things a bit to try anyway and were surprise with the result.

Now we do it in 2 adds/towers but we have close to a 100% P4 transition so I think the trade off was well worth it for us: we focus boss as always, once the OT has placed the first add near Nael, we destroy it (so our Smn is happy with his DoT), 2nd tower is quite easy to handle (usually we have like 5s between the death of the add and the tower), then we focus boss until 49%, with all DoT up, cast LB3 mage and switch to add, killing the add and droping Nael under 47% at the same time thus starting the P4.

Even with one dead or 2 raise debuffs (hey, derp happens sometimes :p), we still passed to P4 no problem. The percentage you have to drop Nael before the LB is probably heavily dependent of your group dps but this has worked flawlessly for us since last week and put a lot less stress on DPS, keeping our potions for P4 (and our heals aren't complaining, so I guess it's ok for them too ?). Now to finish the remaining 25% grrr.


Most of my in depth BLM knowledge is pulled from here

Damage formula including Crit can be found here it's still based off of Valk's old theory which you linked earlier but this is more "up to date"

math, charts, graphs etc.

I quoute:

Take everything you read with a grain of salt. This is by no means official or (praise) Tanaka's gospel, but it's largely accepted by the community (who care) as holding some merit.

Ultimately you can ignore everything and just focus on being accuracy capped and attaining the highest ilevel possible and still clear content just fine.

Wait... according to this stuff spell speed only affects the global cool down. I thought it also affected the speed that I cast my spells at. What's the deal?

Also it looks like crit is a linear progression not diminishing. For every x of crit you get +1% chance. So that will keep going until 100%. Am I reading that right?
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