I am reading these Yoshida responses you keep linking very differently from you it seems. Not wanting to alter base skills via job isn't the same as doing away with the job system, it just means the jobs need to tie in with the existing skills, just like SCH/SMN accomplished fine. Fixing stat allocation is something that should be done no matter what, regardless of how future jobs are implemented.
As for the animation argument, I don't really get your point, yes they will need new animations. But so what? They will need to design new animations for a new class too, how does that prevent them from just doing new animations and then using a base class? The animation work is a guarantee, the only question is if they want to put in the work for designing a whole new class too.
I actually hope you're right and we get some new classes, but I don't know if the comments you've mentioned thus far really point to that for sure.
You can just wait for London FanFest to happen and then we'll see who's right.
Might not want to get your hopes up, even if they say what the new jobs are we might not get much real info if they want to save stuff for the Tokyo fanfest.