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Final Fantasy XIV |OT5| All You Need is Gil

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All this talk of how quickly you can powerlevel Ninja to 50. And here I am, thinking that I'm finally going to be able to take my time and use up all the many, many sidequests I saved for leveling another job that I never ended up using because most of my other jobs were leveled through FATEs or by only running daily dungeons with the bonus XP. I'm going to do all the sidequests I haven't done in every zone, I don't care if it takes me a month to cap Ninja. I main a tank anyways, so IDGAF how long it takes.

I thought you were busy in Destiny :eek:
Finally got my free company. I went with the Flame Immortal cause I'm told your Grand company doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Just happy I can finally get a Chocobo, so tired of walking.

I'm really hoping the story picks up soon, cause on top of not enjoying the god awful voice acting I'm really disinterested in the current story as it stands. Everyone keeps saying how great I am in the narrative, but I have yet to feel like I've done anything that would mark me as a warrior of light save for the Ifrit fight, which I personally screwed up the first time :x


Finally got my free company. I went with the Flame Immortal cause I'm told your Grand company doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Just happy I can finally get a Chocobo, so tired of walking.

I'm really hoping the story picks up soon, cause on top of not enjoying the god awful voice acting I'm really disinterested in the current story as it stands. Everyone keeps saying how great I am in the narrative, but I have yet to feel like I've done anything that would mark me as a warrior of light save for the Ifrit fight, which I personally screwed up the first time :x

What voice acting???????? you mean the 3 lines that actually have voices in whole freaking story.

I skipped every scene and rushed through the story line due this.


So...whats the deal with Turn 7?

It's probably one of the least forgiving things in the game when it comes to minor errors. Stupid little mistakes don't just kill you, they generally chain reaction and kill everyone.

There are a lot of ways to make said mistakes, so long strings of totally obviously avoidable failure are possible, and they're really annoying and eventually demoralizing because none of this stuff seperately is that hard, so why on earth is it such a big deal combined? It's surprisingly challenging to just not fuck up for an unbroken 10 minute stretch.

The abundance of instakill stuff also means you can't really cheese through it, so until they nerf it it's never getting easier to deal with.


So...whats the deal with Turn 7?
It's just...one of those random turns where DPS doesn't really help clean up the insanity of the thing. If anything, more DPS actually makes it more difficult, since it can mess up the phase-timing.

For me, it's definitely one of the more interesting turns [since the wipes are generally always humorous] but not the most fun. For that, I'd have to go with T9.


Turn 7 can be RNG. Like the post above, to much DPS can actually wipe. You'll need to hold at surtain % to make it work well.

T9 is the most fun turn, so easy to fuck up at the last phase :D and heavensfall is really cool.

on a side note, i hope that HA Axe is going to drop tonight!


Turn 7 can be RNG. Like the post above, to much DPS can actually wipe. You'll need to hold at surtain % to make it work well.
That's not RNG, just poor encounter design.

RNG is having the Renaud spawn on top of you right as you are using circle of scorn.
Finally got my free company. I went with the Flame Immortal cause I'm told your Grand company doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Just happy I can finally get a Chocobo, so tired of walking.

I'm really hoping the story picks up soon, cause on top of not enjoying the god awful voice acting I'm really disinterested in the current story as it stands. Everyone keeps saying how great I am in the narrative, but I have yet to feel like I've done anything that would mark me as a warrior of light save for the Ifrit fight, which I personally screwed up the first time :x

Grand Company has a few things tied to it, but you can switch anyway. Mostly it's the look of the chocobo barding(assuming you use it obviously), the look of the glamour armor with allied seals from hunts(lvl 50 stuff and purely cosmetics) and frontlines overall win rate, which I believe flames is the worst at, though not sure how it is.

On voice acting, I'd recommend just turning the japanese voices on. Matter of taste obviously but I like them a lot more than the english ones. I think the story is pretty crappy until lvl 45+ or so, when the Garlean arc really kicks in. All the primal stuff is boring especially with all the garbage fillers inbetween. The 50 quests story is pretty nice also, at least some parts of it.


As soon as a MNK hit the Renaud with Howling Fist and we wiped, I stopped using Circle of Scorn.

The biggest fuck up was mine. I had voice, turned away from Melusine but used a skill. Automatically faced the boss, petrified 5 members lol


So what's the premier method of powerleveling? I'm definitely going to grind to 50 for Ninja but I was just going to do hunts then fates then dungeons.


Hunting log > roulette > fate spam rest of the time. If you can get a group, and you will be able to with all the players leveling, fate grinding is still one of the best ways. It's just really boring. Leves are also decent exp now if you know good routes and knock them out fast, it's comparable to fate grinding for some level ranges. And a lot less waiting around.

I wish they'd release the ninja skill set already. Since it doesn't have positional requirements I am expecting it to be a lower end dps with good support like BRD.


Eh, the script is way easier to follow in T8 or T9 than in T7 lol.

Even I still don't know Renaud timers and voice whatevers.
I still have no idea about those timers. We were using teamspeak, and the leader was great. He kept warning about the voices, shrieks and when to pull and push DPS.

They seriously need to nerf the fight if they expect people to beat it in DF without proper communication.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
So I hit lvl 50. What do I do now for equipment? I got the AF set and started on the Relic quest, but is there anything else I can do?
Hunts and buy myth gear with the allied seals. You are better off waiting for 2.4 though. You'll be able to get your soldiery gear a lot easier (potentially with allied seals?)
So I hit lvl 50. What do I do now for equipment? I got the AF set and started on the Relic quest, but is there anything else I can do?

You buy gear with the tome currency. Myth gets you level 90 gear and Soldiery 100. Also dungeons drop lower level gear. You can do Hunts and prolly get all 90 gear in a couple of hours


I resubbed after 1 year, basically stopped playing the game in the first month. Can't even remember the reason anymore. Had Marauder at 17 and Conjurer at 22 have now gotten Marauder up to 30. Really, really enjoying the game, it's so chill and relaxed but also fun for an MMO.

I do have to say I am reading this thread and it's like you guys speak another language haha XD


The difficulty on T7 is heavily weighted on a few people, specifically the Kiter and OT. If the kiter can consistently get a nice Renaud Stack and the OT can cleanly pick up the adds you'll be fine most of the time. Everyone else just has to remember to turn around for voices and petrifactions. It's not really a tough DPS race or healing challenge.


T7 was actually probably the easiest one to learn.

7 is I think the only fight where the script can feel entirely different between groups, which is what wrecks it for me. Even through the timing is all set, a five to ten second difference in when phases get pushed results in stuff happening in different combinations based on when Mel resets.

If the timing of Renauds, voices, and shrieks were all locked together it's be much easier to learn when to expect what. But since Renauds aren't linked with the other mechanics, I found it impossible to get a feel for when one should be showing up (I know it's timed, but I generally pay attention to attacks not seconds so.)

The individual pieces of 7 are all really simple, it's just the way the encounter mixes them.


Crystal Bearer
You're either extremely skilled or super lucky lol. Or have good teamwork.
T7 was my worst nightmare. Took us longer to beat than any other turn.

I guess in my group's experience the most important part about T7 is teamwork. Coming off of Turn 6 we thought Turn 7 was a breath of fresh air in terms of mechanics and no bad Dark Matter Bulb RNG to ruin our day. That and we had quite a bit of fun petrifying each other first time in.

I think T7 also depends a lot on the kiting method used. For us, we just stick one at the back and refresh it the entire time. No 4 stack or anything, just one and the new ones get brought close to it to be frozen or they get pinned out on the sides to be frozen by Shriek. It's a method we picked up from a Japanese clear group soon after 2.2 launch and it's worked really well for us. If I remember right, we cleared 7 in about 3 lockouts, which was a lot faster than the time we put in on Turn 6.


I liked T7 way more than T6. I did get a great group, but we did it in less than 1 hour with a fresh tank (me) and healer.

The fact that there's no RNG to make things complicated helps a lot. With bad teams it must be REALLY frustrating.


Dude just ask in the FC tomorrow night.



Being a UKer, I may be off when it gets busier, on weekends, it's usually more busy sooner :p (ie today I'm on until 11pm BST)

Plus Some more practice might help me (And my partner in crime, Alice :p ) not fuck up as much with an FC group.

Gotta get gud if we're going to make it past T6 in the future after all.


T7 can be a nightmare. We nearly screwed it up last night, and I barely got off a much needed Shadowbind before the heavy wore off of a Renaud. Scary stuff. It's an annoying turn because DPS management is a thing. I don't know how the hell people are going to be able to reliably pug or even *shudders* farm t7. I got my stupid bracelets from that turn finally, so hopefully I can avoid it until it's nerfed into the ground.
Plus Some more practice might help me (And my partner in crime, Alice :p ) not fuck up as much with an FC group.

^^; Indeed.. Relearning the fight (with the echo buff + different gear) will help, especially since I'll be healing (Don't think my SMN is geared enough.. not to mention, not tried T5 as DPS).

A little stressful, but I'm sure with practice we'll be able to do it with an FC group.


Crystal Bearer
T7 can be a nightmare. We nearly screwed it up last night, and I barely got off a much needed Shadowbind before the heavy wore off of a Renaud. Scary stuff. It's an annoying turn because DPS management is a thing. I don't know how the hell people are going to be able to reliably pug or even *shudders* farm t7. I got my stupid bracelets from that turn finally, so hopefully I can avoid it until it's nerfed into the ground.

Do you guys 4 stack?


T7 can be a nightmare. We nearly screwed it up last night, and I barely got off a much needed Shadowbind before the heavy wore off of a Renaud. Scary stuff. It's an annoying turn because DPS management is a thing. I don't know how the hell people are going to be able to reliably pug or even *shudders* farm t7. I got my stupid bracelets from that turn finally, so hopefully I can avoid it until it's nerfed into the ground.

Well they did say they will nerf it so it depends on how much it's nerfed. Also DPS management? Do you mean slow your DPS? If so and that isn't nerfed, I foresee issues as the echo increases with PUGs.

^^; Indeed.. Relearning the fight (with the echo buff + different gear) will help, especially since I'll be healing (Don't think my SMN is geared enough.. not to mention, not tried T5 as DPS).

A little stressful, but I'm sure with practice we'll be able to do it with an FC group.

Indeed. At least we've got the timing of DBs okayish (though if you mess up, it's not the end of the world unless you get thrown into the wall) so just gotta make it past snakes without issue.

In other news, I just recently learned you can change an option in the menu to see enemies HP % left. I had no idea about this option til I saw it in a vid yesterday.


Suffering From Success

Better than expected.


Do you guys 4 stack?

Typically yeah I think Takato tries to, but last night we couldn't get the stack going if I remember correctly. I think we just ended up doing the single stack, but one Renaud missed two voices, so things were about to get dicey.

Yes, by DPS management I mean pushing phases at the right time, so you can't just burn Mel down. If they're going to increase the timer on the stoned Renauds, the DPS management becomes joke tier (which it should already be, because the resetting of rotation is a pain in the ass for literally no reason).

Better than expected.
Looks like you're wearing gold foil. Grats?
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