Smallclothes were an item?
I still have my +1 small clothes. (+1 def, thanks!)
You used to be able to wear your bikinis under your armor.
We also had throwable items as well rather than ranged skills on some classes.
Smallclothes were an item?
Smallclothes were an item?
Speaking of smallclothes
Default trouser slot items for the races iirc.
On voice acting, I'd recommend just turning the japanese voices on. Matter of taste obviously but I like them a lot more than the english ones.
Default trouser slot items for the races iirc.
So basically the undies we have when we unequip everything? People enjoyed this sort of thing? Oh man.
"Why?" was a question asked many times throughout 1.0's life.Smallclothes were an item?
Yeah there was an undershirt and underpants slot.
Also, lol @ the chat window.
Oh, my bad. I don't even remember most of those equipment slots. What were the things in the top right? Ammo and bait? Only gatherer class I had was BTN.
Yeah, it's an ammo slot.
Gladiators could throw daggers and marauders could throw francisca. Archer bow slot and there were some items you could throw too iirc.
Man, I don't remember any of this. Maybe I blocked all of the original game out of my mind? But for what possible reas-
T7 can be a nightmare. We nearly screwed it up last night, and I barely got off a much needed Shadowbind before the heavy wore off of a Renaud. Scary stuff. It's an annoying turn because DPS management is a thing. I don't know how the hell people are going to be able to reliably pug or even *shudders* farm t7. I got my stupid bracelets from that turn finally, so hopefully I can avoid it until it's nerfed into the ground.
So like when they designed FF11 and 1.0 were they like "fuck UI designers, man. Who even needs them"? Because that font and UI is just the most revolting thing I've seen in a long time.
So like when they designed FF11 and 1.0 were they like "fuck UI designers, man. Who even needs them"? Because that font and UI is just the most revolting thing I've seen in a long time.
FF11 was designed back when Geocities was the shit. The design and UI matched what was popular at the time.
I will fight you in the streets, sir.
Gonna fight me with your music?
How does one do this? I have looked for an option but could not find it.
Hey man, I got Battle Voice. Don't make me use it.
Bear in mind that EQ1 was tremendous inspiration for FFXI:
I'm quitting Destiny when 2.4 comes out lol
Actually I already quit a week ago
Hey guys, new player coming. Just picked up my copy of ffxiv today. Just wanted to know, is there a GAF linkshell or guild and what server is everyone on? Also I plan on being a summoner because from all the gameplay videos, it looks pretty fun. My question is, are they viable as DPSers?
Looks like Nin Py was right, next OT should refer new player questions to Galen.
There's an established GAF FC on Ultros if you wanna come over and join our ranks. Not too sure about the other servers. Summoners are very viable DPS, especially if you build your Arcanist with SMN in mind.
Are you trying to imply that Geocities isn't the shit anymore? I will fight you in the streets, sir.
Does anyone here remember how many hours it takes to finish FF9 once you reach the start of disc 3?
Galen, you're such a tough BRD. Will you EB with me come 2.45?
Less time than it takes to farm 12 Atmas.
Back off, you. Galen is my husbando.
Thanks! Who can I contact about getting into the linkshell/FC?
You too? I haven't played since iron banner after how terrible it was.
I quit after I got my legit full clear of VoG Hard. After that I was like that's enough of this, we'll see how Destiny 2 is. I'm not planning on buying the expansions.
You know it doesn't count as legit when you just knocked him off. :3
Also I never even cleared normal VoG. Just didn't want the hassle of going when I wasn't going to talk.
Back off, you. Galen is my husbando.