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Final Fantasy XIV |OT5| All You Need is Gil

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helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
There's nothing fair about people parsing to see if the mob is up and I'm pretty sure that's what NA/ZR/CL zerg team is doing because today like 30 people rushed to a mob that I found which literally had no one else there.
Just had something similar happen to me. Ran across an A rank accidentally and suddenly 30+ people from NA pop out of nowhere and kill him. I got 3 seals....


I'm really liking most of the new content so far especially Ramuh. I cleared Leviathan EX last night and Moogles EX today so I can't wait to get into the EX Ramuh.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Reminder to get your I Survived the full GAF CT2 Run 2014 shirt before it is too late.


I rolled need on an oil of time last night and won without even knowing what they were for

Thanks for letting me ride on your backs fellow gaffers!


Just had something similar happen to me. Ran across an A rank accidentally and suddenly 30+ people from NA pop out of nowhere and kill him. I got 3 seals....

Yeeeeeah, if you were the first person there, and THAT many people were rushing behind you, then something's up.


Well, my fear is that if they're using some sort of external software that gives them an inherent advantage, the developers might catch on and change how the Hunts are ran in a way that's detrimental to all players.

IE: "This is why we can't have nice things!"
The story is so weird about occasionally acknowledging what a big goddamned deal your character is and then immediately flipping back to trivialities. Like, the story this time flips between a crowd forming to watch you kick ass because you're The Adventurer, and having you run around handing out uniforms to a bunch of jackasses who should probably really just come pick them up because you've got primals to slay and these people can a walk a damned block instead of playing hide-and-seek.
One thing I did like about the main quest is that actually had a solo instance. I miss having those in the main quest


Honestly would like to have another Oil, and may grab one of those by the end of the week, if none of the armor pieces I want drop.

Sadly CT's lockout, while mostly reasonable, is coupled with a rather large loot table, which frustrates matters.

Edit: Wouldn't be an issue, if I wasn't also farming Alexandrites, and Allied Seals.


Honestly would like to have another Oil, and may grab one of those by the end of the week, if none of the armor pieces I want drop.

Sadly CT's lockout, while mostly reasonable, is coupled with a rather large loot table, which frustrates matters.

At least there aren't like 20 accessories in the loot table.

And you can run it multiple times.


At least there aren't like 20 accessories in the loot table.

And you can run it multiple times.

Yes, could be worse, and again it wouldn't be an issue if I wasn't also farming Alexandrite's and Allied Seals. As is, I have X amount of time and Y amount of activities I want to do, and one is larger than the other.

That'll change as soon as I'm done with my Novus Grind.

Just, 16 or so to go.


Not enjoying the hunt stuff. Incredibly poorly implemented. If you aren't very, VERY near the target when it spawns then you're shit out of luck.


I'd just like to say that those new dungeon and ct runs prove that people can learn and plan tactics on the fly, and emerge victorious.


Well first, you must unlock the hunt by doing the very short quest at your grand company to start hunting.

At your grand company headquaters, there's a new NPC giving a new quest, next to the grand company chest. That's where you talk tot he person to accept and turn in the quest and then, you will be able to look at the hunt board.

From there, you look at the hunt board and see the marks that are avalible.

The marks(the targets you gotta hunt) gives a new form of currency thats unique to hunting, when you defeat them. You dont even have to turn anything in, just defeat them and your reward is givin immediately.

There's two forms of marks, you got the daily marks, which is about 5 marks that switches out on a daily basis. these are just regular enemies out in the wild, just like your actually hunting log. But these marks change on a daily basis so you gotta kill them that day to get the seals. The daily seals gives you one or two seals per mark. It's not much and itsnt worth much time doing unless you need one or two marks to buy something.

The REAL hunt is the weekly marks. These are boss class marks that changes on a weekly basis. They are in class from how strong they are, B(can solo), A(need full party to take down), S(need multiple full parties to take down)
These elite class marks gives a lot of seals, plus myth and soldiery too when defeated.

Unlike the daily marks, where you just go to the area they are in, find them and slay them, the elite marks, they require a certain condition to be met for them to spawn, and they spawn in a COMPLETELY random location. Once the condition for the spawn has been met, you start searching the entire map. They can spawn anywhere, even in enemy populated areas.

Also, unlike the daily momsters, your not limited to only what the board shows you, the elite marks, they are all over the place, as the hunting board will only show you one elite mark in a specific area, while each area has three elites, B, A and S. And you can still fight them and get the reward even if you didnt see the mark on the board. Dont think this is possible with daily marks.

The seals you get from the hunts are used to buy ilvl90 gear. A pair of ilvl90 gloves for example is 30 seals. if you slay a single A class elite mark, you got enough seals to buy a ilvl90 jewlery piece, or slaying just two elites A class marks and you got enough to buy a ilvl90 chest piece.

Getting ilvl90 gear is not pretty easy and much faster than running dungeons over and over trying to get myth, but you get myth in the process too though.

And you can do the elite hunts over and over and over again, and get as many seals as you want. I got three ilvl90 pieces for my scholar yesterday. Never been able to do that with collecting myth.

Sounds great. Do you just hope to stumble upon them by accident? Looks like I can't do them now anyway since I'm blocked by main scenario. Can't do my relic, can't do no hunts. Stuck dealing with f**king Minfilia again. God I hate that chick and her stupid, weird voice.


You know what the team should have done? Randomly assign elite marks to people, cutting down on zergs, but still allowing for large battles.


You know what the team should have done? Randomly assign elite marks to people, cutting down on zergs, but still allowing for large battles.

What? That doesn't change anything lol.

If they wanted to eliminate the zerg just turn them into treasure maps.


You know what the team should have done? Randomly assign elite marks to people, cutting down on zergs, but still allowing for large battles.
That wouldn't have changed anything because people are hunting these things without the hunt bills to begin with. You still get drops from elite marks regardless of whether you have the bill. Everybody zergs to whichever one is up at any moment.


The CT2 Cutscenes were the best storyline related cutscenes we've seen in a shipped Final Fantasy in the last five years. It actually feels like a Final Fantasy game.

That's both good and sad.

I'm really glad they decided to make the info dumps before you start the dungeon and after the dungeon is completed.

FF online always delivers when it comes to story.

That wouldn't have changed anything because people are hunting these things without the hunt bills to begin with. You still get drops from elite marks regardless of whether you have the bill. Everybody zergs to whichever one is up at any moment.

Well i meant to also say people shouldnt be able to just freely attack either. Just those with that specific writ.

But Kens idea was better.


But Kens idea was better.

I don't know about better but the current elite marks are essentially just boss fates with a fancy new name lol. Might as well just make them relabeled treasure maps if they wanted more control over how fast people get seals.


This hunt thing is hilarious:

-Mark is up.
-Mark is dead
-DEAD, already??
-Why did you not wait.. f*!@"281! as@!827!ahle



I really enjoyed Tam Tara HM from a narrative perspective.

I also really like the small little change where
Instead of you and your party cheering after killing the last boss, they all stand there and lament over the outcome

Something tells me that this dungeon is also not the last we'll hear/see of Edda.


I really enjoyed Tam Tara HM from a narrative perspective.

I also really like the small little change where
Instead of you and your party cheering after killing the last boss, they all stand there and lament over the outcome

Something tells me that dungeon is also not the end of Edda.

Its not...not by a long shot... After screwing with the void itself...she might even return as an incarnation of Necron.


Actually that would be best since shes basically a necromancer.

lol so nerdy, but I really like lore/world event speculation.
Sounds great. Do you just hope to stumble upon them by accident? Looks like I can't do them now anyway since I'm blocked by main scenario. Can't do my relic, can't do no hunts. Stuck dealing with f**king Minfilia again. God I hate that chick and her stupid, weird voice.

up, pretty much, there's no permantly spawning location for the elites, they will spawn literally ANYWHERE on the map. They even spawned like right center of the empire strong hold.

you you will have to roam around and hope you get lucky. People will just run into them, and then, back up and shout out for help, and wait for a whole bunch of people to show up. if you see a whole group of people just staring at an enemy and not moving, just know, that some shit is about to go down.

Thats where the linkshell comes in, the more people looking, the higher your chances of finding a mark and someone callin out its location.

But Im on the jenova server, so none of yall would be able to join.

We been at it for hours today, going back to back. Just today alone, I've gotten enough seals and myth, and soldiery, to completely outfit two characters with all slots with ilvl90 gear except the weapon bring their ilvl levels to i88. I even reached my soldiery limit for the day, when I first logged in i only had 70 for the week.
I really enjoyed Tam Tara HM from a narrative perspective.

I also really like the small little change where
Instead of you and your party cheering after killing the last boss, they all stand there and lament over the outcome

Something tells me that this dungeon is also not the last we'll hear/see of Edda.
I don't think should of played Victory Fanfare in that situation either. It just seemed out of place with the party's reaction


So I got a sands of time already from hunts. FC organized hunting for 4+ hours for 400 seals and a little bit of RNG getting 2 mark log drops (one from an A and one from an S)

The FC I'm in rolled with 4 parties and scouted every zone for quite a while. It was pretty awesome. Earlier in the day we almost had all FC hunts, until primetime hit then it started slowing down.


So I got a sands of time already from hunts. FC organized hunting for 4+ hours for 400 seals and a little bit of RNG getting 2 mark log drops (one from an A and one from an S)

The FC I'm in rolled with 4 parties and scouted every zone for quite a while. It was pretty awesome. Earlier in the day we almost had all FC hunts, until primetime hit then it started slowing down.

Way to erase all that hard work spent on T8.

Oh wait.


Are you making fun of the fact we haven't cleared yet? If so, not cool. We're making progress. It's tough content!

Just poking fun at

So basically you can now get Oil / Sands from the following:

1) CT2 Final Boss
2) 3 or 2 Blood-Soaked Hunt Logs
a) These can drop randomly off Rank A or higher elite marks
b) These can be bought for a couple hundred Allied Seals.

I'm a little annoyed it became both easier but also RNG'er to get those, when we've been working so hard in Second Coil for them.

Item Box

I really enjoyed Tam Tara HM from a narrative perspective.

I also really like the small little change where
Instead of you and your party cheering after killing the last boss, they all stand there and lament over the outcome

When the fanfare kicked in I couldn't help but laugh, it just seemed inappropriate
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