I could kinda understand not liking WARs in 2.0, they were kinda janky to heal if they weren't using their stuff correctly and what not, but nowadays, I don't really see it. They can mitigate almost every boss mechanics with Inner Beast low "cooldown" and while their cooldowns aren't as good, I like that stuff dies faster and they reduce raid damage a decent bit if they use storm's path(or eye, whichever it is). Holmgang should probably be reworked to be a bit more in line with Hallowed Ground though. Maybe like you don't heal up during Holmgang, but right before it ends all the healing you received is applied at once. This would basically amount to a full heal at the end in most cases, which would work kinda like how Hallowed Ground generally ends with you at full health since you weren't taking dmg for so long.