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Final Fantasy XIV |OT5| All You Need is Gil

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Same. ;_;

Maybe it will become less-popular soon [once people get their vanity items and enough Sands of Time to upgrade whatever they're interested in] and the game will normalize a bit. That's what I'm hoping for, anyway.

It will change when the rewards are rebalanced, most likely. It just remains to be seen if that happens sooner or later.

Regardless of how you feel about the concept of implementation of hunts, I think we can all agree the rewards are out of whack for the effort required. Both for dailies and elites.

One of my guildmates is item level 100 now, because they've been doing hunts ever since the patch came out. :\


It will change when the rewards are rebalanced, most likely. It just remains to be seen if that happens sooner or later.

Regardless of how you feel about the concept of implementation of hunts, I think we can all agree the rewards are out of whack for the effort required. Both for dailies and elites.

One of my guildmates is item level 100 now, because they've been doing hunts ever since the patch came out. :

You could be i99 awhile ago just collecting soldiery. Just ask Grimmy Granbutts.

I wish the gear enhancing items swapped general priciness with vanity; I have some casual friends who would be into the vanity gear but probably not at the level of grind they're priced at.


You could be i99 awhile ago just collecting soldiery. Just ask Grimmy Granbutts.

Yeah but this is someone who all but gave up on that because the game was boring. They've jumped 10 item levels in literally a week's time. >_>;


I thought that would happen after this weekend but if anything it increased. Krael has been doing hunts for 7 hours straight as of this post, for example.
Sev-Seve-Seven hours!?

Oh wow. Insane. That thirst. O_O

It will change when the rewards are rebalanced, most likely. It just remains to be seen if that happens sooner or later.

Regardless of how you feel about the concept of implementation of hunts, I think we can all agree the rewards are out of whack for the effort required. Both for dailies and elites.

One of my guildmates is item level 100 now, because they've been doing hunts ever since the patch came out. :\
I definitely agree that the item rewards are odd. I guess I can't really blame the lower-leveled players for showing as much interest in the Hunt system as they are, since they can easily gear themselves up [well, I say easily compared to other methods].

Still, I'd rather do content I enjoy to gear myself up then simply grind Hunt Marks over and over again. However, who am I to say what people should/shouldn't do? If they enjoy Hunts, all the more power to them. It's just not for me. :(
maybe someone here can answer this. If i download a PAL version of the game, can I still use it to sign on with a different region account (like NA?)
I definitely agree that the item rewards are odd.

The weirdest thing is that you can buy AF+1 gear for a pittance of allied seals. I picked up the
DRG gear I was missing with seals and most of the pieces cost me no more than 20 seals, equivalent to one A rank hunt or four B ranks. I shed a tear for the hardcore 2.0 players who ran WP/AK ad infinitum for this.


The weirdest thing is that you can buy AF+1 gear for a pittance of allied seals. I picked up the
DRG gear I was missing with seals and most of the pieces cost me no more than 20 seals, equivalent to one A rank hunt or four B ranks. I shed a tear for the hardcore 2.0 players who ran WP/AK ad infinitum for this.

I don't think that's too weird for i90 gear.


Reset an A-Rank four times tonight, so that more people could get there in time for it.

Doin my part to redeem our reputation. <_<;;

PS: This was actually pretty darn hilarious. XD
I don't think that's too weird for i90 gear.

I think it's the lack of effort required compared to other avenues, particularly if you're a fresh 50:

i55: fight RNG in dungeons or buy for loads of GC seals
i60: fight RNG in dungeons
i70: fight RNG/crafting mats in dungeons, spend millions of allied seals on Elite gear
i80: fight RNG/other players/Bone Zone in CT1, otherwise wade through a sea of crafting mats


I think it's the lack of effort required compared to other avenues, particularly if you're a fresh 50:

i55: fight RNG in dungeons or buy for loads of GC seals
i60: fight RNG in dungeons
i70: fight RNG/crafting mats in dungeons, spend millions of allied seals on Elite gear
i80: fight RNG/other players/Bone Zone in CT1, otherwise wade through a sea of crafting mats

The lower level stuff is good for filling in gaps while you're putting together Myth gear. Keep in mind that a brand new player just hitting the end game now, probably won't have enough to really start making headway on a complete Myth set, until they've unlocked and completed most of the dungeons. In the meantime, whatever drops helps get them up to speed a bit faster.

That said, I'm getting quite tired on Phil Tome mats dropping. Enough is enough Square!


All these i100 players...only to never bother with Coil until it's nerfed into the ground twelve times over.
It seems like such a depressing way to play. Personally, I prefer "non-nerfed" content. Of course, sometimes it's needed [like it was for original Twintania and her twisters], but it just wouldn't feel like an accomplishment to me if I were to beat it afterwards. That's why I always try to beat current content before a potential "nerf".

Don't get me wrong, I'm in it for the loot as well, but that feeling when you win at something that you've been wiping tirelessly on with your static? That's priceless.


I think it's the lack of effort required compared to other avenues, particularly if you're a fresh 50:

i55: fight RNG in dungeons or buy for loads of GC seals
i60: fight RNG in dungeons
i70: fight RNG/crafting mats in dungeons, spend millions of allied seals on Elite gear
i80: fight RNG/other players/Bone Zone in CT1, otherwise wade through a sea of crafting mats

Maybe, but at the point in the game I don't think there's any significant entertainment value for players to be mucking around farming for i55~i60 or even i70 range of gear anymore but that's just me.
The lower level stuff is good for filling in gaps while you're putting together Myth gear. Keep in mind that a brand new player just hitting the end game now, probably won't have enough to really start making headway on a complete Myth set, until they've unlocked and completed most of the dungeons. In the meantime, whatever drops helps get them up to speed a bit faster.

That said, I'm getting quite tired on Phil Tome mats dropping. Enough is enough Square!

I am pretty sure you can sidestep this by joining a full party and pitching up to a couple of A ranks though.

At any rate though, I should clarify that I don't think this is actually a problem. I think we've reached a point where new players can do with a few shortcuts. I'm perversely looking forward to the grindfest relic quest line being retconned in the future: "We used to have this drunken asshole making relics, but you wouldn't believe the amount of work it took to make them useful. Now we have this far Eastern guy here and his books finally turned up, so he can just make you an Animus now, no problem."

Maybe, but at the point in the game I don't think there's any significant entertainment value for players to be mucking around farming for i55~i60 or even i70 range of gear anymore but that's just me.

Totally agree. I kinda feel like the old dungeons need to have a new incentive to do them, and possibly have ilvl sync introduced to lessen the gap between fresh 50s and players swanning around in i110 gear.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Myth flows like water. I hit 50 2 weeks ago and now I'm in full Myth gear.


Reset an A-Rank four times tonight, so that more people could get there in time for it.

Doin my part to redeem our reputation. <_<;;

PS: This was actually pretty darn hilarious. XD

Was that Cornu? That stupid bird was in the worst place possible. I'm just running down a mine shaft, open a door, and boom, giant bird in my face.
Was that Cornu? That stupid bird was in the worst place possible. I'm just running down a mine shaft, open a door, and boom, giant bird in my face.

I ran into Nandi by mistake yesterday. He was hiding behind some trees while the whole server was out looking for him by Camp Bronze Lake.

Instant death.


Anyone going to the Fan Festival in London? Got my promo code, waiting for tickets to become available! Much excitement XD

I am sat waiting on the tickets screen, one of those ViP tickets will be mine

Untill then enjoy me randomly stood on a rock



yea, probably, it just seems like a lot of effort to deal with.

Eh, if you put time in on your own to study the fight and mentally train yourself, you could probably sneak into T6-T8 kill groups in the PF and fake your way to a win. the worst that could happen is they yell at you, kick you out and blacklist you from joining their groups ever again. :>

Tiv thinks I'm weird though for practicing fights in my head. @_@


Was that Cornu? That stupid bird was in the worst place possible. I'm just running down a mine shaft, open a door, and boom, giant bird in my face.

Yep, kept pulling hate off people, dragging away until the fight reset, and then doing it all over, since there was always at least one person that didn't understand what I was trying to do. Did something similar earlier that night for a B-rank that somebody was trying to solo. I actually felt a bit bad about this one, but he was liable to get himself killed, and probably still got full credit, since the group that arrived wasn't terribly big.

I ran into Nandi by mistake yesterday. He was hiding behind some trees while the whole server was out looking for him by Camp Bronze Lake.

Instant death.

Man, Nandi just flattened players even before the buff, I expect he's a nightmare now.

At least when he spawns off of peak hours anyway.


If you can find a good group its not to bad, but finding said group is the challenge lol

yea, it's like the whole... i dunno, logistics of it rather than the content. sounds like a second job i'm paying for the privilege of. At least with more puggable content I can take things at my own time and even play other games, while waiting for DF to pop.

Eh, if you put time in on your own to study the fight and mentally train yourself, you could probably sneak into T6-T8 kill groups in the PF and fake your way to a win. the worst that could happen is they yell at you, kick you out and blacklist you from joining their groups ever again. :>

Tiv thinks I'm weird though for practicing fights in my head. @_@




That PUG life.

Honestly though, if you know you're a good player and pull your own weight, the other fakers in the group usually get exposed before you do lol.

I've pugged a lot of Coil2 this patch and it's really not that frightening if you show you know your stuff and can perform well.

If you mess up big time though you could always add a mustache via Fantasia, and change your name via server transfer.


Whatever glaring design flaws inherit to the hunt system, and there are a ton of em, I'd say tonight was the most fun I've had outside of coil in this game in a long long time. It's also the most interaction/playtime I've gotten with the FC as a whole ever. Hunting/patrolling areas, experimenting trying to get S ranks to pop, finally getting them to, then trying to survive them while not being able to see the mob half the time. The glitchy/brokeness of it's current state made it all the more intense. Of particular note is Safat(who we FINALLY got to spawn) where I was lone healer and people kept getting this nasty stacking 1m poison. Lots of esuna and medica spam and we still had people dying, was fun. The added HP has helped quite a bit, even when late I can often get full or near full credit on many mobs when in a full group. This was the first time I've done these late night hunts and I noticed while there is still a zerg, there are a lot more people willing to wait, even if for a brief period longer. This lowers the frustration factor considerably as there isn't as much warping to "dead" announcements.

I also got into a nice conversations with some non-GAF people who were defending us in shouts, and generally calling out the BS witchhunts that we have been subjected to. Someone asked earlier in the evening why were we even bothering to announce to people/wait anymore and I'd say that is good enough reason, people are dumb but they notice things eventually. I saw a lot of people calling out actual culprits rather than the scapegoats. There is hope.

I thought that would happen after this weekend but if anything it increased. Krael has been doing hunts for 7 hours straight as of this post, for example.
S rank night too hype. (thought I did take several breaks) I've been busy on all the previous days following resets where the S rank action is, I am glad I got to be a part of it this time. Even got some logs at last.


Got my London Fan Festival ticket.

It didnt ask for my character information like the guide on the website shows but i got receipt and stuff so should be all good :D


From 6:30pm to 3:00am now. Nonstop hunting. Finally got my Laevateinn unweathered. RNG in coil was basically leaving me one of the last to get sands, so decided to say fuck it and go about the hunts. Actually not as toxic as it was last week previously. Folks actually try to reset the mob to let folks get there in time.


Myth flows like water. I hit 50 2 weeks ago and now I'm in full Myth gear.

I worked hard for my myth in WP and those beast tribe dailies for i90 now hunts are launched and everyone gets the same sh*t like it's nothing. Oh well *sigh*. At least I didn't spend my time doing the hardest Coil content only for a bunch of bone-headed hunters to get the same sh*t practically for free. In a game that is so much about gear progression it seems strange to just devalue stuff so severely.

On the plus side: I did my first hard mode dungeon last night, Tam Tara. It was pretty rad and the last boss was a great fight. Great to catch up with Edda again to see where she's at. I wish she would get therapy though.

I also unlocked Hull-breaker and Crystal Tower so I will give those a bash tonight/tomorrow.

Okay gear question: where to now after i90 gear. I have all the stuff from the Revenant's Toll lady and the dungeons don't yield anything as good so now what?


Unconfirmed Member
Eh, if you put time in on your own to study the fight and mentally train yourself, you could probably sneak into T6-T8 kill groups in the PF and fake your way to a win. the worst that could happen is they yell at you, kick you out and blacklist you from joining their groups ever again. :>

There's an announcement of an extra 100 myth now if there's a new player in your T6-9 attempts. The dream is dead.


Unlock Syrcus Tower and buy soldiery gear from the same lady that gives you myth gear.

Yeah I've been eying up dat soldiery gear but I only have 200 :-(. It's looking pretty fine to me and I really feel like I need a new look. Been rocking this classic old school black mage look for too long now.

Animus #2. Never doing that grind again.

Per animus:
- 12 Atma
- 900 mobs, some of which only have two or three spawns on a map
- 27 FATEs, most of which are on very slow timers
- 27 leves, some of which might not be available unless you do another leve
- 27 dungeon runs
- 13,500 myth

So in total:
- 24 Atma
- 1,800 mobs
- 54 FATEs
- 54 leves
- 54 dungeon runs
- 27,000 myth

{I don't feel well.}


I'm kinda glad I skipped the Hunt in favor of concentrating on Desynthesis, by the time I start the Hunt it will have quieted-down as players will be focused on other content or left the game lol

Last night on 9 attempts of desynthesizing the Artisan Spectacles I got 3x Mastercraft & 2x Fieldcraft III Demimateria. I got my Goldsmith dlv to 95.15. I started on Blacksmith and got it to dlv 52 and only lost 0.07 Goldsmith & 0.09 Leatherworker dlvs.

If anyone on Ultros is interested I'll trade 1x Mastercraft Demimateria for 1x Demimateria of the Vortex :)
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