1 "Wherefore Art Thou, Zodiac"
Speak with Gerolt.
Speak with Jalzahn.
2 "A Ponze of Flesh"
Deliver a Bombard core, a bottle of sacred spring water, and a Bronze Lake crystal to Papana.
Obtain a horn of the beast from Dzemael Darkhold.
Obtain a gobmachine bangplate in Brayflox's Longstop (Hard).
Deliver the requested items to Papana.
Obtain a Narasimha hide from Halatali (Hard).
Obtain a sickle fang from Snowcloak.
Deliver the requested items to Papana.
3 "Labor of Love"
Deliver a furnace ring and a bundle of perfect firewood to Papana.
Deliver a lump of Allagan resin to Guiding Star.
Obtain vale bubo in the Aurum Vale.
Obtain a piece of voidweave in Haukke Manor (Hard).
Deliver the requested goods to Guiding Star.
Obtain a slip of Amdapor vellum in the Lost City of Amdapor.
Obtain an Indigo pearl in Sastasha (Hard).
Deliver the requested goods to Guiding Star.
Deliver a perfect mortar and a perfect pestle to Guiding Star.
4 "Method in His Malice"
Deliver a Bombard core and a bottle of sacred spring water to Guiding Star.
Obtain a vial of tonberry king blood from the Wanderer's Palace.
Deliver the vial of tonberry king blood to Adkin.
Obtain a vial of royal gigant blood from Copperbell Mines (Hard).
Deliver the royal gigant blood to Adkin.
Obtain a vial of kraken blood from Hullbreaker Isle.
Deliver the vial of kraken blood to Adkin.
Obtain a vial of vicegerent blood from the Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard).
Deliver the vial of vicegerent blood to Adkin.
Deliver a page of perfect vellum and a pinch of perfect pounce to Adkin.
Deliver a Bombard core, a bottle of sacred spring water, and a handful of furite sand to Adkin.
5 "A Treasured Mother"
Deliver a Bombard core, a bottle of sacred spring water, and a brass kettle to Brangwine.
Speak with Ealdwine in Swiftperch.
Obtain the lost treasure from Amdapor Keep.
Obtain the lost treasure from Pharos Sirius.
Obtain the lost treasure from the Tam Tara Deepcroft (Hard).
Deliver the lost treasures to Ealdwine.
Obtain the lost treasure from the Stone Vigil (Hard).
Deliver the lost treasure to Ealdwine.
Deliver a tailor-made eel pie and a piece of perfect cloth to Brangwine.
6 "His Dark Materia"
Speak with Mutamix Bubblypots at the Bonfire.
Speak with Gerolt.
2-4 can be done in any order.
Bombard core is bought with GC seals (20000 each).
Some items like perfect pounce and a tailor-made eel pie are crafted items, ingredients for which are implied to come from desynthesis and Lv50 treasure maps.
In case you didn't lose your sanity enough yet
Jalzahn: "How do you propose we fashion this materia? Should [adventurer] gather ten pieces of each form of atma? No, mayhap...twenty? Fifty? Surely materia composed of fifty pieces would be sufficient."
I'm out. They know and mock us.